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1、8上+期末复习综合测试8A 期末复习综合测试二 Class: Name: Marks: 一. 单项选择 ( )1. Look! Whos boy over there? Oh, he is my friend, Bob. He is honest boy. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; an D. a; an ( )2. As we all know, always follows lightning. Thats because light travells faster than sound. A. wind B. cloud C. storm D. thunde

2、r ( )3. How do you like the film Breakup Buddies ? 心花路放 . It is far from a good film for teenagers. A. Wonderful B. Awful C. Interesting D. Amazing ( )4. Mr Smith, would you please speak a little more ? Sorry! I thought you would follow me. A. slowly B. politely C. seriously D. clearly ( )5. People

3、in Hong Kong seldom have days even in winter. Hong Kong is really a warm city. A. snowy B. rainy C. coudy D. foggy ( )6. Are you going to Tibet for vacation? Yes. I want you to me with some information about it. A. accept B. give C. show D. provide ( )7. Will we have a colder or warmer day tomorrow?

4、 A much colder day. The temperature will a lot. A. rise B. drop C. stay D. raise ( )8. Wolves have good team work. They usually work a team when they hunt. A. about B. As C. for D. in ( )9. there is no buying, there will be no killing. So people should stop buying clothes made of fur. A. Because B.

5、While C. If D. Since ( )10. While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish out of the water. A. jumps B. to jump C. jumping D. are jumping ( )11. Did you go to the cinema yesterday? No. I planned there in the evening, but my uncle dropped in. A. going B. to go C. went D. to going ( )12. All vil

6、lagers were sleeping in their houses the mudslide (泥石流) hit the village. A. when B. while C. after D. since ( )13. Why didnt you play with us this afternoon? I at the station for my cousin from Beijing. A. was waiting B. have waited C. am waiting D. will wait ( )14. What happened? Why were you late

7、this morning? I am sorry. But my car halfway. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke off D. broke away ( )15. Its my turn to speak. I am afraid I cant do it well. first and believe in yourself! Im sure youll make it. A. Be quick B. Thats right C. Calm down D. Never mind 二. 完形填空 Spring is a favourite sea

8、son for many people. And it is certainly easy to understand 16 this is so. Spring is the time when the earth comes back to life after a 17 cold winter. In spring, flowers begin to bloom (开花) and the green world begins to 18 . Spring is also a(n) 19 season for many hobbies like gardening. For gardene

9、rs, 20 is one of the most wonderful times in the garden. Spring is the time when many beautiful flowers begin to 21 and bloom. So spring is one of the most beautiful 22 for gardeners. For outdoor sports lovers, the coming of the spring season is 23 . For fishermen, spring 24 the coming of the trout

10、(鳟鱼) season. And of course, spring is also the opening of the baseball season, a great time 25 both players and their fans. ( )16. A. how B. when C. why D. which ( )17. A. short B. long C. same D. different ( )18. A. happen B. complete C. change D. return ( )19. A. fun B. bored C. bad D. important (

11、 )20. A. winter B. spring C. summer D. autumn ( )21. A. grow B. eat C. drink D. sleep ( )22. A. holidays B. subjects C. seasons D. festivals ( )23. A. terrible B. comfortable C. busy D. exciting ( )24. A. enjoys B. means C. picks D. takes ( )25. A. for B. with C. of D. by 三. 阅读理解 A One rainy morning

12、, my phone woke me up. It was one of my friends number. But the caller was a taxi driver. Clearly, my friend had left the phone in the taxi the night before. The driver called some numbers in the phone and I was the first one to answer his call. A rainy morning for taxi drivers in this big city is a

13、 very busy time. He asked me where he could meet me to give me the mobile phone. I told him my address and quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed. When I arrived, the driver was waiting for me already. I thanked him and praised (称赞) him for having such a kind heart. Also, I was so happy for my fr

14、iend. He just moved to this city a few weeks ago. I knew how important his mobile phone was to him! I asked the taxi driver for his name, so my friend himself could thank him. He said my praise and thanks were all that he needed. Then he drove off. I emailed my friend telling him I had his phone. He

15、aring the whole story, my friend was thankful and said kindness was really everywhere in this world. ( )26. What was the writer doing when he got the call from the taxi driver? A. Studying. B. Sleeping. C. Exercising. D. Working. ( )27. When did the writers friend lose his phone? A. In the morning.

