A2新人教七年级英语下册第九单元222d 教案.docx

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1、A2新人教七年级英语下册第九单元222d 教案Unit 9 What does he look like ? 课题 教学目标 1. Learn the vocabulary words and useful expressions. 2. Target languages: Is David tall or short?He is tall. 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? She has long hair3. Is Peter short or tall? He is short. 3. Enable the students to talk

2、about what people look like 4. Help the student learn how to listen to and talk about what people look like 教学重难点 备课组成员 1.Enable the students to talk about what people2.Help the student learn how to listen to and talk about what peope look like 张桂萍 李晓楠 张晓艳 主备人 张桂萍 上课人 二次备课备注 Step1 warming-up 1 (what

3、 does he/she look like )show PPT 2.Ask and answer about what people look like StepII. Predicted part ( Self-study) 师友先翻译短语 再造句子 1short hair _curly hair _long hair _ 2.straight hair _tall _short _ 3.medium height _thin _heavy _medium build StepIII. Learn and listen: 1.Listening (2a, 2b) (师友合作 核对答案) A

4、sk the students to read the 3 questions in activity 2a. Then ask them to listen to the conversation and write the answers on the line. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen . Play the recording a second time. This time students finish off 2a. Check the answers in pairs Is David tal

5、l or short?He is tall. 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? She has long hair3. Is Peter short or tall? He is short. 2. Work on 2b Listen again and fill in the chart 2b . Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write the answers. Check the answers in pairs. 3. Pair work Ask two students to rea

6、d the conversation in 2b to the class. 1 . Ss practice the conversation in pairs. . Then show the transcription on the big screen and practice it. . Ss practice the conversations in pairs. 3.Work on2c. Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and

7、 then draws a picture of the person. . Role-play 1. Ask Ss to look at the picture in 2d. Then Ss read the conversation in 2d and find the answers to the questions: what is Tony going to do tonight? What does David look like? Is David going to the movie tonight? 2. Ss read the conversations and try t

8、o find the answers to the questions. Check the answers: 3. Ss work in pairs and practice the conversation. ( 师友互助,确信人人会读) 4. Let some pairs role-play the conversation. StepIV. ExplanationJ(ppt) 1. He isnt tall or short.他不高也不矮。 英语中在受到否定概念限定的部分一般不用and, 而用or。这里的or相当于and not。如:I dont have any brothers o

9、r sisters 我没有兄弟姐妹。 注意这里用的是 or 而不是 and.2.He has brown hair and wears glasses. . 他的头发是棕色的而且戴着眼镜。 wear 动词, 可表示“戴着眼镜”, “蓄着 样的头发”, “穿着样的衣服”等。 wear的宾语是“衣服、鞋子、眼镜”等。 wear 表示经常性的状态。 put on表示穿的动作。、 3.look的用法 1) look like看起来象,其中like 是介词。如,He looks like his father. 2 2) 3) 4) 5) look at看。如,Look at the blackboar

10、d. look the same看起来很像。如,Lucy and Lily look the same. look for寻找.如,They are looking for the lost child. look over检查The doctor is looking over the old woman. Look up抬头看;查找 Hes looking up at the picture StepV.Practicing and judging: 当堂检测 Homework: 1. Remember the new words and expressions in this perio

11、d. 2. Role-play 2d and try to recite it after class. 3.make up a new conversation like 2d 板书设计:Unit 9 What does he look like ? Section A (2a-2d) Main sentences: Are you going to the movie tonight? Were meeting atseven, right? I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first.He has brown hair and wears glasses. Is he tall or short? He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height 教后反思 3


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