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1、Bingo教你说美语Bingo教你说美语:6分钟学会魔术动词take的超多用法 1.takecare 保重 eg: -Alright, i gotta go. - Okay, take care! -我该走了。-好的,保重! 2. take care of sb. 照顾某人 eg: Dont worry, I know you are sick, but I will take care of you. 别担心,我知道你生病了,但是我会照顾你的。 3. I got it. = I can take care of it. 这件事我能搞定。 4. take it easy 淡定;别紧张 =Don

2、t take it seriously. = Dont take it personal. eg: How did your parents take it when you told them the news? 你把这个消息告诉你爸妈的时候,他们怎么接受的? 5. She(He)s taken. 名花有主 eg: Shes taken. So stay away from her. 她有男朋友了,你离远点。 6. None taken. 没事儿、没关系 eg: - No offense. - None taken. -无意冒犯。-没事儿。 7. take off 人走了、飞机飞走了、脱掉

3、eg: I gotta take off. 我得走了。 The plane takes off in 3 minutes. 飞机3分钟之后就起飞了。 Take your shoes off. 把鞋脱了。 Can I take a few days off? 我能请几天假吗? 8. take for 当做 eg: - What do you take me for? - Sorry, I took you for someone else. -你把我当什么了?-抱歉,我把你当成别人了。 9. - Take it or leave it. - Ill take it. - 买走或者放下。- 我买了

4、。 10. take 10! 休息10分钟。 Bingo教你说美语:小词大用之hit篇 打,撞 Dont hit me. 不要打我。 He was hit by a car last night. 昨晚他被车撞了。 去 I hit the gym everyday. 我每天都去健身房锻炼。 hit the bed 也可以说 hit the hay / sack 睡觉,就寝; I am gonna hit Nanjing soon. 很快我要去南京了。 hit on 勾引、勾搭 例:Are you hitting on me? 你在勾引我吗? hit it off 合得来 例:We really

5、 hit if off. 我们俩很合得来。 hit the books 去学习 hit somebody up 跟某人见面,找某人玩 Bingo教你说美语:小词大用之like篇 喜欢 例如:If you like my videos, let me know. 喜欢的事物,喜欢的东西 例如:What are your likes? 差不多 例如: I was there for like 3 years. 又如:Last night, I bought like 10 apples. 像 例如:I dont wanna be like you. 又如:He looks like you. 例如

6、 例如:I met many people last night, like Tom, Peter and blah blah. I was like. 我当时说,我当时心里在想, 例如:Tom called me last night, and I was like, What do you want? 又如:I bought her a drink, but she was like: get out. 谚语:Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。 例如:He is such a drunk, just like his father. Bingo教你说美语:小词大用

7、之got篇 got = have 例如:What do you got?= What do you have? 又如:Ah, I only got five dollars. I got it. 表示我懂了/ 我能行 / 我来我来! You got it ? 你懂了吗? You got it.= Okay! You got me (there). 你难 / 耍到我了;我在你身边。 Show me what you got. 亮出你的本事。 Give it all you got. 竭尽全力。 I got your back. 我顶你。 Bingo教你说美语:Valentines Day的洋气口

8、语 Fall in love when youre ready, not when youre lonely. 不要在寂寞的时候谈恋爱,而是自己准备好的时候再谈。 委婉表白:我好像有点喜欢你。 I kinda like you; I kinda fancy you; I kinda dig you; I kinda have a thing for you. I think I am crushing on you. I kinda have a crush on you. 委婉拒绝:我也喜欢你,但是是朋友之间的喜欢 I like you too, but not that way; or b

9、ut in a different. 甜言蜜语:爱你到永远 I will love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. Honey. Darling, I will love you till I die. I will love you till the end of my life. -Hey. Do you love me? -I did, i do and I will. 安慰别人:你会遇到合适的,只不过是时间问题 Hey. Dont worry. I am sure you will find someone soon o

