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1、just用法及介词用法just用法及介詞用法 just是英語中使用頻率很高的一個詞,下面我把just的含義及其用法來簡單小結。 一、just可以作副詞 1. 多用于完成時態中,置于動詞與助動詞之間,意爲“剛才,剛剛”。 I have just finished my homework.我剛剛做完家庭作業。 有時,just也可用于一般過去時中,表示“剛才”。 The bell just rang. 鈴剛響過。 2. 恰恰,正好 3. 就是,就要 I live just round the corner. 我就住在拐彎附近。 4. 相當于only,意爲“僅僅,只是”。 He is just a c

2、hild. 他僅僅是一個孩子。 I just want to talk to you. 我只是想和你談談。 5. 用于祈使句中,以引起對某事的注意,有時可以使語氣婉轉,意爲“就請,盡管好了”。 Just (=Please) come here a moment. 請過來一下。 Just listen to me!就請聽一聽我說! 6. 用于形容詞前,意爲“太”、“真”、“非常”,常用于口語中。 I am just happy. 我太高興了。 The concert was just splendid. 音樂會真不錯。 7. 用于其它副詞前,不含什麽意義。 It is just about en

3、ough. 差不多了。 He is just about there. 他就在那附近。 二、just用作形容詞 1. 相當于fair或upright,意爲“正義的,正直的”、“公平的,公正的”。 My brother is a very just man.我哥哥是一個很正直的人。 The law is just.法律是公正的。 2. 合理的,適當的 It is a just claim. 這是正當的要求。 He gave a just opinion. 他提了一個合理的意見。 3. 應得的 This is your just reward. 這是你應得的報酬。 That man receive

4、d a just punishment. 那個人受到了應得的懲罰。 三、與just有關的一些短語 1. just now (1) 用于過去時,意爲“剛才”,即a moment ago。 She was here just now. 她剛才還在這兒。 用于現在時,意爲“這會兒,眼下”,即at this moment。 Im free just now. 我這會兒有空。 2. just as 正如,恰似 She loves singing just as her mother did.她喜歡唱歌,正像她媽媽過去喜歡唱歌一樣。 3. just then 就在那時 Just then, he came

5、 in. 就在那時,他進來了。 4. just about 幾乎,差不多 Just about everyone came to hear the man speak. 幾乎每個人都來聽那個人演講。 5. just the same 照樣,盡管還,完全一樣 It was raining, but he arrived in time just the same.盡管天下著雨,但他還是及時到了。 時間副詞 just通常用於完成式,但在美式英語中, 可用於過去式,指在很短一段時間以前。 We have just finished our breakfast. I just met my denti

6、st, Eric; he was on his way to the clinic. just 若用於進行時或未來式,指不久後的將來。 Im just going to the bus stop to pick up Joe. Hell just arrive in a few minutes. Just: 正好;恰好 (like/what/as) This jacket is just my size. 這件夾克正合我的尺碼。 This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out. 這小玩意兒用來起那些釘子正合適。 Youre j

7、ust in time. 你來得正是時候。 She looks just like her mother. 她看上去就像她母親。 Its just what I wanted! 這正是我想要的! Its just as I thought. 我正是這樣想的。 You can get there just as cheaply by plane. 你坐飛機到那兒同樣便宜。 by a small amount 剛好;差一點就不;勉強 When you arrived he had only just left. 你到時他剛走。 I was just going to tell you when y

8、ou interrupted. 我正準備告訴你,你突然把話打斷了。 I decided to learn Japanese just for fun. 我決定學日語只是為了好玩。 I waited an hour just to see you. 我等了一個小時只是為了看看你。 There is just one method that might work. 只有一個方法可能起作用。 Just listen to what Im saying, will you! 你就聽我說好嗎? Just help yourselves. 請大家隨便吃。 used to make a polite req

9、uest, excuse, etc. 請 Could you just help me with this box, please? 請幫我搬一搬這箱子好嗎? Ive just got a few things to do first. 對不起,我正好有點事要先做。 Try his home numberhe might just be there. 試試他家的號碼他也許在那兒。 Only: 只;只有;僅 There are only a limited number of tickets available. 剩下的票數量很有限。 The bar is for members only. 這

10、間酒吧只對會員開放。 You only have to look at her to see she doesnt eat enough. 你只消看一眼就知道她進食不夠多。 Only five people turned up. 僅有五個人到場。 no more than; no longer than 只有;僅;剛剛 Shes only 21 and she runs her own business. 她只有 21 歲就經營起自己的企業了。 It only took a few seconds. 那只需要幾秒鐘。 It took only a few seconds. 那只需要幾秒鐘。 n

11、ot until 才;才 We only got here yesterday. 我們昨天才到這裏。 Only then did she realize the stress he was under. 直到那時她才意識到他所承受的壓力。 written used to say that somebody can do no more than what is mentioned, although this is probably not enough 僅此而已;只能 We can only guess what happened. 我們只能猜測發生了什麼事。 She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked. 她開上自家車道,不料發現路已被堵。


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