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1、Case StudyCase Study: Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System 1. To what events must the multiple listing service system respond? Create a complete event table listing the event, trigger, source, use case, response, and destination for each event. List of events and resulting use cases with expl

2、anations: 1. Event: Real estate office submits new listing. Use case: Add new listing. The event is the real estate office sending in the information after the agent signs the listing. 2. Event: Agent requests listing information. Use case: Provide listing information. This is the query facility whe

3、re the agent can get listing information that meets search criteria. 3. Event: Time to produce multiple listing book. Use case: Produce multiple listing books. This is a temporal event triggered twice a month, resulting in the multiple listing book being sent to the real estate agents. Note the “boo

4、k” does not have to be printed on paper, so this can remain a logical model. The class might debate this, though. 4.Event: Real estate office submits listing change request. Use case: Record listing change. This represents changes in the listings to correct errors, update terms such as price, and ma

5、rk the status of a listing when it is under contract, sold, or withdrawn. 5 & 6. There really should be two additional events and resulting use cases, although they were not explicitly stated in the case. When real estate offices are added or changed, the system needs to maintain real estate office

6、data. In addition, when an agent is added or needs updating, the system needs to maintain agent data. These two events/use cases could be added to the event table below. Event Table Event 1. Real estate office submits new listing 2. Agent requests listing info 3. Time to produce multiple listing boo

7、k 4. Real estate office submits listing change request Listing change request RE Office Record listing change “15th and 30th of the month” Listing query Agent Provide listing information Produce multiple listing book Listing information Multiple listing book Agent Agent Trigger New listing Source RE

8、 Office Use Case Add new listing Response Destination 2. Draw an entity relationship diagram to represent the data storage requirements for the multiple listing service system, including the attributes mentioned. Does your model include data entities for offer, buyer, and closing? If so, reconsider.

9、 Include information the multiple listing service needs to store, which might be different from information the real estate office needs to store. Data entities and attributes for ERD: This is limited to three data entities to store information on the listings and the agent and office responsible fo

10、r each listing. Buyers, sellers, and closings are not included. The data entities and attributes are: Real Estate Office Office Number Name Office Manager Name Address Phone FAX Real Estate Agent Agent Number (license number?) Name Office Phone Home Phone Email Address Cell Phone Real Estate Listing

11、 Listing Number Address Year Built Square Feet Number Bedrooms Number Baths Owner Name Owner Phone Asking Price Date Listed Date Last Updated Status Code 3. Draw a domain model class diagram that corresponds to the ERD but shows there are different types of listings that have different attributes. T

12、he description above assumes all listings are for single-family houses. What about multi-family listings or commercial property listings? The initial solution would be this: RealEstateOfficeofficeNumbernameofficeManageraddressphoneFAXRealEstateAgentagentNumbernameofficePhonehomePhonecellPhoneemailAd

13、dress10.*11.*ListinglistingNumberaddressyearBuiltnumberBedroomsnumberBathroomsownerNameownerPhoneaskingPricedateListeddateLastUpdatedstatusCodeTake attributes from Listing that apply to single-family house and put them in a subclass SingleFamilyListing. Put attributes applying to commercial listings

14、 in a subclass CommercialListing. Revised solution would be this: ListingRealEstateOfficeofficeNumbernameofficeManageraddressphoneFAXRealEstateAgentagentNumbernameofficePhonehomePhonecellPhoneemailAddresslistingNumberaddressyearBuiltownerNameownerPhoneaskingPricedateListeddateLastUpdatedstatusCode11

15、.*10.*SingleFamilyListingnumberBedroomsnumberBathroomsCommercialListingzoningnumberStucturesfireRatingoccupancyCase Study: The Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System 1. Draw a context DFD 2. Draw an event-partitioned DFD. Case Study: The Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System Refer to the

16、description of the Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System in the Chapter 5 case studies. Using the event list and ERD for that system as a starting point, develop the following object-oriented models: 1. Convert your ERD to a domain class diagram. 2. Develop a use case diagram. Add a listingReq

17、ust listinginformationPrint listing bookMLS ClerkMaintain real estateoffice informationMaintain agentinformationAgentChange listinginformation 3. Develop a fully developed use case description or an activity diagram for each use case. Solutions below develop both in pairs. Use Case Name: Scenario: T

18、riggering Event: Brief Description: Actors: Stakeholders: Add a listing Add a single listing Agent wants to add a listing to the database. Clerk in the MLS office MLS clerk Agent RE office clerk Preconditions: Real estate agent must exist. Postconditions: New listing object must exist. Flow of Activ

19、ities: Actor System 1. Enters agent information. 1.1 Verifies agent and finds and display status. 2. Enters new listing information. 2.1 Creates new listing and displays information. Exception 1.1 Agent is not found in the database. Conditions: Use Case Name: Scenario: Triggering Event: Brief Descri

