I don't believe it!教案.docx

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《I don't believe it!教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《I don't believe it!教案.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、I dont believe it!教案一、教材分析: 本模块是新标准英语第七册的第七模块,主题是 “Animal facts”。它是以学生喜欢的话题“动物习性”为主要教学内容。 Unit 1中出现的重点句型有:Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. They love bamboo. Do snakes like music? 相关的词汇有:believe, lucky, bamboo. CD-ROM, copy, fantastic。我将本单元内容设计为本模块的第一课时。本课时为新知识的呈现。 二、教学重点和难点、重点: 1、掌握以下四会词:lucky, CD

2、-ROM, copy, snake, music 2、学生能够熟练掌握一般现在时态的句子,如:Grandma gives Daming a present. Do snakes like music? Does.like.? 难点:通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语向他人描述某些动物的生活习性,以及能向他人询问动物的生活习性。能将语言内容转化为实际交际。 三、教学目标 a、认知目标: 100%的学生能够掌握以下单词:believe,lucky, bamboo, CD-ROM, copy, fantastic . 100%的学生能够掌握句型:Do like? Does.like.? b、能力目标:

3、通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语向他人描述某些动物的生活习性,以及能向他人询问动物的生活习性。能将语言内容转化为实际交际。 c、情感目标: 1、通过动物单词、句型的学习以及情景教学,激发学生爱护动物,热爱大自然,热爱生活的美好情感。鼓励学生通过各种途径了解更多动物的生活习性。 2、培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。培养学生大胆开口、积极合作、主动学习,参与语言交际的能力和团结合作能力。 d、语用目标: 百分之百的学生能用Do like? Does.like.? It/They/He/She.来询问介绍他人以及动物的爱好和习性,为他们的交友和饲养小动物提供信息资料。 四、教法和学法 在教学中,我采用“真实

4、运用任务教学法”、“活动性教学法”和“创设情景教学法”来完成教学任务。利用小道具,进行小组对话,全班问答。借助动作、手势加以解释,帮助学生对句子意思有更形象的理解。为充分激发学生的学习兴趣,我为本单元设计的任务是:为你最喜爱的动物做一张名片。 五、Teaching procedure: 一、Greetings: T: Pleased to meet you, boys and girls. Ss: Pleased to meet you, Penny. T: I will divide all of you into two groups. One is fantastic, another

5、is lucky.If you answer my question is right,I will give you a . T: Pleased to meet you,fantastic. Ss: Pleased to meet you, Penny. Pleased to meet you,lucky. Ss: Pleased to meet you, Penny. 二、Warm up: T:Do you like animals? Ss: Yes, I do. T:Who can guess whats my favourite animal? T: They are fat. S1

6、:elephants? S2:tiger? S3:lion? T:No,they love bamboo. Ss: Pandas. T:Yes,boys and girls,you are so clever. my favourite animal is panda. There is a view, lets share!(播放视频) T:I like panda,so I make a name card for it. Lets look at it.(ppt) T:What is your favourite animal?After learning this lesson,sho

7、wing your favourite animals name card to us. (此处采用任务教学法,在新授之前将本课的任务提前告知学生,学生就可以带着任务,目标进行学习,以便学生更好地掌握知识,运用知识。) 个别学生在接受任务时可能比较吃力,没有完全理解。 T:We all like animals. Lets play a game:Ill show you some animals.If you know it, please stand up quickly and say it out loudly. Are you ready? T:Ok,all of you have

8、done a good job. (本课谈论的是动物,新授前做一个关于动物的脑力风暴游戏可以放松学生的紧张度,而且充分调动起学生的学习积极性。) 授完课后,学生对此环节非常感兴趣,全体学生都能够积极的投入到本环节中。 三、Lead in: T:My friend gives me a present. Can you guess what is in it? Ss:Yes. T:Yes, its a CD-ROM. I want to share with you. (播放CD-ROM 关于狗的吉尼斯纪录) T:I dont believe it. Do you believe it? Ss:

9、I dont believe it. T: today we learn Module7 Unit1 I dont believe it! 四、New lesson. T: This is my CD-ROM, Daming has also got a CD-ROM, do you want to know something? (学生想了解更多,及其进一步求知的欲望。效果:自主性得以很大的调动,求知信心被激起。) T: Before listening, lets look at some questions.(学生读) T: Listen to the tape and answer m

10、y questions.(听录音) T: Who can answer my question? S1S2S3S4S5S6 T: Listen to the tape once again and underline the new words.(听录音) (深入学习,学习效果:从课文学习中,每个学生每个学生都能学到扎实的知识。把教材当作例子来用好,而不仅仅是为了教完教材。 对教材进行了改编,无论是从知识容量上,还是从对不同材料的要求上,使其符合学生的实际水平,不在同一个层上反复操练。而是有层次感,有梯度感,使不同层次的学生都有最大程度上的收获与提高。) T:Show me the new w

11、ords. S1:b-e-l-i-e-v-e. S2:C-O-P-Y S3:b-a-m-b-o-o S4:l-u-c-k-y S5:f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c S6:C-D-R-O-M T: Look at the screen.(领读、小老师领读,齐读) Ss: Hello,I am Marry. Follow me. believeluckybamboocopyCD-ROMfantastic This line read it. Tom,read it. Who can make a sentence about bamboo? S1: Pandas like bamboo. 通过

12、各种形式操练完之后,学生基本掌握正确的发音。并且可以灵活运用单词。 五、Practise T:Boys and girls,youre well done.Lets read the text 3 minutes , then perform. S1:I am panda. I eat for twelve hours a day. (Ss: He/She is panda. He/She eats for twelve hours a day.) S1:I am a lucky panda.I love bamboo. People love me. (Ss:He/She is a luck

13、y panda. He/Sheloves bamboo. People love him/her. S2: I am snake. I cant hear. I think the flute is another snake. So I copy the other snake. (Ss:He/She is snake. He/She cant hear. He/She thinks the flute is another snake. So He/She copies the other snake.) (表演是小学生的爱好,抓住其特点进一步练习对话,全体学生共同参与。本环节既能抓住学生

14、的精力,同时更好地对句型进行练习。) 在本环节学生对表演很感兴趣,积极参加到扮演中来。达到预期效果。 T:Next a game. (One does the action,one guesses.) S1 S1:S2:Do you like playing football? S1:Yes,I do. Ss:Does she/he like playing football? S2: Yes, she/he does. S2:(这是一个进行英语的实际运用的环节,提供表现的机会,实现了第三人称单数的操练,通过练习,使学生更好地掌握其结构“Does he/she like.”) 本环节是运用巩固

15、环节,学生能够对句型运用自如。对第三人称单数掌握比较牢固。 六、Lets make a name card and show.(出示我做的熊猫名片5 minutes) T:Boys and girls, you have 5 minutes to make your name card. These are some animals.Choose one animals you like. SHOW S1: My favourit animal is elephant. Name: elephant Character: It likes eating fruit. It walks slowly. People need it. (完成课前提出的任务并展示,本环节可检测学生对本课的掌握情况,并将其知识运用到实际中去,更好地完成任务。) 本环节检查学生对整堂课知识掌握及其运用,通过展示,发现大部分学生对第三人称单数已掌握,个别同学出现语法错误。 七、人文教育 (Humanistic Education) 八、Homework Make a riddle about animals.


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