Module10 Unit1 That is my father.docx

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《Module10 Unit1 That is my father.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module10 Unit1 That is my father.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Module10 Unit1 That is my fatherModule10 Unit1 That is my father.教学设计 新标准英语一年级第一册 教材分析: 本模块的教学内容是介绍家人和介绍物品所属。Unit1的课文情境是海边,Sam在向Daming介绍自己的家人。爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶都在离他们较远的地方,所以都用“That is ”来介绍。介绍家人给自己的朋友,可以增进友谊,使对方更加了解自己的家庭和生活。本模块的家庭成员词汇“father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma”之间具有一定的词形关联。本模块进一步区分并强化

2、“this, that”所表示的远近位置。 学情分析: 本模块是本册书中的最后一个学习模块,学生在词汇方面已有一定积累,所以教师可以引导学生关注英语的词形特征,强化学生对本学期已学词汇词形的整体认知。 教学目标: 知识与技能目标: 1.语言知识目标: 全体学生能初步运用:That is my father. That is my mother. That is his/her 全体学生能初步运用:father, daddy, mother, his, her 部分学生能初步运用:grandpa, grandma, friend, car, sister, brother 2.语言技能目标: 全

3、体学生能听、说:That is my father. That is his That is my mother. That is her 全体学生能运用“That is my father/mother”介绍家人; 运用“That is his/her”介绍物品所属。 过程与方法目标: 1.熟练掌握father mother grandpa grandma friend等单词。 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: This/That is my 情感态度与价值观目标: 乐于向他人介绍自己的家人,并进一步强化家庭意识。了解英语中家庭成员的表达方式。 教学环境与准备: CD-ROM,单词卡片,课堂

4、活动用书,头饰,板贴,家庭照片 教学过程: 1.导入: 1.warm up: Sing a song Stand up.,教师发指令: Point to your book/schoolbag Ss do the actions.教师启发学生介绍自己的文具。练习句型:This is my 2.通过课件让学生猜测图中物品是什么,练习句型:That is a让学生看图片快速反应并完整说出句子进一步操练句型。 2.新授: 1利用上一个练习出示图片,呈现Sam和Daming,让学生说出That is Sam and Daming。接着呈现Mr Smart的图片,让学生猜测图中的人物是谁,播放CD-RO

5、M进入Listen and point.引出father,板书That is my father.句型并教读,同位练习及时反馈。听读Listen and point.部分。 注意讲解Daddy和father的用法,并扩展mummy。 2.利用文本第一幅图片让学生观察图中的人物,说一说所看到的Sam, Amy and Daming,让学生在图中找一找Sam的爸爸,并听读文本校对答案。再次询问图中Smart导出mother进行教读,可以找学生当小老师进行教读。然后再来观察图中还有哪些人物导入grandpa和grandma的单词教授。 Look,our friend Lingling is comi

6、ng.导出friend并进行教读。Lingling is Damings friend. Im your teacher, but Im your friend too. You are friends each other. Would you like to introduce your friend to us? For example:is my friend. 让学生起来介绍一下自己的朋友。教师进行小结:We are friends too. We should help each other. We should love each other. 3. Listen and rea

7、d the text.听读文本后教师总结:Look at this picture. This is Sam. This is Amy. This is Sams father. This is Sams mother. This is Sams grandpa. This is Sams grandma. This is Sams family tree. 通过直观演示讲解family的含义。We should love our family.我们应该大声的和爸爸妈妈说:“Mother,I love you. Father,I love you.” 4.如果遇到了小朋友的爸爸妈妈我们应该怎样

8、做呢?让我们看一看这两个小朋友是怎样做的。播放CD-ROM中Listen and say.部分。并让学生拿出自己的全家福照片将自己的家人介绍给小朋友们。 3.拓展练习: 1.My Family:通过教师示范That is my father. That is my mother. And thats me. I love my father and mother. 介绍自己的全家福照片为引导,由学生介绍自己的全家福,小组练习并展示。 2. Role Play This is Tutus family photo. Im Tutu. This is my father. This is my mother. I love my father and mother. Now please find your family and introduce to us.根据小朋友们身上所贴的动画人物的图片寻找自己的家人并进行介绍。 4.总结: Summary: Watch a video(欣赏歌曲) :通过歌曲中歌词让学生说一说听到的单词进行小结本课的知识点。 5.作业设计: 1. Introduce your family to your friend. 2. Make your family tree.


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