5B M1U1 What a mess!.docx

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1、5B M1U1 What a mess!5B Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 What a mess! 教时安排: 1 period 2nd period 3 period 4th period 5th period rdstlook and learn Look and say Think and write Say and act Read a story Listen and enjoy Learn the sounds The first period 教学内容: 认知内容: 1. 单词: notebook paints crayon scho

2、ol bag tape glue brush 能力要求:1.掌握学习用品类名词。 情感态度: 通过各种语言活动,培养学生语言的表达能力。 教学过程: Procedures Contents Pre-task preparation Ask and answer Chant Methods and have the students listen, follow and chant together. Purpose 堂营造轻松的氛围。 Say the chant “Whose puppy is this?” 快乐的儿歌为课Collect some stationery items from t

3、he students. Then ask and answer: -Whose -is this? Is it your -? -Yes, its my -. While-task procedure Look and learn 1. Point to objects in the classroom 通过实物引出新and have the students name them. 单词,让学生对单Then ask them to repeat and spell 词的音、形、意 能the words school bag, brush, glue, 在第一时间领会。 paints, cra

4、yon, notebook and tape one by one after me. 2. Flash the cards for the words in “Look and learn” on P.3. Have the students identify the objects. Then ask them to write the words down as fast as they can. 3. Write some possessive pronouns such as my, your, his, her, our and 学生通过听说训their on the blackb

5、oard. Have the 练,以及相互间的students sat the chant together. 合作学习,能灵活Then have the students point to 运用所学的知识。 the objects on their desks and make a new chant in groups of four. 4. Play a matching game. Put the pictures of different stationery 游戏活动激发学生的学习兴趣,避items and different people on the 免了语言复习巩blackb

6、oard. Then say the 固的枯燥性。 following sentences and ask the students to match the pictures of the people on the things belonging to them. Post-task activities Make a dialogue Divide the students into groups of four. 学生小组合作学Have the students make a new 习,让学生能学以 dialogue talking about the objects 致用,从而培

7、养学belonging to them in groups. Speaking and writing 生的语言表述能力。 Ask the students to describe their classroom. Next write the sentences on the blackboard. Then have the students fill in the blanks with some nouns they have learnt in their school bag. Copy the new words. Assignment The second period 教学内

8、容: 认知内容: 1. Wh-questions: Whose-? Its/Theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. 2. Using the possessive nouns to identify the possession of objects. 能力要求: 学会用所学的句型进行问答。 情感态度: 通过相互对话, 培养学生之间相互交流的能力。 教学过程: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Ask and answer Have the students answer the 听听说说猜猜,活跃

9、preparation questions about the objects belonging 课堂气氛,激发学生 to them. 学习的兴趣,为后面的学习做铺垫。 Listen and enjoy Play the recording for “Listen and enjoy” on P.5 and have the students listen and repeat after it. While-task procedure Look and say 1. Write the key patterns Whose-? Ask and answer and Its/Theyre

10、1. Invite four students to come to the 学生自主学习,通过front. Put their books as well as mine on my desk. Then have the 语言的问答,发现问题,解决问题。 students look at the five books and find out my book by asking and answering some questions. 通过学生的互动,学mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. On 生与学生之间的互the blackboard. Ask the

11、students to 动, 培养学生自主学习的能力。 repeat them. Then collect some objects from the students and ask them to identify the owner of each object. Then have the students ask and answer questions in groups of boys and girls according to the given words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs. 2. have the studen

12、ts look at the picture for ”Look and say” on P.2 and listen to the recording. Then ask them some questions to check their understanding. 3. Play the recording again and have the students repeat after the recording. Then have them role-play the dialogue in pairs. 鼓励学生表演对话,给学生展示的舞台。 Finally invite sev

13、eral pairs to role-play it in front of the class. Post-task Make a dialogue 1. Divide the students into groups of 通过自己画画说说,activity four. Give each group a picture of a 激发学生的学习兴 messy classroom. Have the 趣,培养学生保持环students discuss how to tide up the 境整洁的良好习惯。 classroom. Then ask them to make a dialog

14、ue about it and also ask Play a game them to draw pictures by themselves and then make dialogues. Finally invite some groups to act out their dialogues in front of the class. 1. Invite some students to introduce some things that belong to them one by one. 2. Collect the things from them and play a g

15、uessing game with the class. Put the objects together and ask the students to say whose they are. Assignment 1. Copy the new words and the text. 2. Listen and read “Look and say” after the tape. The third period 教学内容: 认知内容: 1. Using wh-questions to ask about the possessions of the objects. 2. Using

16、possessive pronouns to identify the possession of objects. 能力要求: 学会表述物品的归属。 情感态度: 通过学习, 培养学生之间相互交流的能力,同时让学生养成保持清洁的环境的良好生活习惯。 教学过程: Procedures Contents Pre-task Listen and preparation answer Methods Purpose Play the recording for “Listen and enjoy” on P.5. Answer the questions below to 学生自编儿歌相互review

