
上传人:小飞机 文档编号:3161538 上传时间:2023-03-11 格式:DOCX 页数:5 大小:40.93KB
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1、mockingbird的背景及意义mockingbird的背景及意义 背景: 是一首写给他的女儿Hailie的歌,歌中还提到了他的侄女Laney,以及他的前妻Kimbery A Mathers。 整首歌的内容是Eminem向女儿倾诉,回忆着成名前穷困不堪的生活、回忆着与前妻感情破裂的经过。 表达了对女儿深深的愧疚以及渴望弥补的心情,细细听来简直催人泪下。 字里行间能够实实在在地感受到Eminem作为一个父亲对女儿那份深厚的爱。 没有浮夸的配器以及电子合成,只是十分简单的钢琴伴奏和鼓点节奏。 Eminem的声音一次又一次地轻轻敲击着耳膜,但却像是往听者的心脏中伸出了一只手,将听者的心揉得生疼。

2、听Eminem诉说着自己曾经在那一年的圣诞节因为买不起礼物而深深自责乃至整夜流泪。 听他诉说着由于工作的原因,自己只能看着女儿和侄女的照片想象着她们的样子和声音,实在是令人无法不为之动容。 而最后一段,Eminem大声地唱道: “我会为你歌唱,我会为你做任何事情,只为了能看到你开心的微笑” 甚至于要去找黑心珠宝商人的碴儿,让人为了这种深切的父爱而感动。 意义: 什么意思不重要,我听这首歌曾经不明白为什么以一个EM将来可能会带女儿的生物做歌名,多听几次自然会明白,我个人它代表了EM曾经和女儿一起生活时坚强的信念和对新生活的渴望,尽管那么难以把握 And if that mockingbird d

3、ont sing and that ring dont shine Imma break that birdies neck 看明白了么?EM一直是在尽最大努力去争取,那个鸟儿其实是他对这个世界希望的缩影。如果他再失败他就会寻短见。不过好在我们的EM最后熬过来了。Mockingbird 中英歌词Intro Yeah I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now 我知道现在有些事情对你来说应该很难理解 But hey, whatd daddy always tell you? 但是hey,爸爸每次都告诉你什么

4、 Straighten up little soldier 挺起来,小士兵 Stiffen up that upper lip 翘起你的上嘴唇 Whatchu crying about? 你在哭什么? You got me. 你有我啊! Verse 1 Hailie, I know u miss your mom 海莉(女儿名字),我知道你想念你妈妈 And I know u miss your dad when Im gone 也知道你在我不在的时候想念你爸爸 But Im tryin to give you the life that I never had 但是我试着给你一个我从来没有过

5、的生活 I can see your sad 我看到你难过 Even when you smile 就算你微笑时 Even when you laugh 就算你大笑时 I can see it in your eyes 我可以从你眼里看到 Deep inside you wanna cry 你心里很想哭 Cuz youre scared 因为你害怕 I aint there, 我不在 Daddys with you in your prayers 你祷告的时候爸爸都在 No more cryin 不哭了 Wipe them tears 擦掉眼泪 Daddys here 爸爸在 No more

6、nightmares 不再有噩梦 We gonna pull together through it 我们一起可以过去的 We gon do it 我们可以做到 Lainies uncles crazy aint he, yeah lainie叔叔挺疯狂的吧,嗯 But he loves you girl and you better know it 但是他爱你宝贝女儿,你一定要知道 Were all we got in this world 我们是我们唯一拥有的 When it spins 当它转 When it swirls 当它凹旋 When it whirls 当它旋转 When it

7、 twirls 当它捻弄 Two little beautiful girls 两个漂亮的小女孩 Lookin puzzled, in a daze 看起来很迷惑,在这发呆 I know its confusing you 我明白很难懂 Daddys always on the move 爸爸一直在忙 Mamas always on the news 妈妈一直在新闻上 I try to keep you sheltered from it 我一直试图遮掩不让你接触到 But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that 但好像,我越不想你

8、接触到 The more it backfires on me 它越背着我干 All the things, growin up 那些长大的时候东西 As daddy, daddy had to see 像爸爸,爸爸必须看到 Daddy dont want you to see 爸爸不想让你看到 But you see just as much as he did 但是你看到的跟他一样多 We did not plan it to be this way, 我们没有计划变成这样 Your mother and me 你妈妈和我 But things have got so bad betwee

9、n us 但是我们之间变得很糟糕 I dont see us ever being Together ever again 我再也不会看到我们再会在一起 Like we used to be like when we was teenagers 就像我们十几岁的时候一样 But then of course 但是当然 Everything always happen for a reason 每一件事情发生都有它的原因 I guess it was never meant to be 我猜我们没有缘份 And said some of em were from me, 然后说有些是我送的 Cu

