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1、52定语从句完成句子专项训练配套练习100题1 定语从句完成句子专练 1. I will never forget the day _. (meet) 我永远不会忘记我第一次遇见他的那天。 2. I have many friends, _ .(businessman) 我有很多朋友,他们中有些是商人。 3. I will never forget the days _last summer. (spend)我永远不会忘记去年夏天我们一起度过的日子。 4. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods , _people are

2、 still suffering now. (effect)上个月,东南亚部分地区遭受了洪水,人们现在还在遭受洪水的影响。 5. He was educated at a local grammar school, _.(go)他在当地的一个学校接受教育,在此之后他出国了。 6. She lived in the house _.(break) 她住在一个窗户破了的房子里。 7. All_ has been done. (do) 所有该做的已经做了。 8. Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest whe

3、n they remembered the scene _ by the tiger. (eat)很多看过这个电影的人,当想起人们被老虎吃掉,都不敢去那个森林里。 9. The days are gone _together. (play)我们一起学习和玩耍的日子一去不复返了。 10. Media can help solve problems and draw attention to situations _.(need) 媒体可以帮助解决问题,把人们的注意力吸引到需要帮助的地方。 11. Last week our teacher set so difficult a problem _

4、.(work) 上个星期我们的老师出了如此难的一个问题,我们没有一个人解答的出来。 12. There are moments in life _ that you just want to pick him up from dreams and hug him for real. (miss)生命中有些时刻,你如此想念一个人以至于你总是对其魂牵梦绕,拥其入怀。 13. He talked about things and persons _ in the school. (remember)他谈论了他们记得的在学校里的人和事。 14. The Gate of Fortune, _visito

5、rs can enjoy a wonderful sea view, will attract lots of tourists. (top)幸运之门吸引了很多游客,从它的顶上游客可以欣赏美丽的海景。 15. Life is like a long race _to go beyond ourselves. (compete)生命是个漫长的赛跑,在赛跑中我们彼此竞争超越自我。 16. The scientist _ went to France last year. (work)我父亲和他一起工作过的那个科学家去年去了法国。 17. What surprised me most was not

6、 what he said but _it. (say) 让我最惊讶的不是他说了什么,而是他说话的方式。 18. He was the one of the students _ take part in the activity. (invite) 他是唯一一个受到邀请参加这个活动的学生。 19. Dont introduce the kids to read such books _. (understand) 不要推荐孩子们去懂那些他们不懂的书。 20. It was on the day _that he got to know his best friend. (go) 是在他去上大

7、学的那天我认识了他的好朋友。 21. The doctor advised her strongly that she should take a holiday, but _.(help) 这个医生强烈建议她去休假,但是这不起作用。 22. My family climbed up the hill, _ we had a picnic. (top) 我们一家人爬上了山顶,在山顶上我们一起野餐。 23. The part _ in the film was wonderful. (play)他在这个电影中扮演的角色很出色。 24. The old man lived in a house,

8、_a tree. 这个老人住在一个房前有个大树的房子。 25. My sisters, _,came to see me last night. (show)我的姐妹们,她们的照片我给你看过,昨晚来看我了。 26. Joan , in _,has just recovered from his operation and will come back to work soon. 1 2 (pride)我们为之自豪的John,已经从手术中恢复,将很快回来工作。 27. The hospital_ that university is famous all over the country. (a

9、ttach) 附属于那所大学的那个医院全国闻名。 28. The students _ are from families with different backgrounds. (strict) 他严格要求的学生来自于不同背景的家庭。 29. Those _the forest should be punished.(set)那些纵火的人应该受到惩罚。 30. His younger sister teaches in a secondary school, in front of _a small river. 他的小妹妹在一个初中教学,小学前面流淌着一条小河。 31. The man _

10、stealing the car said he was innocent. (charge) 被指控偷车的那个男人说他是无辜的。 32. The house _a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much. (pay) 他为之付了一大笔钱的那个房子,现在已经市值两倍了。 33. It was this train station _of his money . (rob)在这个火车站他的钱被抢了。 34. See the building there? The children here have access to bo

11、oks, magazines and other things _. 看到那个建筑?现在这里的孩子们能够接触到值得读的书,杂志和其他东西。 35. Willie has complained to the sales managers about the PC he bought _ for no reason yesterday. (explode)Willie刚刚想经理投诉了他买的电脑,电脑的屏幕昨天无缘无故的爆炸了。 36. It is widely accepted that children _being given will since childhood become spoil

