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1、6个特征表明你成熟了6个特征表明你成熟了 你是一个成熟的人吗?看下面这6个特征你是否已经具备呢?如果答案是肯定的,那么恭喜你,你已经成熟了! 1. Youve found that the drama in your life is only on television. 你知道生活不是演电视 Lets face the facts here. There are a lot of toxic, dramatic and negative people in the world. You have finally realized that you dont have time for tha

2、t and have cut them out of your life. 面对事实吧。世界上有很多做作、消极、不好的人。最终你发现你没时间搭理他们,你要把他们从你的生活中踢出去。 2.Youre relatively okay with change. 你比较赞同改变 We all have changed our minds on who we want to be, what we want to do, what we want to look like and where we want to live. Someone once said “life is not about fi

3、nding yourself, it is about creating yourself.” There is no set road map to your life. 我们都想成为那个我们想要做的自己,想做我们想做的事情,变成我们想要的样子,去我们想要去的地方生活,我们会为此改变自己的想法。有人曾说过“生活不是要发现自己,而是要塑造自己。”人生没有地图。 3. Youve finally come to terms that the world does not revolve around you. 最后发现世界并不是围着你转的 You have finally realized th

4、at the world is not under your control. Each and every individual on this earth has a life of their own to lead. More than likely, they cannot just drop whatever they are doing to assist you, just like you cant do it for anyone else. 你最终发现世界并不在你的掌控之中。每一个人都是他那个世界的主宰者。而且,他们不可能放下一切来帮助你,就像你也不能为他们放下一切一样。

5、 4. Youve noticed that family has become more important than friends. 你已经发现家庭比朋友更重要 Before, your friends were the most important thing in life. Family came in second and it was a chore hanging out with them. Now, you have a close circle of friends and many acquaintances, but you prefer to hang out w

6、ith your mom on the weekend. You actually prefer the company of your family more than your friends at times. 之前,朋友是你生活中最重要的部分。家庭排在第二,和家人一起出去玩是件苦差事。现在,虽然你有一个很密切的朋友圈,你认识许多人,但是周末的时候你更愿意和你妈妈呆在一起。比起朋友,你会更愿意陪在家人的身边。 5. Youre okay with being alone. 一个人呆着也没什么 Being alone is therapeutic for you. It does not

7、mean you are an outcast or that you hate people. It simply means that you dont need another person to keep yourself occupied or happy. 独处能够给人疗伤。独处并不意味着你被人抛弃了,也不能说明你不喜欢别人。只是说你不需要别人让你忙碌,让你快乐。 6.You have caught yourself giving out your moms advice. 你能听进去母亲的意见 We all are guilty of it: rolling our eyes during a lecture from mom. Now, you find yourself giving your friend the very same lecture over an afternoon cup of coffee. You hate to admit it, but what she said is true and now you have finally accepted it. 我们都很内疚:在母亲教我们经验的时候对她翻白眼。现在你发现你下午茶的时候给朋友的意见和以前母亲给你的一样。虽然不喜欢承认,但是她说的很有道理,现在你已经接受了。


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