20、ption: Actors: Request listing information Agent requests listing information Agent wants listing information. RE agent MLS clerk Stakeholders: Agent Preconditions: Agent must exist. Listing must exist. Postconditions: None Flow of Activities: Actor 1. Enters agent information. 2. Requests listing b

21、ased on search criteria, such as location, price range, listing agent, and so on. Exception 1.1 Agent is not found. 2.1 No listing matches are found. Conditions: System 1.1Verifies requesting agent and displays agent information. 2.1 Finds and displays listing information. Use Case Name: Scenario: T

22、riggering Event: Brief Description: Actors: Stakeholders: Print listing book Simple printing of book It is time to print listing book. MLS clerk Agents Offices Preconditions: Listing data must exist. Postconditions: None Flow of Activities: Actor 1. Enters listing print request. Enters any special s

23、election criteria. Exception None Conditions: System 1.1 Queries the database. Prints the listings. Use Case Name: Scenario: Triggering Event: Brief Description: Actors: Change listing information Update existing listing information Agent needs to change listing information. Real estate agent MLS cl

24、erk Stakeholders: Agent Office Preconditions: Agent Postconditions: Listing is changed. Flow of Activities: Actor System 1. Enters agent ID. 1.1 Verifies and displays agent information. 2. Enters listing number. 2a.1 Gets listing information. 2a. Invokes RequestListing use case. Validates agent has

25、rights to 2b. Chooses listing to update. change listing. Displays data. 3. Enters listing updates. 3.1 Updates and displays listing information. Exception 1.1 Agent is not found. Conditions: 2.1 Listing is not found. 3.1 Agent is not authorized to change listing. Use Case Name: Scenario: Triggering

26、Event: Brief Description: Actors: Stakeholders: Add/update real estate office information Add a new real estate office A new real estate office has joined the organization. MLS clerk Office manager Clerk Preconditions: None Postconditions: Real estate office exists. Flow of Activities: Actor System

27、1. Requests blank form. 1.1 Displays blank form. 2. Enters real estate office 2.1 Assigns new key. Creates a information. new RE office record. Displays 3. Checks information for accuracy. information. Exception 2.1 Duplicate of existing RE office. Conditions: Use Case Name: Scenario: Triggering Eve

28、nt: Brief Description: Actors: Stakeholders: Add/update agent information Add/update agent information Agent information needs to be updated. MLS clerk Agent Clerk Preconditions: Real estate office exists. Postconditions: Real estate agent exists. Flow of Activities: Actor System 1. Enters RE office

29、 ID. 1.1 Finds and displays real estate office information. Displays current list of agents. 2. If new agent, enters new agent 2.1 Creates agent record. information. 3. If existing agent, selects from 3.1 Displays current agent current list. information. 3a. Enters agent updates. 3a.1 Updates agent

30、information. Exception Conditions: 4. Develop a system sequence diagram for each use case. Case Study: Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System (Structured) Refer to the description of the Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System in the case studies of Chapter 5 and the DFDs you developed in t

31、he case studies for Chapter 6. Develop a structure chart for the system. Follow the steps indicated in this chapter, including any additional modules required for accessing data. Process ListingTransactionseoicCh nctionsaTraGet TransactionChoiceAdd ListingInformationUpdate ListingDisplay ListingInfo

32、rmationPrint ListingBookListMaintain OfficeRecordsilsetag DtinLisMaintain AgentRecordsNew Listing Updated Lilstinging DetasListing DetailListing DetailsilsanChsgeLilsting IDGet ListingInformationWrite ListingRecordReadListing FileGet ListingUpdatesWrite ListingRecordReadListing FileMaintain OfficeRe

33、cordsGet TransactionTypeAdd New OfficeChange OfficeDataDelete OfficeRecordGet New OfficeDataWrite OfficeRecordRead OfficeRecordGet OfficeChangesWrite OfficeRecordMaintain AgentRecordsGet TransactionTypeAdd New AgentChange AgentDataDelete AgentRecordGet New AgentDataWrite AgentRecordRead AgentRecordG

34、et AgentChangesWrite AgentRecordCase Study: The Real Estate Multiple Listing Service System In Chapter 7, you developed a use case diagram, a class diagram, and a system sequence diagram for the real estate companys use cases. Based on those solutions or others provided by your teacher, develop a fi

35、rst-cut sequence diagram for the problem domain classes. Next, add view layer and data access layer objects to the sequence diagram. Convert the domain class diagram to a design class diagram by typing in the attributes and adding method signatures. Case Study: The Real Estate Multiple Listing Servi

36、ce System 1. Develop a relational database schema in 3NF. Table Agent Listing Office Fields Number, OfficeNumber, Name, OfficePhone, HomePhone, EmailAddress, CellPhone Number, AgentNumber, Address, YearBuilt, SquareFeet, NumberOfBedrooms, NumberOfBaths, OwnerName, OwnerPhone, AskingPrice, DateListed, DateLastUpdated, StatusCode Number, Name, ManagerName, Address, Phone, FAX


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