10、z daddy couldnt buy em 因为爸爸没钱买它们 Ill never forget that Christmas 我怎样都不会忘记那个圣诞 I sat up the whole night crying 我坐着哭了一晚上 Cuz daddy felt like a bum, 因为爸爸觉得自己像个傻X “屁股” See daddy had a job, but his job 看,爸爸有个工作,但是他的工作 Was to keep the food on the table for you and mom 就是让你和妈妈的桌上有食物 And at the time every h

11、ouse that we lived in 但那时我们每个住过的房子 Either kept getting broken into and robbed or shot up on the block 不然是被人抢了,要不然就被别人拿枪打烂 And your mom, was saving money for you in a jar 你的妈妈,曾经在一个存钱罐里存钱 Tryna to start a piggy bank for you 想给你开一个猪银行 So you could go to college 你就可以去上大学 Almost had a thousand dollars 就

12、快存到1000快钱了 Till someone broke in and stole it 直到有个人闯入我们家然后偷走了它 And I know it hurt so bad it broke your mammas heart 我知道那痛到它打碎了你妈妈的心 And it seemed like everything was just starting to fall apart 然后所有的事情都开始破碎,散裂 Mom and dad was arguing a lot 妈妈和爸爸总是吵架 So mama moved back on to Chalmers in a flat 所以妈妈就搬

13、回查莫斯的住处 One bedroom apartment 一个房间的楼房 And dad moved back to the other side of 8 mile on Novara 然后爸爸搬回了8mile的另一边在诺瓦拉 And thats when daddy went to California with his CD 这时爸爸带着CD去了加利福尼亚 And met Dr. Dre and flew you and Mama out to see me, 然后认识了DR.DRE,让你和妈妈飞过来看我 But daddy had to work, you and mama had

14、to leave me, 但是爸爸要工作,你和妈妈必须离开 Then you started seeing daddy on the TV 然后,你就在电视上看到爸爸 And mama didnt like it 而妈妈并不喜欢 And you and Lainnie were too young to understand it 你和LAINNIE都太小不懂这些, Papa was a rollin stone, mama developed a habit 爸爸忙得要死,妈妈就培养了一个习惯 And it all happened too fast for either one of us

15、 to grab it 而这些我们想阻止但是都发生的太快 Im just sorry you were there and had to witness it firsthand 我很抱歉你当时要当场看到 Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud 因为我只是想让你很荣耀 Now Im sittin in this empty house, 而现在我坐在这个空空的家 Just reminiscing. Looking at your baby pictures it just trips me out 在回忆,看着你的婴儿时期的照片让

16、我很惊讶(trips me out 就是很惊讶,震惊) To see how much you both have grown its almost like youre sisters now 看到你们两个都长这么多,就跟你们现在像姐妹一样。 Wow, guess you pretty much are and daddys still here wow,看起来你就是,然后爸爸现在还在 Lainnie Im talking to you too daddys still here lainnie,我也在跟你讲话,爸爸还在 I like the sound of that, yeah 我喜欢这

17、个的声音 Shhh, mamas only gone for the moment 嘘,妈妈只是离开一下而已 Chorus Now hush little baby dont you cry 宝贝现在嘘 不要哭 Every things gonna be all right 一切都会好的 Stiffin that upper lip up little lady I told ya 挺起你的上嘴唇,小女人。我告诉你 Daddys here to hold ya through the night 爸爸在这抱着你挺过这夜晚 I know mommys not here right now and

18、 we dont know why 我知道妈妈现在不在这,我们也不知道为什么 We fear how we feel inside, it may seem a little crazy 心里的感觉让我们很害怕,有可能感觉很疯狂 Pretty baby but I promise, Mamas gon be alright 但漂亮的宝贝,我发誓妈妈没事的。 End chorus And if you ask me to, daddys gonna buy you a mocking bird 如果你问我要,爸爸会给你买一个模仿鸟 Ima give you the world, Ima buy

19、a diamond ring for you, 我会给你全世界,我会给你买一个钻石戒指, Ima sing for you, Ill do anything for you to see you smile 我会给你唱歌,我会做任何事情只要能让你笑 And if that mockingbird dont sing and that ring dont shine 如果那个模仿鸟不唱歌,那个戒指不发亮 Ima break that birdies neck, Ill go back to the jeweler Who sold it to ya 我就折断那个鸟的脖子,我会去那个卖给你的珠宝商那 And make him eat every carat 然后让他吃下每一个克拉 Dont fuck with Dad (ha ha) 别跟爸爸闹


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