10、r next year. I am sure that you will find the right person. Its just a matter of time Bingo教你说美语:grab的口语用法! 1.When an opportunity comes, you just grab it. 当机会来临时,你就要抓住。 2.grab a beer or two; grab something to drink. 一起喝两杯。 3.grab dinner with me. 和我一起吃晚饭。 4.grab something to eat; grab a bite. 找点东西吃。

11、5.grab a taxi=take a taxi 打车 Bingo教你说美语:stand的用法(1) my offer still stands 我的offer还有效; Dont stand me up this time. 这次不要放我鸽子了。 stand the noise 忍受噪音 You made my hair stand on end. 你吓死我了。 Team 1, stand by! 第一小组准备! Dont be a coward. You have to stand up to him. 不要跟懦夫一样,你一定站起来面对他。 The Statue of Liberty st

12、ands for freedom. 自由女神象征着自由精神。 Bingo教你说美语:小词大用之catch篇 1. understand 理解 I dont catch your meaning. 我没听懂你的话。 2. catch ones attention/eye 吸引注意力 Dont try to catch my attention / eye, because its not gonna work. 3. catch up (抓紧赶上进度) Hey, its been a long time. We need to catch up. Hey, weve been drinking

13、for a long time. You need to catch up. 4. catch up (叙旧) Hey, its been a long time. We need to do some catching up. 5. catch a movie 看场电影 Hey, do you wanna catch a movie with me? 6. Catch you later. 回见 Bingo教你说美语:小词大用之mind篇 (1) 你是不是疯了? Have you lost your mind? 或 Are you out of your mind? (2) bear in

14、mind that. 记住. Bear in mind that your mon is coming tomorrow. (3) slip my mind 忘了 Crap! That totally slipped my mind. (4) cross my mind 想起,记起 That plan never crossed my mind. (5) Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见心不烦。 (6) Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。 (7) Mind your own business. 别多管闲事儿。 (8) Never min

15、d. 没事。 Bingo教你说美语:小词大用之put篇 Stay put. 待在原地别动。 Stay put. Ill be right back. put 表达,陈述。 Let me put it this way. 我这么跟你说吧。 How do I put this? 我该怎么说呢? put off 推迟,推延 Im sorry. Im gonna have to put it off. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今天能完成的事就不要拖到明天。 put on 穿上 Hey, its pretty cold out

16、side. You better put on your jacket. Bingo教你说美语:脸有关的英文(1) 1. Get out of my face. 离我远点! 2. Catch my eye. 吸引我的眼球/注意力。 Youre not gonna catch my eye. Its not gonna work. 3. Keep your nose out of it. 少管闲事! Keep your nose out of this. Its none of your business. Stay out of it. 4. That food makes my mouth

17、water. 那菜让我流口水。 5. Im all ears. 洗耳恭听。 6. pimple 青春痘 He has a pizza face. 他脸上长满了痘痘。 Bingo教你说美语:小词大用之beat篇 1. beat you up 揍扁你 Im gonna beat you up! Hey. I got beaten up last night. 2. beat yourself up自责 3. Beat it! 走吧 4. beat the hell / shit / crap out of you 打死你 Im gonna beat the hell out of you. 5.

18、Beats me! 难倒我了! 6. Im so beat. 我累死啦!。 Bingo教你说美语:sleep的口语高频用法 1.catch some sleep 睡会儿觉 Im tired. Im gonna go catch some sleep. 2.Ill sleep on it. 我会好好想想的 Um, I think I need more time. Ill sleep on it. 3.sleep it off 你睡一觉就没事了 Dont worry. Youll sleep it off. 4. sleep like a log / sleep like a top Usual

19、ly, I sleep like a log. 5. sleep with sb. / sleep together Tom slept with Sarah together. Tom slept with Sarah last night. 6. Sleep tight. 睡个好觉 Im gonna go home. Good night and sleep tight! Bingo教你说美语:不屑和不在乎的表达 1. OK, you won. So what? 2. OK, youre getting married, what do I care? 3.You know what? I

20、 just couldnt care less. 4. OK, your English is better than mine. But I dont give a shit./ I dont give a crap./ I dont give a rats ass./ I dont give a fuck. 5. OK, youre in trouble, but its none of my business. 6. OK, youre leaving. But it doesnt have anything to do with me. Bingo教你说美语:give的口语高频用法(1

21、) 1. give it a shot / give it a try 试一试 Hey, just give it a shot. 2. give me a break 让我休息会/你可拉倒吧 口语中,give me = gimme I just finished my glass. Just give me a break. - I finally am dating her. - Ah, gimme a break. 3. give up on 放弃 Dont give up on me. 4. give awat 暴露,泄露 - I just got back from America.

