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1、PEP小学五年级英语下册第二单元练习题一 火眼金睛,找出拼写不正确的单词 1. A suny B windy C cloudy 2. A sky B air C snowwy 3. A season B sbring C summer 4. A river B brigde C lake 5. A good B beter C best 二 我是神笔小画家,画一画你眼中的四季 spring summer fall winter 三 我是机警小侦探,看下面的东西应哪个季节出现,把它找出来,写在下面对应的横线上 swim cold green cool yellow make a snowman

2、red plant trees hot white climb mountains warm 1.spring: _ 2. summer: _ 3.fall: _ 4. winter: _ 四 小博士知识台,写出下面几个节日在哪个季节 Halloween Childrens Day Womens Day Thanksgiving Christmas Day Teachers Day 五 送单词宝宝回家,将单词或短语写在相应图片下的横线上 summer swim spring flower fall skate fly a kite plant trees make a snowman 1 六

3、单词排排队,句子自然来 1. Beijing, what, is, weather, the, in, like, fall, in ? 2. do, we, can, there, what ? 3. Amy, like, does, best, which, season ? 4. favourite, is, what, your, season ? 5. spring, you, do, like, why ? 七 句子对对碰,把方框里句子的字母代号填写在相应句子前的括号里 1. Why do you like spring? 2. Which season does Miss Che

4、n like best? 3. Whats your favourite season? 4. When is the best time to go to Shanghai? 5. What can we do in Beijing? A. You can go to the Great Wall. B. Because I can plant trees. C. She likes fall best. D. My favourite season is winter. E. Fall. 2 八 我是英明小判官,读一读,判断对错 Zoom: Come and have a fuuny ho

5、liday with us! In spring, the weather is warm and sunny. We can take a field trip. In summer its hot, and we can swim in the sea! In fall, its always sunny and cool. We can climb mountains and enjoy red leaves. In winter, its cold and snowy. We can play with snow! Please join us for fun, fun, fun! Z

6、ip: Which season do you like best, Zoom? Zoom: I like winter best. Christmas Day! Ha! Ha! What about you, Zip? Zip: Winter is good, but fall is my favourite season. I can have many many nuts! ( ) 1. We can take a field trip in spring. ( ) 2. Its suuny and cool in fall. ( ) 3. Zoom likes winter best.

7、 Because Halloween is in winter. ( ) 4. Winter is Zips favourite season. ( ) 5. Zip can have many many apples in fall. 九 阅读选择显身手,相信你能行!读一读,选择正确答案。 Miss Panda: Hi, Miss Beaver! This is my friend, Mr Kangaroo. Hes from Australia. Mr Kangaroo, this is my friend, Miss Beaver. Shes from Cananda. Miss Bea

8、ver: Nice to meet you. Mr Kangaroo: Nice to meet you, too. Oh, Im thirsty. Its too hot here. Which season is it in China now? Miss Beaver: Its summer here. Why are you wearing warm clothes? Miss Panda: Oh, sorry. Mr Kangaroo hasnt been here before. When its summer in China, its winter in Australia.

9、Lets go swimming. Then youll be cool. Mr Kangaroo: Which season do you like best, Miss Beaver? Miss Beaver: Well, in Canada I like fall best. The leaves are colourful. Its very beautiful. Whats your favourite season, Mr Kangaroo? Mr Kangaroo: I like summer best. Because there are many kinds of fruit

10、s in Australia and I can swim. What about you, Miss Panda? Miss Panda: Summer is good, but I like fall best. 3 Mr Kangaroo: Why? Miss Panda: National Day. ( ) 1. Where is Mr Kangaroo from? A. China B. Canada C. Australia ( ) 2. Which season is it in Australia now? A. Spring B. Winter C. Summer ( ) 3

11、. Why does Miss Beaver like fall best? A. The leaves are colourful. B. Many kinds of fruits. C. National Day. 4. Which season does Mr Kangaroo like best? A. Summer B. Fall C. Winter ( ) 5. Which season does Miss Panda like best? A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall 十 我是智慧小作家,写一段话,描述自己最喜欢的季节。 My favourite season 4


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