Lesson29 DNAThe Story of You.docx

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1、Lesson29 DNAThe Story of YouLesson29 DNA-The Story of You 课题 教学 目标 Lesson29 DNA-The Story of You 课型 New 课时 One 知识目标:Words and expressions 能力目标: Understand the articles about DNA. 德育目标:You are unique in the world. 一、重点词汇 blueprint, general, complex, twins, pattern, identify, be related to, except for

2、. 二、重点句型 1. In general, a blueprint is a drawing that shows how to put a house together with many different parts. 2. It takes millions of years for nature to change the DNA in living things to make them fit the world they live in. 定语从句 Talk ,listen , read, practice Talk ,listen , read, practice tap

3、e slides Lesson 29 定语从句 一、 定语从句的概念 二、 定语从句的关系词 三、 课本中的例句 例1: In general, a blueprint is a drawing that shows how to put a house together with many different parts. 例2: It takes millions of years for nature to change the DNA in living things to make them fit the world they live in. 教 学 教 程 教 师 活 动 学生

4、活动 Try to answer the two questions. Relate pictures to the new words. 1 教学 重点 教学 难点 教法 学法 教具 板 书 设 计 Step 1.Greetings. 设计意图:让学生做好上课的准备。 Step 2. Think about it. 1. What do you know about DNA? 2. What can scientists do with DNA? 设计意图:与学生进行一个简短的对话,进入本课主题。 Step 3. Show students some pictures to let them

5、 know something about DNA and the new words in this lesson. 设计意图:通过展示图片让学生了解本课重点单词及DNA的知识。 Step 4. Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What is a blueprint? 2. Which is more complex, building a living thing or building a house? 3. Do some twins have the same DNA? 4. Is it possible to change

6、your DNA? 5. Whose DNA is related to yours? Read the text 设计意图:让学生带着任务读课文。 aloud and answer Step 5. Language Points the questions 1. Are there differences between you and them? 你和他们之间有什么不同吗? between与among between常用于两者之间,among一般指三者或三者 以上. Jack sits between Lin Tao and Bob. I was among the crowd. Let

7、the students 我处在人群中。 write the 2.You use it to build a house. important 你用它来建造房子。 language down. use的用法useto do sth. 用做某事 He is using a knife to cut bread. 他正用小刀切面包。 use的形容词是useful,它是由use加后缀-ful构成的。如: Is the fridge very useful? 这台冰箱很有用吗? Let the students 3. DNA is a pattern, too. DNA write the 也是一种模

8、型。 important too表示“也”时,通常置于句末,其前用逗号隔开。 language points too与either too与either都表示“也”,其区别是too用于肯定句,down. 表示“也”; either用于否定句,表示“也不”。它们通常都位于句末,其前用逗号隔开。 如: He has a sister, too. 他也有个小妹妹。 He doesnt have a knife, either. 他也没有小刀。 4. Except for identical twins, each living thing has its own unique DNA. 除了每对双胞

9、胎之外,每个生物都有它唯一的DNA。 1)except for除以外,只是 He is a good man except for hot temper. 除了脾气暴躁外,他是个好人。 2)own的用法 adj. 自己的 She makes all her own clothes. 她所有的衣服都是自己做的。 vt. 有;拥有 2 Who owns the bike? 这辆自行车是谁的? Step 6. Exercises Let the students do some exercises about the key points. 设计意图:通过练习让学生巩固本课的重点知识。 Step 7. Homework 1)Finish off the exercises in the activity book. 2)Preview the Lesson 29. 设计意图:通过作业巩固本课所学知识。 Students do some exercises. 3


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