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1、BEC中级听力部分题型简介 BEC中级听力部分题型简介 一、 BEC中级听力部分简介 BEC听力部分旨在考查大家在真实的商务交际中对信息的把握与沟通能力,考试共有三个题型,填空题、多项搭配题和选择题,分别考查考生对听力材料细节、主旨及对话深层内容的获取能力,共三十道题,分值占整个BEC考试分值的25%;考试时间为大约40分钟,在考试中,所有的听力材料都会听到两遍。考试的录音材料大多数来自于真实的工作交流环境,发音以英式发音为主,也会少量涉及到美音,澳大利亚音及加拿大音等。 BEC考试涉及的话题有个人情况说明,办公室、商务环境与惯例,客户娱乐、业余时间与同事和客户的关系,旅游与会议,使用电话,健


3、如日常生活中的“吃住”一词在商务中有一个专用词“accommodation”,而不是“living and eating”,所以BEC考试也是对大家商务知识的使用和商务思维的全面考查。 二、 题型构成 级别 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 三、 内容分析 Part One Gap Filling 题目数量 题目要求 听力内容 读题时间 测试目标 12题 填空 3段对话或电话留言 每段对话15秒 考查考生准确获取和记录对话中重要细节信息的能力 题型 填空题 多项搭配题 选择题 题量 12题 10题 8题 题目序号 Question1-12 Question13-22 Question2

4、3-30 30题 总题量 例题: Conversation One (Question 1-4) l Look at the notes below. l You will hear a customer telephoning a company about a delivery. DELIVERY NOTE Customer: Planet Design Shops Order No: 300571 Address for delivery: (1)_ Instructions for driver: Parking available in (2) _ Give (3) _to cust

5、omer. Collect old (4) _from customer. RETAIL PARK LOADING AREA RECEIPT (OLD) PHOTOCOPIER Conversation One. Questions 1 to 4. Look at the form below. You will hear a customer telephoning a company about a delivery. You have 15 seconds to read through the form. You will hear the recording twice. pause

6、 Woman: Hello, A-P-T Office Equipment. Man: Hello. This is John Raymond, from Planet Design Shops. Im calling about our order for a security camera, Its being dispatched tomorrow and the driver will need delivery instructions. Woman: OK.Man: Address first - the order confirmation gave the retail par

7、k as the delivery address, but your invoice has our central branch. Woman: Oh ; Man: Thats not where we want it to be delivered. The confirmation was right. Woman: OK.Man: Now, parking. the spaces opposite the shop are for disabled drivers only, so your driver should use the loading area while he se

8、ts up the equipment. Woman: Ive got that. Man: Well have payment ready for you. Woman: Thats fine. Thanks. Ill make out a receipt for the driver to give you when he makes the delivery. Will you be paying by cheque? Man: Yes.Woman: And you have something for the driver to collect, I understand. Man:

9、Yes. Weve come to the end of the rental period on our photocopier - weve bought a new model, so the old ones to be returned. Woman: Right, the driver will call you tomorrow 本题问的是送货地址,从划线信息中可以我们可以得到两个备选答案,retail park和central branch,这种题目在考试中非常常见,我们从第一句话中是无法判断的,必须听到二选一的确认信息,所以在下一句话中,说话人选择了confirmation的

10、地址,即正确答案为retail park。 本题问的是driver的停车地址,大家一定要注意排除干扰项,不要选择disabled drivers的停车地点,可用should作为关键词定位,所以正确答案应为loading area。 本题的答案为receipt,题目比较简单,题目和原文做了一个同义词替换,把customer换成了you,但是本题要注意receipt的拼写,不要把字母p落掉。 本题可用collect作为定位词,很容易找到答案,意为让司机把旧的打印机还回去,因为公司买 with a definite time 了一个新的。 Part Two Multiple Matching 题目数

11、量 题目要求 听力内容 读题时间 测试目标 10题 多项搭配 每部分五段独白,共两部分 每部分15秒 考查考生获取听力材料的内容、主题、中心思想及说话意图的能力 例题: Section One (Questions 13-17) l You will hear five short recordings. l For each recording, decide what action the speaker is proposing. l Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. l Do not use any

12、letter more than once. l You will hear each recording twice. 13 15 16 17 14 A attracting investment B revising salaries C withdrawing a product D reviewing prices E increasing production efficiency F reducing rental costs G replacing equipment H introducing incentives E F C A H You will hear five sh

13、ort recordings. For each recording, decide what action the speaker is proposing. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear each recording twice. Thirteen Man: Weve Looked at various measures and well be making recommendations to s

14、enior management next week. We think the company should consider introducing an evening shift to maintain seventy per cent capacity on all the machines. Were also aware of the hold-ups on the packaging line, and wed like to bring in an additional machine and split the line in two. Thatll speed thing

15、s up. We did consider bonus schemes for certain categories of employee, but decided that this wouldnt have sufficient impact. pause Fourteen Woman: When we first acquired the factory premises, the rent was well within our means. But because that area of the city has developed more quickly than other

16、s, its now a prime site and the cost of retaining it has risen accordingly. In fact, we would make considerable savings by relocating to the industrial estate on the other side of town, which would improve product distribution, anyway. A second suggestion is to vacate the top floor of the building -

