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1、Module10Unit1Wehaveabigfamilydinner教案Module10 Unit1 We have a big family dinner 永乐学校 孟磊 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1) 能听说读认单词与词组:family, dinner, New Year, the Spring Festival ,Chinese, peanuts ,sweets 。 2) 能听懂并会说句子:Happy New Year ! At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. 2. 能力目标:使学生能够学会表达新年问候及描述过春节时的风俗

2、习惯。 3. 情感目标:培养学生对我国传统节日的认识,培养爱国、爱家的学习氛围,激发学习兴趣,提高将实际生活与英语学习的结合的能力。 二、教学重点: 1New words: family, dinner , New Year, the Spring Festival ,Chinese, peanut ,I see. 2Sentences : At Spring Festival, we have 三、教学难点: 1、Spring Festival的发音; 2、学生能围绕春节的话题进行谈论。 四、教学准备: 1 多媒体课件、录音机 五、教学过程: Step1组织课堂 Greeting. Step

3、3 学习新课 1、Lets chant: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year ! 2 Happy Chinese New Year. Spring Festival! Spring Festival! Happy Spring Festival! 引出新词: New YearChinese New YearSpring Festiva反复领读。Happy New Year! Happy Chinese New Year. Happy Spring Festival! 同学们,我们在过年的时候都要说什么?对,新年快乐Happy New Y

4、ear!或者说春节快乐Happy Spring Festival! 2、听课文录音 Now lets listen to the tape.给不懂的单词或词组划上横线。Read it yourself。 3、解决问题 Now who have questions?现在谁有不懂的问题要问?我们共同来解决。 the Spring Festival(春节) New YearChinese New Yearfamily(家庭)dinner 提问:Who can read these? 抽生认读,纠正学生的发音。反复领读。 4、再读课文,回答问题: Answer the questions : 1) W

5、hats the book about? 3 Its about Spring Festival. 2) Whats the Spring Festival? Its the Chinese New Year. 3) What do you do at the Spring Festival? At Spring Festival we have a big family dinner . And we have peanuts and sweets. We say “Happy New Year!” 及时表扬。 5、抽读重点句子: At Spring Festival we have a b

6、ig family dinner . And we have peanuts and sweets. We say “Happy New Year!” 抽生读,齐读,及时鼓励。 6、Talk about(出示课件) At the Spring Festival, we have 7、播放歌曲新年好 八、板书设计 Module 10 Unit 1 We have a big family dinner. Happy New Year! At Spring Festival , we have a big family dinner. We have peanuts and sweets. We say “Happy New Year!” 4


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