16、B. In the afternoon. C. At noon. D. At night. ( )28. Why did the driver call the writer? A. Because he wanted to visit the writer. B. Because he guessed the phone was the writers. C. Because he believed the writer would send something to him. D. Because he thought the writer knew the owner of the lo

17、st phone. ( )29. was new to this city. A. The writers friend B. The drivers friend C. The writer D. The driver ( )30. We can learn from the passage that . A. the writer was the first one the driver called B. taxi drivers are free on rainy days in this city C. the writer praised and thanked the drive

18、r D. the driver told the writer his name at last B Doctors saved a giant panda from Beijing Zoo by a transfusion of blood (输血) from two black bears. Yong Liang, two years old, is the first giant panda raised from birth in the zoo. Last month zoo keepers found the panda caught serious anemia (贫血症). H

19、e was badly in need of a blood transfusion. The best way to save Yong Liang from anemia was to transfuse blood from another panda. But it was the breeding (繁殖) season for giant pandas, making a transfusion very difficult. However, the zoo found that there is a close consanguinity (血缘) between giant

20、pandas and black bears, so they decided to try to take blood from black bears in the zoo and transfuse it to Yong Liang. With the help of hospitals and the Beijing Blood Donor Station, they made an experiment to see if the red blood cell (细胞) in the blood of black bears was safe for a panda. Luckily

21、, it was quite safe. On the afternoon of February 15th, doctors gave the first transfusion of 600ml of black bear blood to the giant panda. At once the young panda started to get better. ( )31. The report tells us that Yong Liang . A. came to Beijing Zoo from another zoo B. grew up in Beijing Zoo C.

22、 was a friend of a black bear D. was old and weak ( )32. The word “experiment” may mean in Chinese. A. 实验 B. 手术 C. 疾病 D. 护理 ( )33. Which of the following is NOT true according to the report? A. There were no other pandas in the zoo. B. The 2-year-old panda got better after the blood transfusion. C.

23、The blood of black bears is safe for a panda. D. The transfusion was a very successful one. ( )34. They decided to try another way instead of the best way to save the panda because . A. it was the breeding season for the panda, Yong Liang B. other pandas were producing (生育) young at that time C. it

24、was difficult to find other pandas D. blood of pandas was too expensive ( )35. The best title of the article should be . A. Bear Blood Saves Panda B. A Good Transfusion C. Protecting Giant Pandas D. Yong LiangA Giant Panda 四. 填空 A. 根据所给汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。 36. In China, when people meet you for the first

25、time, they always (握) hands with you warmly. 37. Would you please (描述) how the accident happened? 38. The local (*) takes action to call on people to plant trees. 39. My (牙疼) really brings me much trouble these days. 40. How (瞌睡) I am! I need a good rest right now. B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 41. What a (fog)

26、day it is today! I dont think it a good day for jogging. 42. You need to tell us (clear) what you think when having a debate (辩论). 43. Is Toms report OK now? I have no idea. He (write) it this morning. 44. We should do everything we can (prevent) the endangered animals from dying out. 45. I love pla

27、ying that online game. I dont think you can find a (excited) game. C. 阅读下面的对话,选用合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。 in order to, wash away, right away, thousands of, a bit Andy: Do you know the flood in Anns hometown this summer? Wendy: Yes. The flood (46) many houses. Andy: Thats terrible. (47) people lost their home

28、s. Now they have to live in board houses. Wendy: Really? The board houses arent warm enough in winter. Andy: Thats true. (48) help the people keep warm in winter, we now call on people to donate their clothes and quilts (被子). Wendy: I will donate my down jacket (羽绒服). I will go home to get it (49) .

