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1、PEP小学英语五年级上册全册教学设计课 题: BOOK V Unit 1 My new teachers Lets learn, Lets find out 教学内容: 1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young, heavy, old, funny, kind 2、能掌握句型:Whos your ? Whats he/she like? 并能在具体的语境中运用; 教学目标: 3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。 四会掌握五个单词。 重点难点: 能运用句型Whos your ? Whats he/she like? 教具准备: recorder, some books, some

2、pictures, some cards 教学随笔 Step 1 Warm up 1. T shows the pictures of the classrooms, Ss say (Music room, Art room, Computer room, Lab, etc.) 2. Put the teachers in the right rooms. T: Whos he/she? Hes/Shes . (music room- music teacher) 3. Make a chant: Tall, tall, computer teacher is tall, Short, sho

3、rt, short, Science teacher is short, Thin , thin, thin, Art teacher is thin, Fat, fat, fat, Music teacher is fat, Funny, funny, funny, theyre so funny! Step 2 Presentation 1.(T shows a book of maths) Look! Whats this? Ss: Its a maths book. T:(shows a picture of a man) Whos he? Whats he like? T: Hes

4、our maths teacher. Hes tall and thin. T shows other pictures and ask: Whats he/she like? ( young, funny, tall, strong, kind, old, short, thin) 2. read the words. 3. Spell the words: tall, strong, old, short, thin Step 3 Practise 1. Make a chant: My grandma is old, my mother is young, My father is ta

5、ll, My little brother is short, Zoom is heavy, Zip is funny, They are all very kind, and Im kind, too. 2. Describe your teachers. 3. Decribe the pictures. (some famous people) 4. Lets chant Step 4 Assessment 1. Make an investment about your teachers (Name, Whats he/she like? Do you like him/her? Sug

6、gestions ) 2. Activity book 3. Check up the answers. 教 学 过 程 课 题: Book V Unit 1 My new teachers 教学内Lets try , Lets talk, Read and Write 容: 1 、能听懂会说并在实际情景中运用以下对话: Do you have new teachers? Yes, we have a new English/math/art/science/computer/music/P.E. teacher. Whos your English/math/art/science/comp

7、uter/music/P.E. teacher? 教学目 Mr. Zhao/Miss Ma/Miss Liu 标: Whats he/she like? Hes/Shes thin and short. And he/she is very kind. 2、了解歌谣的含义,并能吟唱歌谣的内容。 3、能将所学的句子运用在游戏当中,并能在实际情景中进行运用。 重点难Whos your math teacher? Whats he like? 点: 1、写有教师名字、所任学科的胸卡。 2、展示人物特征的一些小道具。 教具准3、请学生课前设计好一张你心目中最理想的学科教师的图片。 备: Step 1

8、Warm up 教学随笔 1. Lets chant My grandma is old, my mother is young, My father is tall, My little brother is short, Zoom is heavy, Zip is funny, They are all very kind, and Im kind, too. 2. Shows some pictures, Ss guess Whats he/she like? Who is he/she? Step 2 Presentation 1.(T hands out the pictures,

9、practise the drills) Whos your math teacher? Whats he like? (S shows a picture, says:) eg. S: Mr Zhao is my math teacher. Hes thin and short. 教 T: Whos your math teacher? Ss: Mr Zhao. T: Whats he like? Ss: Hes thin and short. 学 2.课上请几名学生以哑剧形式并配道具表演各种神态及动作。 eg, T: Look! There are three new teachers h

10、ere. They want to meet us . T: Do you have new teachers? 过 Ss: Yes. We have a new science teacher. T: Whos your science teacher? Ss: Miss Liu. T: Whats she like? 程 Ss: Shes very young and kind. 3. Free Talk (three Ss a group, talk about the teachers, one group acts) 4. Listen to the tape. 5. Read af

11、ter the tape. 6. Lets chant. a. Listen to the tape. b. chant after the tape. c. chant together. Step 3 Consolidation Step 4 Homework BOOK V Unit 1 My new teachers 课题 Lets learn, Lets chant 教学内容 1、能听懂本课时单词及词组:principal, university student, strict, smart, active 2、能听懂、会说句型:Whos he? Hes from. Whats he

