
上传人:牧羊曲112 文档编号:3159784 上传时间:2023-03-11 格式:DOCX 页数:76 大小:61.17KB
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1、Jquery特效大全1.导航类 . 5 (1)Horizontal accordion: jQuery . 5 (2)jQuery-Horizontal Accordion. 5 (3)jQuery plugin: Accordion . 5 (4)Accordion Menu script . 6 (5)模仿ext的tab选项卡 . 6 (6) . 8 De-Constructing Accordion and Hover Effects with jQuery . 8 导航到页内指定位置 . 9 Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS . 9 A Diffe

2、rent Top Navigation . 10 Sliding Jquery Menu Tutorial . 10 Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery . 10 14. jQuery UI错误!未找到索引项。 Potato Menu. 10 15. Make a Mega Drop-Down Menu with jQuery . 11 Superfish v1.4.8 jQuery menu plugin by Joel Birch . 11 jQuery (mb)Menu 2.7 . 11 jQuery File Tree . 12 19.jQuery

3、& CSS Example Dropdown Menu . 12 20. Reinventing a Drop Down with CSS and jQuery . 12 21. Simple jQuery Dropdowns . 13 22. Styling Drop Down Boxes with jQuery . 13 23. jQuery iPod-style Drilldown Menu . 13 24. jQuery Menu: Dropdown, iPod Drilldown, and Flyout styles with ARIA Support and ThemeRoller

4、 Ready . 14 25. mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in v1.2.07 . 14 26. jQuery Drop Line Tabs . 14 27. Cut & Paste jQuery Mega Menu . 15 28. jdMenu Hierarchical Menu Plugin . 15 2.消息提示类 . 15 Facebox . 15 SimpleModal . 16 jTip . 16 BetterTip . 17 clueTip . 17 jQuery lightBox plugin . 17 jQuery Impromptu . 18 jQue

5、ry.UI MessengerOutlook like message notification Widget . 18 FancyBox . 18 Coda Popup Bubbles . 19 jGrowl . 19 jqWindowsEngine . 20 jQuery Alert Dialogs. 20 BeautyTips . 21 Facebook/Xiaonei 风格模态框 . 21 3.图片展示类 . 22 (1)imgAreaSelect . 22 (2)Easy Slide . 22 第 1 页 共 93 页 (3)Easy News . 23 (4)jQZoom . 24

6、 (5)jCarousel Lite . 24 (6)jCarousel . 25 (7)Spacegallery-Jquery . 25 (8)jQuery Slider Gallery . 25 (9)jQuery Cycle Plugin . 26 (10)Zoomimage . 26 (11)prettyPhoto . 27 (12)ThickBox . 28 (13)Galleria . 28 (14)jQuery Flash Plugin . 29 (15)jQuery.SerialScroll . 29 (16)InnerFade . 30 (17)NyroModal . 30

7、(18)CrossSlide . 31 (19)Magnify . 31 (20)Img Notes . 32 (21)FancyZoom . 32 (22)Jcrop . 33 (23)Galleriffic. 33 (24)Image Upload and Auto Crop . 34 (25)prettyGallery . 34 (26)jQuery.popeye . 34 (27)s3Slider . 35 (28)Pirobox . 36 (29)Simple Controls Gallery . 36 (30)Agile Carousel . 36 (31)jQuery Plugin-Page Peel . 37 (32)Easy Slider . 37 (33)imgPreview .


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