29、 Andy: No hurry. Youre really a kind and helpful girl. Wendy: Thanks. I just think that if everyone gives (50) of love, the world will be much better. 五. 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。 (每小题2分,共10分) 51. 狮子一出现,小动物立刻朝四面八方奔逃。 When the lion appeared, the small animals at once. 52. 当我们走出电影院时,正在下大雪。 It when we walked

30、 out of the cinema. 53. *应该鼓励更多人行动起来保护野生动物。 The government should to protect wildlife. 54. 为了能够找到更多的生存空间,这些动物不得不迁徙很远的路。 , these animals have to travel a long way. 55. 如果人们继续猎杀鲨鱼(shark),也许很快地球上将一只鲨鱼都不剩。 If people keep hunting sharks, soon there on the earth. 六. 任务型阅读 A. 阅读下面的材料,回答后面的问题。 How can you b

31、ecome a superhero? You dont have to be able to fly or have super-human strength (力量). In her new book, Danika Gordon thinks that everyone has his or her own super power (能力): to be kind and help others. Both at school and in her community, the 13-year-old girl from South Dakota is a model for helpin

32、g others. This summer, Danika wrote her first book, What Makes You a Super Hero? “There are lots of little stories in the book,” said Danika. “It tells kids that through everyday actions of being kind, helpful and thoughtful (周到的), they have the powers to be a super hero.” Gordons idea came from her

33、 own life when she was 8 years old. At that time, taller and older students bullied (欺凌) her at school. (79)But she never thought of getting revenge (复仇) or lost hope. (80)Her, power, kindness, always, mom, the, tells, her, strongest, is, ones From last year, Gordon visited a school each month to sh

34、are a 30-minute lesson with young students. She believes that when others bully students, they should get help from teachers and parents, and not think about revenge. That only makes things worse. Kindness is stronger than nastiness (卑劣的行为). Thats the power of kindness. 56. What does Danika Gordon t

35、hink is peoples super power? _ 57. Where did Danika Gordons idea come from? _ 58. What shouldnt we do when others bully us according to Gordon? _ 59. Put the underlined sentence into Chinese. _ 60. Put the underlined words in the right order to form a correct sentence. _ B. 阅读下面的短文,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填

36、空。 GIY stands for “grow it yourself” and it is about a new fashion for growing your own food. There are a lot of (61) r why growing your own food is a good idea. GIY helps reduce (减少) carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (排放物). Food in supermarkets travells a long (62) w and that produces a lot of CO2. If

37、 you grow as (63) m vegetables as you can at home, you can help save the earth. Vegetables you grow are also good for your (64) h because they have more nutrients (营养) and they are green food (65) w chemicals (化学物). Whats more, you can (66) s money by GIY. First of all, seeds (种子) are much (67) c th

38、an vegetables. And secondly, you can save more by planting the most expensive vegetables. You can give your vegetables to friends and neighbours. Being (68) g can make you more popular. Dont worry if you dont have much (69) s . To GIY, you dont even need a garden. You can use pots on your balconies.

39、 And dont worry if your place doesnt get much sun. You can plant vegetables that dont need a lot of sun to grow. Grow your own vegetables now. You will have not (70) o a healthier body but also a healthier social life. 七. 书面表达 “Bike to School Club”向同学们提出“骑车上学”的倡议,假设你是这个俱乐部的成员,请你就此倡议写一篇英语发言稿,列举骑车上学的好

40、处并提醒大家注意安全。70-80个单词,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 I think going to school by bike is good for us. 参考答案: 1-5 CDBAA 6-10 DBBCC 11-15 BAAAC 16-20 CBDDB 21-25 ACDBA 26-30 BDDAC 31-35 BAABA 36. shake 37. describe 38. government 39. toothache 40. sleepy 41. foggy 42. clearly 43. was writing 44. to prevent 45. more excit

41、ing 46. washed away 47. Thousands of 48. In order to 49. right away 50. a bit 51. ran away in all directions 52. was snowing hard/heavily 53. encourage more people to take action 54. In order to find more living space 55. may be none left 56. To be kind and (to) help others (is peoples super power).

42、 57. She got it from her own life. 58. She thinks we shouldnt think about revenge. 59. 但是她从未想过复仇,也从未失去希望。 60. Her mom tells her ones kindness is always the strongest power./Her mom tells her the strongest power is always ones kindness. 61. reasons 62. way 63. many 64. health 65. without 66. save 67.

43、 cheaper 68. green 69. space 70. only One possible version: I think going to school by bike is good for us. First of all, riding to school is a wonderful way to exercise and its good for our health. Next, its fun to ride together with friends every day. Whats more, if we ride bikes, our parents wont have to drive us to school. There will be fewer cars on the roads. Less driving helps to make our city cleaner. I hope more and more students will go to school by bike. But we must be careful while riding. Safety always comes first.


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