debat should students be required to wear uniform?.docx

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《debat should students be required to wear uniform?.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《debat should students be required to wear uniform?.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、debat should students be required to wear uniform?Should schools require their students to wear a school uniform? Should schools require their students to wear a school uniform? 49% Say Yes 51% Say No Uniforms are horrible and they dont let kids express them selves. Everyone knows that kids often ex

2、press them self through clothes. Pretty much everyone I know wears different clothing and imagine if every kid in your school wore the same thing! It would be a disaster! I dont not know any schools that make kids wear uniforms and if I did, no way I would go there! So I say no to uniforms. I think

3、students should have to wear uniforms I think that they stop most bullying. If all the students look the same nobody would be left out and excluded. Also other people would see that all the students are wearing the same thing they look organized and disaplined. Everyone would be able to tell that th

4、ey belong to one place. Nobody would be left out, how could they,all of them look the same! Yes they should Hello, Im Diego, a 14 year old boy that goes to a random public school. Im interested and I know about this particular subject because I used to go to a private school. Here are my reasons why

5、 uniforms are good: 1) School uniforms save you money 2) School uniforms save you time in the mornings to get to school. 3) School uniforms prepare you for worklife in which often you must wear a uniform or follow a dress code. Nina I highly support school uniforms! Im a junior in high school now, b

6、ut back then in 7th and 8th grade I opposed it only because I didnt think it was coo? And didnt think I could express myself with clothes or show my individuality. Ive come to realize that expressing yourself with clothes is a lame excuse and you can always write poetry, write stories, sing, act, dr

7、aw, dance, or you can simply talk to your peers about your interests to truly express yourself! Also, you can always express yourself out of school, I dont know why people act like school is the only time they go out. And with uniforms, I feel like everybody could finally focus on their school work

8、and not fret on how they look. Image is illusory, actions determine who you actually are. P.s. Almost all of the schools in Japan have school uniforms, yet they are easily recognized as one of the most creative, original, and expressive countries. Yes I believe so, Im 14 freshmen as of this year. I

9、will be attending a dress coded school, the previous school I went to I didnt have to wear uniform. But I actually was relieved to know I had to wear uniform. No, more? What should I wear?!? Or? Does this make me look fat? And even? I hope I look the best. I mean I wont have to worry about it anymor

10、e because guess what? Its not like I had a choice in the first place. And I do disagree with the whole it takes away from your individuality, because Ive seen videos all over the internet of teens spicing up their school uniforms, by adding cute belts, jewelry here, and there. Just as well as a choi

11、ce in shoes. Your style isnt only focused on your clothing, it may also be your personality, or the way you do your hair, maybe even your make-up. So for someone to say it takes away individuality is wrong. And no it wont stop bullying but for students who cant afford nice clothing wont have to worr

12、y about standing out among their peers. So yeah, thats my intake on it. Yes it helps stop bullying. This is because it could help prevent bullying. Im not saying bullying will stop if we have school uniforms, but it will help. School is a place to learn, not a place to dress up. Some families might

13、not be able to afford it but that doesnt mean schools cant find uniforms that arent that expensive. Absolutely! School Uniforms are a GREAT way to go! Students will not be bullied as much for what they wear and they will all look the same. Students will also not have to worry about how they look bec

14、ause all the students will look identical. Even though kids might not like to wear uniforms it will provide a environment where everyone looks the same and no child will be made fun of for their clothing. It helps you in many different ways. In class, we had a huge debate on this topic, and my team

15、won because there are so many reasons why you should wear a school uniform. Firstly, it prevents you from being bullied. Secondly, when everyone in school wears the same thing, everyone is equal. And, most important of all, when you wear a school uniform you can be yourself without feeling worried a

16、bout being picked on because of your clothing. 2 This is ridiculous. Honestly, people here are saying that uniforms dont save you money, but they do. Think about it, trends are for short periods of time, so when one trend ends, you have to follow a new one, if you follow trends anyway. But with a un