22、 - No, youre lying. - What gave me away ? 5. give in 屈服 Dont give in to him. Bingo教你说美语:give的口语高频用法(2) 1. Ill give it my best shot. 我会尽力的。 Hey, dont worry, Ill give it my best shot. 2. You gotta give him hell. 你得给他颜色看看。 3. give me a hand 帮我一下 Hey, can you give me a hand? 4. What gives? 最近怎样? Hey, wh

23、ats up? What gives, man? 5. I dont give a damn. 我不在乎。 OK, I dont give a damn. Or I dont give a crap. Bingo教你说美语:与西方人士相处的注意点(1) Rule No.1 : Just because youve had sex doesnt mean like you are in a relationship or something. For example: I like you and you like me too. And weve had sex. But it doesnt

24、mean like we are in a relationship. It just two people hanging put together. Rule No.2 : You still need to pay for what you ordered even if its someones birthday. For example: Lets say its my birthday today, and Im the birthday boy. So Im supposed to pay for everyones food, because its me that invit

25、ed my friends to come over. But it dosnt work that way in the west. So next time, you go to your foreign friends birthday dinner. You bring your gift. You still need to pay. You go Dutch. Rule No.3 : If you go to a party where there are a lot of foreigners. Dont just sit in the corner and play with

26、your little cell phone. Its not what parties are for. You gotta minglewith people. You gotta talk to em. You gotta make new friends, get to know more people, keep talking, keep walking, keep drinking. Thats what you do. Thats what parties are for. Rule No.4 : If you got a white girlfriend or a forei

27、gn boyfriend, for example, dont be toclingy. White people, or people in the west, they dont like people who are very clingy. For example, you and your girlfriend are in a club, and shes dancing on the dancing floor. Maybe shes dancing with a guy you dont even know. Dont look at them. Dont stare at h

28、er. If she really likes you, she knows what shes doing. Shes not nonna do anything that crosses the line. So you got nothing to worry about. If she doesnt like you, whatever you do. its just gonna make everything worse. Rule No.5 : Dont share the bed with your friends. For example, I got nowhere to

29、go tonight, and I am staying at my friends apartment, like really close buddy. Im staying at his apartment. But hes only got one bed. Even if the bed is huge enough, but were not gonna share the bed. I can sleep on the floor or I can crash on his couch. But never will we share the bed. Rule No.6: If

30、 you see some foreigner you really like, he or she is really cute. Just go up and talk to him/her. They dont like people who are shy. You likeem, you go talk toem. Thats the rule. Bingo教你说美语:play的口语高频用法(1) 1. play me 玩我,耍我 You dont play me like that. Nobody plays me like that. 2. play dirty 耍阴招 I lo

31、st the game because they played dirty. 3. play. card 用招数。 - Hey, Paul. How come you were not drunk last night? - Because I played the Theres something wrong with my stomach card again. Dont play that card again. 4. play hooky 翘课/跷班 I played hooky yesterday. 5. play with fire 挑战,冒险 Dont do it. You do

32、nt wanna play with fire. Bingo教你说美语:let的口语高频用法 1. Dont let me down. 不要让我失望。 Dont worry. I wont let you down. 2. Let go of me. 放开我 Just let go of me. 3. let me out 放我出去 Mom, just let me out. 4. I cant let it out. 这事儿不能泄露出去 This is just between you and me, OK? I cant let this out. 5. Let your hair dow