12、like? 3、能听懂Lets chant的歌谣,并按照节奏来念。 教学目标 4、能运用上节课的词汇进行pair work巩固练习。 5、能在教师的指导下完成Read and write. 重点难principal, university student, strict, smart, active 点: 1、学生制作的写有形容词和职业名称的卡片。 教具准备 2、字母卡片 Step 1 warm up 教学随笔 1. listen and sing the song: My new teacher 2. pair work: review the drills Whats he/she lik

13、e? Hes/Shes tall. Step 2 Presentation 1.Present: principal, strict, university student 用图画展示场景。认识出席的各课教师。 a. T: Whos that man/woman? Oh, hes the principal. Whats he like? b. read after the T. c. Is he kind? Yes, and hes very strict. 教 Read the word. d. T shows 清华大学 Look! This is Qinghua University.

14、Whats it like? (beautiful, nice) 学 This is a boy. Hes from Qinghua University. Hes a university student. e. read the phrase: university student f. Shows the picture of a university student, 过 T: Look! Hes a university student of Qinghua University. Whats he like? (thin, young, thinking) Hes smart. 程

15、 g. read the word. Who is smart? (一休, 司马光等) h. T: The principal is very kind and strict. And the university is smart.Look at Miss Lin and her students. Whats she like? What are they like? Shes active. They are active, too. read the word: active i. Play games:(smart, active, strict, young) Bingo Arra

16、nge the letters j. Lets chant Listen to the tape chant after the tape. ask some Ss to chant. Step 3 Consolidation Read the words Step 4 Assessment 1. 同学之间描述自己尊敬的一位老师或亲密的朋友. 教 学 反 思 Unit 1 My New teachers 课 题: 教学内Lets try, Lets talk, group work, Read and write 容: 1、能进一步巩固已学单词在对话中的应用。 教学目2、能进一步激发学生学习英

17、语的积极性,提高学生的会话能力和合作能力。 标: 重点难 点: Recorder, cards 教具准备: 教学随笔 Step 1 Warm up 1. Listen and sing the song: My New Teacher 2. Part B: lets chant (T-Ss, S-Ss whole class) 教 Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen and guess (T uses the pictures) eg. T: Whos that man? 学 Ss guess. T: Is he tall? Ss answer. 2. Lets tal

18、k. 过 a. Listen to the tape. b. Ask and answer.(T-Ss) c. Read after the tape. d. group work: read the dialogue. 程 e. have a match. 3. Group work a. (T-Ss)guessing game T: Shes our teacher. Ss: Is she? T shows the card. 4. group work: practise the dialogue. Step 3 Read and write 1. Talk and draw 2. Le

19、ts try a. listen and circle b. check up Step 4 Assessment Activity book 教学反思 Unit 1 My New Teachers 课 题: 教学内Talk and draw, Task time, Pronunciation 容: 教学目标: 1、巩固四会单词:strict/funny/pretty 和四会句型: Is he strict? Yes, but he is very kind.并能在实际情景中运用。 2、掌握ea/ee/bl/br字母组合的发音,并能准确地读出这些单词。 重点难点: 掌握ea/ee/bl/br字

20、母组合的发音,并能准确地读出这些单词。 教具准制作一张教师节日卡 备: Step 1 Warm up 1. Lets chant. 2. perform the dialogue of period 4 教 Step 2 Presentation 1. Read and write a. play games: I spy ( review the words: strict, funny, pretty) 学 教师快速出示卡片,看谁先说出来 b. 看谁拼得快 教师将单词的字母拆开,要求学生拼出单词 c. Listen to the tape and answer the questions

21、过 d. Listen again, write down the sentences. 2. Pronunciation a. T shows the cards, Ss read and find the same b. check up. 程 c. read after the tape. d. Give some new words, Ss read. e. say the tongue twisters. 教学随笔 Step 3 Assessment 1. Listen and number. 2. Check up the answers. 3. Make a card and s