17、iform, they last years! Ive had my uniform for three years so far, Im still waiting for it to get ruined! In my primary school, we had uniforms also and I had the same uniform for about four or five years, yes, it sounds disgusting, but I washed it everyday. It didnt fade, didnt rip, in fact, I coul

18、d still wear it now! So please, before you say that uniforms cost more than casual clothes, think about the long term value. Thank you :) Report Post LikeReply 2 4 Required uniform for schools Schools should make a rule that required wear school uniforms. Because uniforms make students look professi

19、onal, for somebody they dont care how they look. Just dress like gangster, night club girl, etc. Why would everyone keep trying run after stylist. Its school, play to study, not club, not home, not party. If you wear uniforms. People will think you are a good students, rich person, a smart kids, etc

20、. No one really want them to look dumb, gangster, or something. And if you wear uniforms it also make school have a good image in front people, or maybe or family (they will proud of you). Wearing uniforms wont cost a lot of money like those clothes you wear everyday. In my school, I saw a lot of st

21、upid girls wear clothes just like a 30-year-old lady. They try to show off their boobies or something. And on winter, its so freaking cold outside, they still wears short, or leggings, even skirts. What the h are you thinking! This is not fun and not kidding. Are you trying to make your future becom

22、e black? Boys too, 90% of students in my school is wear sagging pants. Are they try to show off their new underwear? I see London, I see France, I see _ (take a guess what is in the blank). If you wear a uniform, you dont have to waste your mom or make her pay for you single clothes that you want. W

23、ell, for right now you not going to understand what Im say but when you grow up, when you have a kids, what if you see your kids wear something and you can see inside? What are you going to do? Are you going to say you look great and stylish? Hope you kids and adults think about that! Report Post Li

24、keReply 1 3 i support the eople that say no I say no because if the teacher dont have to wear uniform i say the student shouldnt. if the teacher can come in anything the student should to. so i agree with the 55% that say no and i disagree with the 45%. this uniform stuff is just crazy it dont make

25、no sense. Report Post LikeReply 8 6 You can wear what ever you like Clothing is one of the few ways kids can express themselves. Many parents wont let their kids do different things with their hair so clothing is the only chance they get. It is harder for people to start conversations because you ca

26、n bring up something they are where like a band shirt. Since everyone is wearing the right thing you cant really compliment people anymore. Uniforms make it harder to relate to someone. Where Im from you cant tell who is weearing the off brand of clothing. Most people dont really care either. Many t

27、imes you can have the most expensive clothes and still be an outcast. The best way to express yourself is through your clothes. If you wear a collared shirt and a tie to school, you show that you are more grown up, and possibly want to go into bussiness. If you wear athletic wear, you show that you

28、are into sports. If you wear all black you show sadness. If you wear bright colors, you show excitement. The list goes on and on. You can tell people who you are, what you feel, and maybe even what you are thinking, simply through your clothes. School uniforms completely eliminate this form of self

29、expression. Who wants to eliminate a form of self expression? Students should not he required to wear uniforms. It is a way of expressing yourself , not to harm others . Your feelings come out by what you wear. If you like to wear black your are expressing sadness, if you wear flowers you are expres

30、sing happiness. Its not a bad thing to wear what you feel .so wear it. I am 16 and a senior in high school and have had uniform since kindergarten. Obviously, the idea that uniform is necessary comes from the contrived idea that students who dress together can also move forward education-wise at the

31、 same level. This is not true. Students with uniform dont have any more discipline than students without. There is still gang-related activity, there is still sexually promiscuity, and there is still bullying. British schoolchildren have had uniform for centuries and they have long since made bullyi

32、ng a fine art. Kids can dress the same as someone else but uniform doesnt affect weight, hair, skin, intelligence, attitude, voice or height. Kids still dont focus in school and still drop out, even if theyve had uniform from the start. The only thing uniform has done for me is to shrink my wardrobe

33、 to a pathetic size. Style is not expensive. Fashion is. If you have a very small budget for clothing you can still dress fantastically. And dress-down days often coincide with other special school-wide events, the uniform is not to blame for their excitability the event is. And the idea of clothing