33、n. 你要放松 Hey, dude. Just let your hair down. Just relax and have fun. Bingo教你说美语:run的口语高频用法(1) 1. I gotta run 我得走了/挂电话了 Hey, dude. Its pretty late. I gotta run. 2.Can I run something by you? 我能跟你说点事儿么? Hey, Paul. I gotta run something by you. 3. run into people 遇到熟人 One good thing about living in a s

34、mall city is that you run into people all the time. 4. Im running low on cash 我最近缺钱 Can I borrow some money from you? Im running a little bit low on cash. 5. Were running out of time 我们快没时间了 Hurry up. We are running out of time. Bingo教你说美语:“我不相信”的几种表达 1.我不相信 I dont believe it./Nal, I dont buy it. A:

35、 I heard that Paul is dating Sarah. B: No, I dont believe it. 2.你说真的? Really?/Seriously?/Are you sure? A: The Chinese National Soccer made it to the World Cup! B: Are you sure? 3.你开玩笑呢吧? Are you kidding?/Are you kidding me?/You gotta be kidding me. A: Mary is crying loudly outside! B: Are you kiddin

36、g? 4.不可能! No way./No shit./Are you shitting me? A: I am going to eat dinner with Mary. B: Are you shitting me? Bingo教你说美语:come的口语高频用法 1. Come on. 表示加油:Come on! You are gonna to win! 表示快一点:Hey guys, come on. 表示不相信:Oh man. Come on. Seriously? 2. Coming right up. 表示点菜马上到。 A:Hey, can I have a glass of J

37、ack and Coke? B:Sure. Coming right up. 3. Come again? 表示请再说一遍。 I am sorry. Come again? 4. See something coming. 表示预料之中。 Yeah, I saw it coming. 5. Have/Had it coming. 表示自找的。 It is not my fault. You totally had it coming. Bingo教你说美语:take的口语高频用法(2) 1. take your time. 我不急,你慢慢来 Dont worry, man. Just take

38、 your time. You can give it to me tomorrow or the day after. 2. take off. 离开,走 Im sorry, buddy. But its eight oclock. I gotta take off. 3. take it out on me. 把气撒在我身上 Hey. Dont take it out on me. Its not my fault. 4. take a hike. 一边待着去 You know what? You are so annoying. Just take a hike. 5. take a r

39、ain check. 改日再约 Im sorry, but I have a meeting tonight. Im gonna have to take a rain check. Bingo教你说美语:spot的口语高频用法(1) 1. 借钱出去 Can you spot me 20 dollars? 你能借我20块钱吗? 2. put somebody on the spot 让某人很难做人 Dont put me on the spot. 不要让我难做人啊。 3. Spot on! 说得对! A:If you want to learn oral English well, you h

40、ave to talk! B:Spot on, man. 4. 旅游景点 There are a lot of spots to see here in Shanghai. 上海有很多旅游景点。 5. 发现,认出 Tom was spotted by the cops when he was on the way to the hospital. Tom在去医院的路上被警察发现了。 Bingo教你说美语:go的口语高频用法(1) 1. 表示进展 A: Why are you not happy? B: The job interview did not go well. 2. go for 加

41、油,努力争取 Of course you can make it. Just go for it. 你当然可以成功了,努力争取吧! 3. go with 支持、赞成;搭配合适 I think I will go with plan B. 我觉得我还是选择B计划。 This T-shirt doesnt go well with my pants. 这件T恤和我的裤子不搭。 4. way to go 干得好,干得漂亮 Hey, Bingo. Good video, way to go! Bingo,视频不错,加油,干得漂亮! Bingo教你说美语:make的口语高频用法(1) 1. make i

42、t up to you 补偿你 Im sorry, but I promise you that Ill make it up to you. 2. make it 表示成功 Im sure you can make it. I have faith in you. 3. make it two 我也来一份 -Can I have a glass of Jack and Coke? -Hey, make it two please. 4. make up 化妆 I gotta go put on some make-up. Are you wearing make-up. 5. make out 男女之间的亲热 We kind of made out last night.


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