12、ed. (use)普遍认为,从小习惯了被给予的孩子们会被娇惯。 37. Music is a universal language, _for Jay Chou to be popular in America. (possible)音乐是个通用的语言,音乐使周杰伦在美国变得受欢迎成为可能。 38. Think of the progress_ in Math, she will call up the strict but kind teacher. (make)想到在数学上她已经取得的进步,她就会回忆起这个严厉但是善良的老师。 39. What if we meet a situation

13、 _?如果我们遇到一个我们不能处理的情况怎么办? 40. All_ is wait. (remain)所有剩下要我做的就是等待。 41. I think you should find out the point _.(lie)我认为你应该发现你问题所在的地方。 42. It doesnt matter who you are or where you are from. The only thing _ is to put you heart into it and try your best. (matter)你的身份和你的背景都不重要,重要的是你全心投入,竭力尝试。 43. I am s

14、orry but it is the only measure _before the doctor comes. (take) 我很遗憾,在医生来之前,这是我唯一可以采取的措施。 44. He is a person_ than anything else. (value)他是一个重友谊胜过其他一切的人。 45. Youd better make a mark_.(problem)你最好在有问题的地方做一个标记。 46. The old couple would like to live in a place_ all kinds of noise and pollution. (free)

15、 这对老夫妇想住在一个没有各种噪音和污染的地方。 47. The goods_ are seasonal goods, so it will be better to ship them all at once. 我们订购的商品时时令货物,所以最好马上海运。 48. Generally speaking, teachers like those _.(active)一般来说,老师喜欢在课堂上积极的那些学生们。 49. Stressful environments lead to some unhealthy behavior such as a poor eating habits, _the

16、 risk of heart disease. (add)压抑的环境导致不利于健康的举止,比如糟糕的饮食习惯,这将增加心脏病的风险。 50. China has hundreds of islands, _ is Hainan. (large)中国有几百给岛屿,其中第二大的是海南岛。 2 3 51. _in my last letter, we can make our dreams come true by working hard. (mention) 正如上个信里我提到的,我们可以努力让我们的梦想成真。 52. -Can those _ of the classroom hear me

17、clearly? -No problem. (seat) 坐在教室后面的能听清楚吗?没问题。 53. June 1st is Childrens Day, _and go to their neighbors houses to ask for sweets. (dress) .六一是儿童节,那天他们可以穿上盛装,去邻居家索要糖果。 54. Many girls go on a diet or take weight-loss pills to keep slim, _ to their health. (do) 许多女孩进行节食或者服用减肥药片来保持身材苗条,这对他们的健康造成巨大伤害。 5

18、5. The country has already got into the situation _its economy without making major changes. (further). 这个国家已经进入不作出重大改变它就不能继续发展经济的境地。 56. My teacher is always generous with his time in helping us, for _. .我的老师总是慷慨的帮助我们,对此我很感激。 57. Some experts recommended signs and posters be put up in areas _. (all

19、ow) 一些专家建议指示牌和海报放在不允许抽烟的地方。 58. The farming game is the one _ where some people grow vegetables and fruit on the internet. (amusement) .农场游戏是为了消遣而设计的一款游戏,通过它人们在网络上种植蔬菜和水果。 59. Was it in the Hilton Hotel _that you held your birthday party? (locate) 你是在公园附近的希尔顿酒店举行的生日聚会吗? 60. She lived in London for t

20、hree months, _some English. (pick) 她住在伦敦三个月,在此期间她学会了一些英语。 61. There are two small rooms in the beach house, _a kitchen. (serve) 海边的房子有两个小房间,其中较小的那个用作厨房。 62. He made another wonderful discovery, which I thought _to science. (significance)他做出另外一个重大发现,我认为对科学有重大意义。 63. _ in the newspaper, the talk betwe

21、en the two countries are making progress. (report) 正如新闻所报道的那样,两国的谈话正取得进步。 64. He studied hard and became a well-known writer, _. (expect) 他努力学习成为一个有名的作家,这正是他父亲所期望的。 65. While I studied in England, it was Johnson, who was very kind, _with my English. (offer)当我在英格兰留学,是善良的Johnson主动在英语上帮助我的 66. With the

22、 development of agriculture, the people _, have lived a happy life now. (teach)随着农业的发展,我在他们村子里教过书的那些人们现在过上了幸福的生活。 67. _, the moon travels round the earth. (know)众所周知,月亮围绕地球转 68. Its the third time _ this month. (arrive)这是第三次你这个月来晚了。 69. He often helps the students _studying English. (difficulty) 他经常