17、 the patterns. 交流,活跃课堂气Ask the students some questions about 氛,激发学生学习Make a chant the objects in the classroom and make a 的兴趣,为后面的new chant. 学习做铺垫。 While-task Say and act procedure 1. Have the students listen to the recording for “Say and act” on P.4 通过听读, 加强对and ask them some questions to 文本的阅读理解能c

18、heck their understanding. 2. Have the students to listen to the 力, 学以致用,增recording for “Say and act” on P.4. 强学生学习自信Then write several questions about 心。 the dialogue on the blackboard and have the students read and choose the correct answer. 3. Play the recording for “Say and act” again and have th

19、e students repeat after the recording. Then ask them to role-play the dialogue in groups of three. 4. Do Part C on P.3 of the Workbook. Then check the answers with them. Post-task Make a activity dialogue Exercises Assignment Have the students make a dialogue about tidying up a room in groups of 通过角

20、色扮演,拓宽学生语言运用的four. Have one students act as Mum and 渠道,从而培养学three students act as the children. Ask 生养成保持整洁的them to use the words and sentence 环境的良好习惯。 patterns they have learnt previously. Then invite some groups to role-play the dialogue in front of the class. Have the students do Part F on P.4 of

21、 the Workbook. Then check the answers with them. 1. Copy the text. 2. Role-play the text in groups. The fourth period 教学内容: 认知内容: Using possessive pronouns to identify the possession of the objects. 能力要求: 学会用所学的句型进行表述物品的所属, 培养学生的语言表达能力。 情感态度: 通过学习, 培养学生之间相互交流的能力,同时让学生养成保持清洁的环境的良好生活习惯。 教学过程: Procedur

22、es Contents Pre-task Review the preparation words Methods 1. Help the students review the key the chant. 2. Collecting some things from the students. Then play a game with them. Pick one or two items at a time and ask the students questions to find out the owners. While-task procedure Read a story 1

23、. Have the students read the story on P.6 and 7 and do the exercises on P.7. Then check the answers with them. Have the students repeat the words and phrases such as in his 鼓励学生主动阅读文本,培养学生自主学习的能力。 Purpose 运用真实场所,给调动学生学习语言的积极性。 words and possessive pronouns with 学生真实的语境,fathers workshop, fall onto, a

24、 magic stone and stick to after me. 2. Play the recording for “Read a story” on P.6 and 7 and have the students repeat after it. Then have the students judge whether the following statements are true or false. Check the answers with the students and encourage them to give a correct statement if a st

25、atement is false. 3. Divide the students into groups of four. 鼓励学生主动阅Give each group some pieces of 读文本,提高学生paper. On each piece of paper there is 的阅读理解能力。 a sentence from the story. Ask the students to put the sentences in the correct order. 4. Have the students fill in the blanks to complete the f

26、ollowing summary of the story. Then encourage them to retell the story. Post-task activity Play a game Read and write Do Part H on P.6 of the Workbook. Then check the answers with them. Play the game “Find the owner”. Invite one 提高学student to come to the front and face the 通过游戏,blackboard. Make sure

27、 that he/she cannot 生学习语言的兴see the class. Borrow something such as 趣。 a pencil from another student. Then give it to the student in the front and ask him/her to tuen around and find out the owner of the thing by asking questions. Assignment Listen and read “A magic stone” The fifth period 教学内容: 认知内容

28、: 1. Using modeled sentences to talk about the possession of the objects. 2. Identifying the pronunciation of the sounds /ei/ and /ai/ in words. 能力要求: 学会用所学的句型进行表述, 培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力。 情感态度: 通过学生的表达,增加学生语言的信息量,能用所学的语言连贯地表述物品的所属,增强学生运用语言解决生活中实际问题的能力。 教学过程: Procedures Contents Pre-task Listen and prepara

29、tion enjoy Methods Purpose Have the students listen to the recording 学生合作自编和表for “Listen and enjoy”. Then have them 演儿歌,激发学生say the chant in two groups. Ask one 的学习兴趣。 group to read the questions and other group to read the answers. Then have the students replace the nouns in the chant with other wo

30、rds and make a new chant. Look and say Take objects from the students. Ask questions to elicit the possessive pronouns from the students. While-task Think and procedure write Make a dialogue Learn the sounds Have the students look at the pictures for “Think and write” on P.3 and ask them some questi

31、ons. After that put the wall picture on the blackboard and have the students ask and answer questions in pairs. Divide the students into groups of four to 通过学生间的小组six. Have each group collect objects from the members. Then ask them to 活动,增强语言的实际运用能力。 make a dialogue about the objects. Finally, invit

32、e several groups to act out their dialogues in front of the class. 1. Show the phonetic symbol cards for the sounds /ei/and /ai/. Read the words in “Learn the sounds” on P.5. Ask the students to repeat after the tape until they can pronounce the sounds correctly. 2. Listen and circle. Post-task Exercises activity 1. Do Part G on P.5 of the Workbook. Then check the answers with them. 2. Do Task “Tidy up the classroom” on 通过小组合作的方式活跃课堂气氛,P.7 of the Workbook in groups. 拓宽了语言运用的渠道,从而鼓励学生进一步养成保持整洁的环境的良好习惯。 Assignment 1.Writing :My classroom 2.Read “Learn the sounds.”


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