22、end it to your favorite teacher. 教学反思 Unit 1 课 题: 教学内Lets check, Good to know, Story time 容: 1、了解英语国家姓名的表达方式; 2、基本了解Story time部分的故事内容: 教学目3、使学生懂得在日常生活中应懂得尊重别人; 标: 4、帮助学生学会利用英语获取所需信息的能力。 重点难基本了解Story time部分的故事内容 点: 教具准CAI课件 备: 胸卡、拇指帽 Step 1 Warm up 1. Activity: Greeting each other 2. use the drills:

23、How do you do? 教 Glad to meet you. How are you? Step 2 Presentation 1. Smart game: 学 a. 快速出示图片,说一说是Mr还是Miss b. 了解英语国家姓名的表达方式: c. Mr和Miss的后面加姓,而不是加名字。 d. 称呼同学或老师。 过 2. Introduce Who that waman? Do you want to try? (通过出示贝克汉姆的图片,学习football player) 3. Fun time: Thumb game 程 (三人一组作介绍,然后练说:Can I join you?

24、) 4.Watching 回忆看到过的比赛,谈论人物。 5. 通过观看比赛,引出射门Shoot!以及Missed! 6. 通过比赛结果,引入比分的说法。 教学随笔 Step 3 Practise 1. Listen and try to say 2. 通过动画展示句型Thats for sure. 3. play a game: stone, scissors, cloth 4. Listen to the story. Step 4 Consolidation Step 5 Asessment review the four-skill words and drills 教学反思 课 题:

25、Unit2 My days of the week 教学内 Lets start Main scene A. Lets learn Lets play C. Lets sing 容: 1. Grasp the drill: What day is it today? What do we have on Mondays? 教学目2. Grasp the four-skills words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. 标: 3. 运用新的语言进行星期转盘游戏。Understand and sing the song: My Days of the W

26、eek. 重点难 Four-skills words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. 点: 教具准备: Step 1. Warming up Recorder, tape, picture, cards, 游戏转盘。 教学随笔 1.Listen to the song: My Days of the Week. 2.Daily dialogue practice: A: Hello, B. What time is it? 教 学 过 程 B: Hello, A. Its 8:20. Its time four English class. 3.Let

27、s chant, Lets sing, Lets do.(Book4) Step 2. Preview 1. Review the sentences: Its 8 oclock. Its time four Chinese. 2. Review some words about subject. 3. 画课程表,复习有关课程的词汇。引出:We have Chinese, Englishon Monday. Step 3. Presentation 1.Lets learn& Lets learn (1)T shows the picture of“Main scene”,then asks:

28、 What classes do you like?(复习有关课程的词汇,感知本单元的主要语言) (2)T shows the picture of Lets learn, then says: Its a time schedule. Lets have a look. Its 8:00. Its time four Chinese. Its 8:50. Its time four English. Its 9:50. Its time four math. Its 10:40. Its time for music. What day is it? (引出新单词和句型)Monday We

29、have on Mondays.(还可设置问题:What day is it today? What day do you like?) (3)Read the new words: Listen to the tape, Ss read after the tape. (4)Write the four-skills words 1.Lets play 玩星期转盘游戏,运用句型:What day is it today? Its 2.Lets sing (1) Listen to the tape. (2)Sing after the tape. (3)Sing together Step

30、4.Consolidation and extension 1. Do the exercises 2. Listen to the tape and repeat. 3. 设计英文课程表,在班级进行展示。 4.Play a game: Guess“What day is it today?” 5.Sing the song to parents or friends. 教学反思 课 题: Unit2 My days of the week 教学内A. Lets try Lets talk Group work C. Good to know 容: 1.Understand and be ab

31、le to ask and answer: What day is it today? Its What do you have on? We have I like 教学目2.Good to know the holidays in West countries. 标: Important points: What day is it today? Its What do you have on Wednesday? We have English, 重点难science, computer and P.E. I like Wednesdays. 点: Different points: L

32、ets try. 教具准Recorder, tape, pictures 备: Step 1. Warming up Sing a song: My Days of the Week. 1. Review the words. 2. Daily dialogue: A: What day is it today? B: Its Tuesday. C: We have P.E. class. I like Tuesdays. Step 2. Preview 教 Listen and finish“Lets try”. Step 3. Presentation 学 1. Lets try & Le

