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1、M1U2第二课时课时教学设计首页 授课时间: 年 月 日 课题 M1U2At the airport 课 时 教 学 目 标 课型 New lesson 第几 课时 2 1、 学习现在完成时。 2、 复习用be going to表示打算和计划。 3、 让学生学会用英语去表示已经或还没,或者过去发生到一直持续到现在的事情。 Important points: New words: leave for; should; arrive at; have to; worry; departure; flight; passenger; New sentences: What time does you

2、r plane leave for tomorrow?At in the morning/afternoon/evening. What time should I arrive at the airport?You should arrive at the airport before in the morning/afternoon/evening. 教学重点与 难点 Difficult points: 1. Remember the words. 2. Read and remember the sentences correctly. 教学 方法Look and say; Listen

3、 and say; Ask and answer; Look and write 与 手段 使 用 教 的 构 想 让学生学会用英语去表示已经或还没,或者过去发生到一直持续材 到现在的事情。 课 时 教 学 流 程 教 师 行 为 Part 1 Warm-up Sing a song. Part 2 Presentation 1.Think and answer 学生根据上课时所学课文的内容回答上述问题。 (1)Where are Mrs Wang and Grandma going? (2)Who are they going to see? (3)How will they go ther

4、e? (4)How long do they plan to stay there? 2.Look and say 复习现在完成时的使用,并让学生根据日历、日记、计划表等内容做pair work。(1)Look at Bens calendar and talk in pairs. (2)Its 4.30 p.m. now. Look at Judys diary and talk in pairs. (3)This is Mr and Mrs Lis plan for their holiday in Australia. Today is Thursday. Look at their p

5、lan and talk in pairs. 3.Look and learn 学习本课时中将出现的新单词。 leave for; should; arrive at; have to; worry; departure; flight; passenger; 4.Listen and say 学 生 行 为 补充 课堂变化及处Sing a song. 理 (5)What has Grandma bought for 主要环节的效Aunt Judy? 果 (6)Have they bought the plane tickets? (7)Have they packed their suitc

6、ases? (8)Who has got enough space in the suitcase? (9)What will Grandma put in Mrs Wangs suitcase? S1: Has Ben ? S2: Yes, he has / No, he hasnt. He will on S1: Has Judy ? S2: Yes, she has / No, she hasnt. She will at S1: Have Mr and Mrs Li ? S2: Yes, they have / No, they havent. They will on leave f

7、or去 should应该 arrive at到达 have to不得不 worry担心 departure离开;出发 flight航班 passenger乘客 分段朗读课文内容 5.Listen and answer true/false 播放课文录音,让学生做判断正误练习。邀请较好的学生纠正错误。 Mrs Wang and Grandma will go to the airport by bus. Their plane will leave at three oclock this afternoon. Mrs Wang and Grandma live far away from th

8、e airport. They should arrive at the airport before three oclock in the afternoon. They will have to stay at the airport for about two hours. They will leave home at 12.30 a.m. 6.Act it out 请学生进行角色扮演,复述课文内容。 7.Listen and write 播放录音,要求学生完成机票。 8.Ask and answer You are going to another country for a ho

9、liday. In pairs, look at the plane ticket and talk about it. 要求学生根据机票内容做pair work。 S1:What time does your plane leave for _ tomorrow? S2:At _ in the 学生朗读 S1: What time does your plane leave for ? S2: At in S3: How long to travel to the airport? S1: It takes S2: What time should we ? S1: The plane ti

10、cket says, . We should S3: Oh, no! Well have to S1: Dont worry. There are S2: to leave home tomorrow? S1: Were going to at morning/afternoon/evening. What time should I arrive at the airport? S1:You should arrive at the airport before _ in the morning/afternoon/evening. Part 3Consolidation Tom cant

11、find his pen. He cant write now. 向学生解释have to一词的含义,并告诉学生其使用方法。接着出示上述示例,接着要求学生仿照示例造句。 He has to buy a new pen. He has to borrow a pen from his friend. He has to look for it everywhere. Note: All passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time. From: Shanghai Flight MU586 To:

12、 Los Angeles No.: Class: Economy Departure time: 3.00 p.m. Arrival time: ? 1.I cant find my key now. I cant get into my flat. You have to look for your key. You have to wait for your parents to come home. 2.Mary is ill now. She has to stay in bed. She has to go to hospital. 教 学 设 计 尾 页 板书设计 M1U2At t

13、he airport New words: leave for; should; arrive at; have to; worry; departure; flight; passenger; New sentences: What time does your plane leave for tomorrow?At in the morning/afternoon/evening. What time should I arrive at the airport?You should arrive at the airport before in the morning/afternoon/evening. 补充设计 作业设计 1. Remember the words. 2. Read and remember the sentences correctly. 3.Finish the workbook page 7 教学反思


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