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《Early Autumn.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Early Autumn.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Early AutumnEarly Autumn, Langston Hughess novel: many years later, broken lovers coincidently met each others-memories, passing time, happiness, sorrow and regret,as the ashes, soaked and diappeared in the river of time, sealed on the wrinkles of their faces, down to their courtesy-like smile. Thei

2、r distance became closer and then further and further. Early autumn comes every year, yes, every year. The Chinese poet said, Young I was,and ignorant of the taste of care,in new verses my imagined woes declareNow Ive learned all the bitterness of lifes care,Murmuring instead:Ah autumn,how cool and

3、fair. April 6th, raining, the smell is as same as the spring rain in the south river land. The flavor of autumn overflows here-it melts in the lingering cool weather, extends in the leaves, but it hasnt been full of my mind. No longer young I am, I wont be gotten down by the naturally coming autumn.

4、 No longer young I am, sometimes the bag in my inner heart still can be torn,thus memories flows. But those memories by far cant tear my inner heart because no longer young I am. Suddenly, R. Tagores poem flashed upon my mind, I dont ask thee to come into my house. Come into my infinite lonliness.My

5、 lover. Talking about communication problems I have got the text Early Autumn by Langston Hughes, which includes many features of short stories. To prove if my speculation is true, I had analyzed the text and came to a really clear result. At first you get some general information, for example . the

6、y had been in love. (l. 1), which are important for the following situation. This short exposition is really typical for short stories. Afterwards, the reader gets directly thrown into the situation, without any previous knowledge about where the characters came from. This fact lets the atmosphere s

7、eem to be as spontaneous as the meeting. Another argument to prove that this story is a short story is that there are just a few minutes between the beginning and the climax in line 29. Moreover there are only two characters and one setting. The dialogue between Mary and Bill covers most of the stor

8、y. That is another criterion and gives the reader the impression beeing a part of the situation. All in all Early Autumn by Langston Hughes is a very good example of a short story because it includes all the criteria. Wrde mich sehr freuen, wenn da mal einer zum korrigieren drber lesen knnte. ber al

9、lgemeine Tipps freue ich mich auch. 读完Langston Hughs的early autumn,感觉小小的一篇文章里可以挖掘的东西真是很多。主要是说男人容易遗忘爱情,女人往往容易深陷爱情幻想中难以自拔! 但是我不得不为bill辩解一下,我觉得bill 没有忘情! 我的证据: 1. bill 被mary抛弃时,他是比较年轻,他离开,bitter about women。 从这些可以推断,他比较年轻,很有可能mary 是他的初恋,再加上mary是比他大的,男性一般都有“恋母情节”,被年长的女性的成熟魅力所吸引。对于失恋的痛苦,这个bitter囊括了各种滋味。而相

10、关的失恋心理学资料显示: “当面临失恋时,男性的自尊或许会使他表面平静地接受这一事实,而孤独地发泄自痛苦的情绪。事实上,失恋对于男性的打击是巨大的,有时也许会摧垮他的人生信念,使他的生活勇气 失殆尽,从而导致他匆匆地终止生命的追求。因为客观的社全现实赋予男性更多的义务、责任、希望和要求,同样的失败结局,男性往往比女性要承担更多的来自自我及社会的压力。因此,对不少的男性来说被迫失去女方的爱,在精神上是不可接受的,这会使他的心理产生“连锁反应”,进而影响整个心理品质和人生态度。现实生活中,有的男子品尝了一杯失恋的苦酒后就一劂不振,郁郁欢变得孤独而沉默。” 也可以说,这个失恋的经验可能对bill今后

11、的生活产生很大的影响。歌德的少年维特之烦恼可以作为一个参考。 2. 相遇时,bill没有立即认出mary,因为她看上去很老。无意识的伸手而不是kissing,我觉得可能是自我防御机制。因为心中长期痛苦,内心会本能的选择保护,而刻意回避一些可能会一起痛苦的情境。是一种无意识的行为。 3. bill 是个律师,但是从两个人的对话中,我发现,mary反而讲话自然从容,而bill的很多话都显得短促而紧张,这与他一个律师的形象很不服,作为一个律师自然是在任何情况下都处变不惊的,这样的表现可能暗示了bill 内心的波涛汹涌,年少时的爱情的痛苦都涌上心头,对于这个他爱过的女人,到底是恨还是坦然,很明显的,如