17、 we do have fewer staff now. pause Fifteen Man: As you know, we adopted various measures three years ago with the aim of boosting sales. We managed to increase output and cut costs by introducing new machines. We also cut our profit margins still further. But even though we were able to lower prices

18、 as a result, Im afraid we still didnt meet targets. The demand for this particular commodity just isnt there any more, so we should stop production as soon as current contracts expire. pause Sixteen Woman: I think your analysis of the situation is correct. The product is already doing very well, bu

19、t demand hasnt peaked yet, by any means. And if we want to take fun advantage of a boom, weve got to step up our promotion and have mechanisms in place to increase 本题从原文的建议句型中可以明确找到答案,应该增加夜班(night shift)来保持机器利用率,并且通过增加一台机器,来提高速度,因此,本题正确答案为E,建议是提高生产效率(production efficiency)。 本题不难听出,中心话题一直围绕着rent而来,尤其

20、是在画线句中,in fact是对大家的提醒,后面跟了一个建议,那就是更换厂址(relocating)到工业区,来减少运输成本(product distribution),大家不要被最后一句话干扰,那是一个附加信息,不应考虑在内。因此本题正确答案为F,降低租金(rental costs)。 本题的答案非常明确,在文章最后的总结句中,建议合同一到期(contracts expire),立即停止生产(stop production)。因此,本题正确答案为C,停止生产。 That means往往表示强调,是正确答案的提示词,本题通过一系列原因说明,最后提出扩大生产的解决途径,那就是需要额外的资金支持(

21、additional funding),因此本题的正确答案为A,吸引投资(attract investment)。 manufacturing capacity if necessary. And that means well need additional funding before long. 本题为同义词转换题,原文提出,为吸引员pause 工,应提高员工待遇,不涨工资(wages),而是增加Seventeen 奖金(bonus)。因此,本题正确答案为H,建议增加Man: Two or three years ago there were ten, or 奖金(introduce i

22、ncentive)。 even twenty applicants for every job we advertised, but things have changed. Unemployment in general is right down and everyones competing for workers now, especially skilled labour. If we want to get good people, and retain them, well have to offer a better package. Im not suggesting we

23、put wages up yet; I think we ought to try other things first, like one-off welcome payments, relocation allowances, and, possibly, loyalty bonuses. Part Three Multiple Choice 题目数量 题目要求 听力内容 读题时间 测试目标 8题 单项选择 一篇4分钟左右的长对话或者独白 45秒 考查考生在长对话中获取说话人说话意图、细节及观点的能力 例题: l You will hear the Purchasing Manager o

24、f a manufacturing company giving a presentation to senior management about four possible new suppliers. l For each question (23-25), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.(In the exam, there are 5 more questions like this) l You will hear each recording twice. 23 The advantage of the fi

25、rst company is A the size of the factory. B the competence of the MD. C the production capacity. 24 The speaker is concerned that the first company lacks A sufficient firm orders. B fully trained staff. C reliable distributors. 25 The speaker was initially impressed by the second company because of

26、A its relationship with employees at the mines. B its access to the raw materials needed. C the methods it designed for checking safety in the mines. C A B You will hear the Purchasing Manager of a manufacturing company giving a presentation to senior management about four possible new supplies For

27、each question 23-25,mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear each recording twice. You have forty-five seconds to read through the questions. Woman: As you know, the main supplier of our components announced suddenly last month that they were closing down shortly, leaving us

28、 in a very difficult situation. I short listed four potential replacement suppliers, and have visited them all, Ill report on each, though Ive only found one company that meets our needs entirely. Initially, I was optimistic about the first company I saw. I was given an enthusiastic welcome and gene

29、rous hospitality by the MD, but 本题问的是第一个公司的优点,在本段最后when he took me on a tour of the factory, I began 一句话中提到的实质性的优点就是有足够的机器和to have a few doubts about his commercial 生产能力能保证公司的需求。因此正确答案为C, 足expertise. The factory is enormous - a convened 够的生产能力(production capacity)。 aircraft shed, I think, almost too

30、 big to be practical. There is certainly enough machinery to produce the quantities we need, and that, of course, is vital. However, I had one main concern. The company has recently invested heavily in state-of- the-art 本题问的是对第一个公司最大的担心,从画production equipment and in a comprehensive 线句中可以听出,很多重要客户取消了

31、订单,这与Atraining programme for machine operators. But 答案不谋而合,因此A为正确答案,即缺乏稳定订I was surprised to see that half the factory 单(firm orders)。 wasnt in use because several important customers had cancelled orders. I was reassured that orders are dispatched quickly, and delivery times are impressive, and dis

32、tribution isnt a problem - but Id need to inspect their products more closely to see if the qualitys what we require. The second company looked promising too, because they are based in the region that produces the natural resources to make our components. Everything needed for their activities is av

33、ailable on their doorstep. They have a good working relationship with the local mine owners, who are known to have good safety records. During my visit, the company went into great detail about the quality inspections carried out on the material before it leaves the mines. 本题问的是第二个公司给人的第一印象,从本句中可以看出,第二个公司所在地资源丰富,可以足不出户获得所有材料。所以,本题正确答案为B,即可以轻松获得各种原材料(raw material)。


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