23、帮助在学习英语上他认为有困难的学生们。 70. Mr. Crossett will never forget the days _. (spend) Mr. Crossett永远不会忘记他和学生们共同度过的那些日子. 71. Is that the reason _ the proposal? (favor)是这个原因你支持这个提议吗? 72. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _. (turn) 在黑暗的街上,没有一个人她能够求助。 3 4 73. He has two sons, _. (work)他有两个儿子,两个儿子都是老师

24、。 74. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _. (reasonable)最近我买了一个中国古代花瓶,它的价格很合理。 75. English grammar is not a set of dead rules, _. (point)英语语法不是一套死的规则,这一点已经指出。 76. I dont like the way _. (speak)我不喜欢你对我说话的方式。 77. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, _. (sell) 这个工厂每年生产

25、五十双鞋子,其中80%的鞋子销往海外。 78. He paid the boy $ 10 for washing ten windows, _ for at least a year. (clean)他付给这个小男孩10元洗窗户,多数窗户至少一年没有擦洗。 79. The wrong youve done him is terrible, for _. (make)你对他太糟糕了,因此你应该向他道歉。 80. He is a man of great experience, _a lot . (learn)他是一个富有经验的人,从他那里我能学到很多。 81. Grammar, _, still

26、 does not draw many students attention. (attach)老师们认为很重要的语法,仍然没有引起学生的注意。 82. He has got himself into a dangerous situation _ over the plane. (likely)他使自己处于一个危险的境地,他有可能对这个飞机失去控制。 83. Today, we are going to discuss a number of cases _ properly. (fail) 今天,我们将会讨论一些案例,在这些例子中初学者不会合理运用英语。 84. Occasions are

27、 quite rare _with my kids. (spend) 我可以和我的孩子们度过一天的场合时很稀少的。 85. John, _, has started a new company with his friends. (for) John,钱对他来说不成问题,已经和朋友一起开了个公司。 86. After graduation, she reached a point in her career _ what to do. (decide) 在毕业后,她事业已经达到这样一个地步,她不得不决定下一步做什么。 87. The United States is made up of 50

28、 states, _ the others by the Pacific Ocean. (separate)美国有50个州构成,其中有一个州和其他州被太平洋隔开。 88. _, many students know a lot of English words but cannot use then properly. (case)情况往往如此,很多学生知道很多单词,却不能正确使用。 89. Imagine you have a small garden plot, _ whatever you like. (grow) 设想你有一个小菜园,你可以在里面种植任何你喜欢的东西。 4 5 定语从句

29、完成句子 1. when I met him for the first time 2 some of whom are 3 which we spent 4 from which 5 after which he went abroad 6 which/ that was broken 7 that should be done8 in which people were eaten9 when we studied and played10 where help is needed11that none of us could work it out12 when you miss som

30、eone so much13 that they remembered14 on top of which 15 in which we compete with each other16 with whom my father worked 17 the way he spoke18 who was invited to 19 as they dont understand20 when he went to school21it didnt help22on top of which23 (which/ that) he played 24in front of which stood25

31、 whose photos I have shown you26 whom we take pride27which is attached to 28with whom he is strict29who set fire to30which flows31who was charged with32for which he paid 33that he was robbed 34which are worthy of being read35whose screen exploded36who are used to 37which makes it possible38that/whic

32、h/ she has achieved39that/ which/ we cant deal with40that is remained to be done41where your problems lie42that matters43(that ) I can take 44who value friendship more45where you have a question46 which/that is free from47that we order48who are active in class49which will add50the second largest of

33、which51As is mentioned 52who are seated at the back 53when children dress up54which does great harm 55where this country has to further56which I feel grateful57where smoking is not allowed58that is designed/intended for amusement59which is near the park60during which he picked up61the smaller of whi

34、ch62is of great significance63As is reported64which was expected by his father65who helped me66in whose village I taught67As is well known68that you have arrived late 69who have difficulty in 70which/that he spent with his students 71why you are in favor of 72that she could turn to for help 73 both

35、of whom are teachers 74 whose price is very reasonable 75as has been pointed out 76you speak to me 77 80% of which are sold abroad 78 most of which hadnt been cleaned 79which I should make an apology to him 80from whom I learnt 81to which teachers attach great importance 82where he is likely to lose control 83. where the beginner fail to use English 84. where I spend the whole day 85. for whom money is not a problem 86where he has to decide 87. one of which is separated from 88.As is often the case 89. in which you can grow 5


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