12、果坦然就不必急着炫耀自己的身份家庭,不用这么急着说再见。他始终还是没有释怀,爱情这个东西很难说,没有坦然就不能说是忘记。 作者是从bill的角度引入,但是后面大量描写都是对于mary的,不管是景色还是心理,他将所有的文字都献给了mary,而bill只是作为一个阴影,躲在了文字的背后。最后说byebye后,作者给我们的镜头就是mary,但是想想如果这是镜头在bill前面,he was among the people they didnt know, 他的表情,他的心理。Space and people。The bus is gone. “这次是我先说的再见!” 但是痛苦还是没有减少。 作者没有

13、给他一个镜头,没有给他心理,bill只是一个影子。从一个导入角色到一个影子角 色,从已知到未知,这样的转变,我觉得这个bitter更加扩散了,融进了更大的未知领域 EARLY AUTUMN已经读过不下十遍。吾心绪感同身受。对于时间的残酷,物是人非的苍凉滋生一种无奈与悲凉。距离横在眼前,又是怎样一种悲惨呢欲说无语是谁说过的,女人爱上一个人,是一辈子的事,即使分开,总会记得过往的美好;男人爱上一个人,却是一刹那的事,分开后,便是两个世界的人,于是造就了红尘中无数的痴男怨女,互相揪扯,你情我愿。 因为开始了语言学的研究,本想我便无缘文学了。但是老师让做课程论文,我便朝花夕拾,重读此文,才发现我还是那

14、么喜欢文学,特别喜欢这篇散文。便拿来与所有人一起分享。我应该喜爱文学的。回首往事,我毕竟在大学阶段创办了校级社团外国文学会,并担任创会会长。且我两次在省外国文学会上宣读的论文都已公开发表。 Life is a beautiful thing that should not be wasted. Life must be lived without warning; it is not to be taken for granted. We will never fully understand life, not even in a million years. The theme of Jo

15、hn Keats To Autumn is to enjoy life, even as you grow old and it begins to move away from you. He spreads his message through the time frame, imagery, and diction of the stanzas. To begin with, the time frame of the stanzas begins to prove the theme. By itself, it doesnt prove the theme, but, when a

16、dded with the imagery and diction, it gets the job done. The second and third proofs build off of the time frame. The time frame of the stanzas progresses through autumn and a day as a persons life does. It shows that autumn and a day are being paralleled to a persons life. The first stanza is set i

17、n early autumn and the morning. This is shown is passages from the poem. For example, season of mists and warm days will never cease show this time setting. Season of mists prove morning because mist forms in the early morning. Warm days will never cease proves early autumn because this is the hotte

18、st and most humid time of the year. The first stanza clearly takes place during the morning in early autumn, and those are paralleled to childhood in life. The second stanza is set in mid-autumn and the afternoon. This is evident in the poem. In example, while thy hook, gleaner, and on a half-reaped

19、 furrow sound asleep show the time frame is mid-autumn and afternoon. While thy hook and gleaner show mid-autumn because these quotes deal with the harvest, which happens in mid-autumn. On a half-reaped furrow sound asleep proves afternoon because the furrow is half-reaped, thus half way through the

20、 day, or the afternoon, and naps are usually taken during the afternoon hours. Obviously, the second stanza is set in the afternoon during mid-autumn. Mid-autumn and afternoon compare to adulthood in life. Us Explain how Hughes uses setting to reveal the characters psychological states and to convey

21、 their sense of loss. The short story “Early Autumn” by Langston Hughes is a good example of a story that describes everyday life. Hughes uses this story to show how people can make one irrational decision that can result in a time of sadness. The author uses the end of fall, beginning of winter to

22、help the reader be able to visualize the stillness, the coldness and the emptiness between the two characters. In the story, the author tells us about two young people who were in love, but for no good reason fell out of love and moved on with their lives. This can be symbolized with the leaves that

23、 fell slowly from the trees in the square. With no wind”. The author also, describes to us the cold feeling outside, this can describe the feeling that are between the two young people after they grew apart from one another. Another point that Hughes brings to our attention is that for a short time

24、they were surrounded by people they did not know, and space between them. This can lead the reader to have an open imagination to believe that for a moment Mary and Bill are the only people there at that moment. This also can be perceived that the people they do not know could be the same as their r

25、elationship that once kindled in slowly walking away, and the space between them is the farther apart they move away from each other without moving. In the end, this story shows that time and space slowly changes people. Bill and Mary were once in love but like the leaves of the autumn evening they have fell away from their root that brought them together in the beginning to show two different people.


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