33、ts talk (1) Listen to the tape. 过 (2)用转盘教具做游戏,操练第一组句型:What day is it today? Its (3)出示课程表,操练第二组句型:What do you have on? We have I like &程 (2) 学生自己设计课程表练习Lets talk. 2Group work 3.Good to know Step 4. Consolidation and extension 1. Do the exercises. 2. Listen to the tape.( 3 times ) 设计课程表并练习Lets talk.(m

34、ake a dialogue) 教学反思 课 题: Unit2 My days of the week 教学内A. Read and write Pair work C. Pronunciation 容: 1. Be able to understand and use the sentences in Read and write. 2. Grasp the four-skills sentences, finish the sentences. 教学目标: 3. Good to know the pronunciation of o w, o u, c l, c r. Important

35、points: four-skills sentences. 重点难Different points: Pronunciation. 点: 教学随笔 教具准备: Step 1. Warming up Recorder, tape, pictures, word cards. 1. Sing a song. 2. Review the words. 3. Daily dialogue: A: What day is it today? B: Its Thursday. C: I like music. Do we have music today? D: Yes. 教 学 过 程 Step 2.

36、 Preview Have a race: Let Ss look at the word cards, then spell the words Quickly. Step 3. Presentation 1. Read and write (1)T shows the picture, then speaks: Its time to go to bed. Mike puts away his textbooks. But he puts wrong books in his schoolbag. Why? (Let Ss answer in English or Chinese.) (1

37、) Watch VCD, listen to the tape, read these sentences. (2) Finish the sentences. (3) Write the four-skills sentences. 2. Pair work 3. Pronunciation (1) T shows some word cards (include ow, ou, cl, cr), then read them, Ss make these words in some groups after reading again.(提示:根据发音归类。) (2) Listen to

38、the tape, read the words and tongue twister. Step 4. Consolidation and extension 1. Do exercises. 2. Listen to the tape.(3 times) 3. Speak and do.(Pair work) 教 学 反 思 课 题: Unit2 My days of the week 教学内Lets chant B. Lets learn Lets chant C. Story time 容: 1. Understand and be able to speak two chant. 2

39、. Be able to listen, say, read, write and use the words and phrases: Saturday, 教学目标: Sunday, do homework, watch TV, read books. 3.Understand the story. 重点难Four-skills words and phrases: Saturday, Sunday, do homework, watch TV, read books. 点: 教具准备: Step 1. Warming up Recorder, tape, pictures, word ca

40、rds, 手偶,头套. 教学随笔 1. Lets chant. 2. Daily dialogue: A: What do you have on Mondays? B. I have math on Mondays. What do you have on Tuesdays? C. I have art on Tuesdays. What do you have on Wednesdays? D. I have computer on Wednesdays. What do you have on Thursdays? Step 2. Preview Lets chant (P14) 教 S

41、tep 3. Presentation 1. Lets learn (1) T: What do you have on Saturdays? Ss: No. 学 T: Then, what do you do on Saturdays? Show me! Ss acts. T shows some cards and do: Look at the boy! What does he do on Saturdays? 过 (引出短语)watch TV, do homework, read books. (2) Look at the picture, listen to the tape a

42、nd read the phrases. (3) 在替换句型中操练新词。 程 (4) Write the new words and phrases. 2. B. Lets chant (!) Listen to the tape, T explains the words: often, sometimes. (2)Ss chant after the tape and do. 3. Story time Watch VCD, listen to the tape, try to understand the story. Step 4. Consolidation and extensio

43、n 1. Do exercises. 2. Listen to the tape. 3. Lets chant. Tell the story to others. 教学反思 课 题: Unit2 My days of the week 教学内B. Lets try Lets talk Pair work C. Lets check 容: 1. Understand, be able to say and use: What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often do homework, read books and watch TV. 教学目标: Finish Lets check, 对本单元的学习进行阶段性评价。 Important points: What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often do homework, read books and watch TV. 重点难点: Different points: How to use these new sentences a


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