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1、15春大学英语作作业系统-15春大学英语作业215春大学英语作业2, baiyingjianyn1未做完作业单击,下次可以继续做作业; 2做完作业后,单击则作业被提交给教师,提交后作业将无法进行修改,请慎重操作。 3单击可以对未提交的作业进行客观题成绩预算。 题号:1 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to _ it to anyone else.选项:a、mentionb、talkc、speechd、announce题号:2 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Joh

2、n seems a nice person, _ I dont trust him.选项:a、Even though b、 Even so c、 Therefore d、 Though题号:3 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:You have nothing to _ by refusing to listen to our advice.选项:a、gain b、 grasp c、 seize d、 earn题号:4 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:You dont have to be in such a hurry, I would rather you _ on business fir

3、st.选项:a、would go b、 will go c、 went d、 have gone题号:5 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:I dont think it advisable that Tim _ to the job since he has no experience.选项:a、is assigned b、 will be assigned c、 be assigned d、 has been assigned题号:6 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Frequently single-parent children _ some of the functions that

4、the absent adult in the house would have served. 选项:a、take off b、 take after c、 take in d、 take on题号:7 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.选项:a、set about b、 set down c、 set out d、 set up题号:8 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:The man in the corner c

5、onfessed to _ a lie to the manager of the company.选项:a、have told b、 be told c、 being told d、 having told题号:9 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:He will agree to do what you require _ him.选项:a、of b、 from c、 to d、 for题号:10 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:The mere fact _ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean tha

6、t it will not occur.选项:a、what b、 which c、 that d、 why题号:11 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:He gives people the impression _ all his life broad.选项:a、of having spent b、 to have spent c、 of being spent d、 to spend题号:12 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:All things _, the planned trip will have to be called off.选项:a、considered b、 be cons

7、idered c、 considering d、 having considered题号:13 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:_ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.选项:a、For b、 Now c、 Since d、 Despite题号:14 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he _ himself.选项:a、injure b、 had injured c、 injured d、

8、would injure题号:15 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, _ would be getting sick.选项:a、a lot of more us b、 more a lot of us c、 a lot of us more d、 a lot more of us 题号:16 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Would you like something _?选项:a、drinkb、to drinkc、drinkingd、for drinking题号:17 题型:单选题 本

9、题分数:4内容:Henry is often seen _ English aloud every morning in the classroom.选项:a、readb、readsc、readingd、to read题号:18 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:He hoped the firm would _ him to the Paris branch.选项:a、exchange b、 transmit c、 transfer d、 remove题号:19 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Since this road is wet and slippery this morning,

10、it _ last night.选项:a、must rainb、was rainingc、must have rainedd、may rain题号:20 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Since the matter was extremely _ , we dealt with it immediately.选项:a、tough b、 tense c、 urgent d、 instant题号:21 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:In addition to rice, we need to _ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.选项:a、sup

11、plementb、replacec、addd、eat题号:22 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:The car _ halfway for no reason.选项:a、broke off b、 broke down c、 broke up d、 broke out题号:23 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:Id rather you _ make any comment on the issue for the time being.选项:a、dont b、 wouldnt c、 didnt d、 shouldnt题号:24 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.选项:a、coveringb、coveredc、coverd、to cover题号:25 题型:单选题 本题分数:4内容:_their differences,the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other.选项:a、But for b、 For all c、 Above all d、 Except for


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