I went there last year.docx

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1、I went there last yearI went there last year. 教学设计 Module 6 Travel Unit 1 I went there last year 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、 学习语句:I went there last year. Did you go with your mother?及回答Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. 2、能识别单词:photo,stay, week。 3、能口头运用Did you go with your mother?询问自己的判断是否正确,并能运用Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.

2、回答。 情感目标: 1、了解中国的的地理知识,通过描述、交流,开拓学生视野,进一步了解我国的城市和著名景点。 2、乐于谈论旅游见闻。 学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 二、教学重难点: 1、识别并正确运用单词:photo,stay, week。能口头运用Did you go with your mother?询问自己的判断是否正确,并能运用Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.回答。 2、能运用简单的英语句型相互交流和询问同伴间去过的旅游景点。 三、教学准备:单词卡片、多媒体课件、录音机。 四、教学过程: Step1:Wamer 1.Gr

3、eeting 2. Say a chant. North, north, its in the north. South, south, its in the south. East,east, its in the east. West, west, its in the west. 3.出示中国地图 T:Boys and girls ,this is a map of China. Do you know :Where is Xinjiang? Ss:Its in the west of China. T:Where is Hainan? Ss:Its in the south of Ch

4、ina. Step2: Presentation 1、 Show the learning task. T: Boys and girls, do you like traveling? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Where did you go? (课件出示问题Where did you go? Where is it? When did you go? Did you go with your mother and father?) 2. Learn the new words. T: I like traveling very much. (课件出示老师旅游的照片)Look a

5、t these photos. 学习单词photo.(用单词卡片、拼读等形式练习单词。) Last year,I went to Qingdao. Qingdao is in the east of China. Took!The mountains are really beautiful.I stayed there for a week. 3. Learn the text. T: We like traveling. Lingling likes traveling too. Do you want to know more about Linglings travel? Lets l

6、isten and answer. (1) Listen and answer. 1、 Where did Lingling go? 2、 Where is Xinjiang? 3、When did Lingling go to Xinjiang? 4、Did she go with her mother and father? 5、Does Linglings uncle live in Hainan? (老师先把问题读一遍,接着讲解第五个问题中出现的单词“uncle”。如果学生回答不出全部,再听一遍录音) Step 3 Practice Activity 1 Listen and repe

7、at 教师播放录音, 学生跟读、模仿。 Activity 2 小组内分角色表演课文 Activity 3 Retell the text 教师出示课件并让学生看着课本上的图片以填空的形式复述课文 Linglings Travel Lingling has got some _. She went to Xinjiang _ _. Xinjiang is in the _of China. She _with her grandmother for a week in July last year.Hainan is in the_ of China . Her _ lives in Haina

8、n. Activity 4:Look and say(课本23页活动三) Step 4 Summary (小结) 用两只老虎版的歌曲来总结所学重点句型。 Travel Lingling has got some photos. Lingling has got some photos. They are photos of China. They are photos of China. Where did you go ? When did you go ? I went to Xinjiang . I went there last year. Did you go with your m

9、other ? Did you go with your father ? Yes,I did. Yes ,I did. I stayed with Grandma. I stayed with Grandma. For a week . For a week. Step5:Affective. T: Boys and girls, our motherland is big and beautiful. Lets have a travel.(课件播放祖国大好河山图片)Do you love China? Ss: I love China. Step6:Homework. 1、Listen

10、and repeat the text. 2、Complete the passage of “My Travel”. My Travel I went to _. Its in the _ of China. I went there _. I went there by _. I went with my_.I_(visited,played, took,saw,bought). I _there for _ days. I _ a lovely time. 3、同学之间运用句型where/when did you go to,Did you go with.相互询问各自的旅游情况,完成表

11、格。 Question Name Where did she/he go last Sunday? Where is the place? When did she/he go there? Who did she/he go with? What did she/he do? 五:板书设计: Module 6 Travel Unit 1 I went there last year. photo stay week When did you go to ? I went there. Did you go with your mother and father ? Yes, I did. /No, I didnt.


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