34、 after the 19th century was to express yourself, many students (including myself) feel stifled and trapped by a uniform. Does uniform remind you of anything? Perhaps prison or the original China-fearing vision of communism? Yeah, you get my point, uniform doesnt help anyone, it just turns us into fu

35、ture corporate drones. This reminds me of something. Its like when cops are too busy arresting people for not putting on their seatbelts when there are actual crimes happening out there! Teachers are too busy giving detentions to people who dont have their shirts tucked in or have their hair too lon

36、g or whatever stupid rule they decided to add to the dress code when there are people cutting cland stuff! Other reasons why uniforms are stupid are: 1. People are saying that it is cost effiecient, but you still have to buy the super expensive uniform and clothes for after school and weekends. 2. P

37、eople also say that it will stop bullying about looks. People who say this are obviously just not right in the head. Looks arent just about clothes, they are about your face, size, hair, and weight too. Also, I knew a girl who could critisize peoples clothes even with uniforms. 3. I dont see whats p

38、roper (god I hate that word) about my school uniforms, which look like a sailor suit mixed with an old ladys nightgown. 4. True, schools are where the worlds future doctors, lawyers, bankers, and accountants are taught, but it is also where the worlds future musicians, artists, inventors, and actors

39、 are taught. You must have creativity to do these jobs, something uniforms are against. 5. All those idiots who think uniforms will help notice invaders are just plain wrong. Someone who wants to invade the school could just buy a uniform. Simple as that. Report Post LikeReply 6 5 no way Student sho

40、uld not wear school uniform because some families cant afford the money to buy school uniform and on top of that they also have to buy clothes for their children to wear when they are not in school.We shouldnt wear school uniform either because it doesnt give us a chance to express ourselves Report

41、Post LikeReply 4 5 You are what you wear. The best way to express yourself is through your clothes. If you wear a collared shirt and a tie to school, you show that you are more grown up, and possibly want to go into bussiness. If you wear athletic wear, you show that you are into sports. If you wear

42、 all black you show sadness. If you wear bright colors, you show excitement. The list goes on and on. You can tell people who you are, what you feel, and maybe even what you are thinking, simply through your clothes. School uniforms completely eliminate this form of self expression. Who wants to eli

43、minate a form of self expression? Posted by: mfriede Report Post LikeReplyChallenge 4 5 Students should be allowed to express themselves. Uniforms do not allow students to express themselves by wearing the clothes that students decide. Also, the cost of school uniforms is too high. Parents do not wa

44、nt to pay $15 to $20 on uniforms. People think uniforms are lame. Also, people think that uniforms are better because students may come to school wearing inappropriate clothing, but thats how students express themselves. Report Post LikeReply 3 4 Uniforms negatively affect the freedom of students. U

45、niforms should not be required because we need to give our children the freedom to wear what they want. The majority of students will benefit from having no uniforms, so we should focus on the majority, and not the minority. When did we stop thinking about the greater good? Additionally, school is n

46、ot a job, so we should not compare uniforms at school to those select jobs that require uniforms as part of the job. Report Post LikeReply 33 We hate uniforms. We should not have uniforms at all. Uniforms are not that comfortable. Some times it is too expensive for clothes or uniforms. It is very pl

47、ain and it isnt unique. The uniform is somewhat boring and it doesnt have much pattern. The uniform seems useless it just resembles your school. Posted by: Bradoa Report Post LikeReplyChallenge 2 1 Students should be comfortable in what they wear Some students these days get sore feet from wearing h

48、eavy, hard-soled shoes which usually cause pain around the ankle and the heel of their feet. Some children may not be too confident that their body is like others, and tend to hide their bodies using non-uniform clothing. That makes teachers tell them to take it off. Then they are mocked about their bodies. Posted by: nano_403 Report Post LikeReplyChallenge 2 2 No for uniforms Uniforms do not let people express themselves. Plus I have experience with the uniforms and I know they are uncomfortable. I couldnt sit in my seat without getting sweaty and itchy.


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