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1、PEP小学英语六年级下册复习资料PEP六年级下册复习资料 一、每单元知识点归纳 Unit1 How Tall Are You ? 一形容词的比较级:一般来说在中文中表示“的”就是形容词。表示两者间的比较就用比较级)公式为:A+be+形容词的比较级+than+B 例如:Youre shorter than me你比我更矮。Im bigger and stronger than you.我比你体型大比你强壮。Mike is heavier than me. 麦克比我更重 比较级的构成:1以e结尾,直接+r2以“辅音+y”结尾变yier3以“辅音+音+辅音”结尾的双写末尾辅音+er4直接+er 二

2、四会单词: tall高的taller更高的 short矮的shorter 更矮的 thin瘦的thinner 更瘦的 heavy重的heavier 更重的 small小的smaller 更小的 strong强壮的stronger 更强壮的 old年龄大的older 年龄更大的 young年轻的younger 更年轻的 big大的bigger 更大的 long长的longer 更长的 四会句子: 1你有多高?How tall are you? 2.我有1米64高。Im 164cm tall. 3.你比我矮。Youre shorter than me. 4.你比我高4厘米。Youre 4 cm t

3、aller than me. 1 5.你有多重?How heavy are you? 6.我有48公斤重。Im 48kg. 7.我比你瘦,还比你矮。Im thinner than you, and shorter. 8 .他的手大一些。His hands are bigger. 9. 他的头小一些。His head is smaller. 10How oldare you? 你有多大? 11Im 11 years old. 我11岁。 12Im 12. 我12岁。Im one year old than you. 我比你大一岁。 13 Im two years old than you。我比你

4、大2岁。 词组: in the morning /afternoon /evening(在早上/下午/晚上) walk to .步行到 flew kites放风筝 jump into (跳到.里面) swam to .(游到.里面) five minutes later五分钟以后 returned(return). to (把.归还给别人) be grateful to sb(对某人很感激) Unit2 Whats the Matter, Mike? 一四会单词 have a fever hurt have a cold have a toothache have a headache nos

5、e have a sore throat matter sore tired excited angry happy bored sad 二四会句子 1你怎么啦? 我发烧了。Whats the matter? I have a fever. 2我喉咙疼。My throat is sore. 2 3我鼻子疼。My nose hurts. 4你感觉怎样?How do you feel? 5我感觉生病了。.I feel sick. .6.我很高兴。Im happy / I feel happy. 7.Amy感觉怎样?她很累。How does Amy feel? Shes tired. 8你好吗,刘云

6、?你看上去那么高兴。How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. 9你好吗,Sarah?你今天看上去那么伤心。How are you, Sarah? You look sad today. 10How are you, Liu Yun? 你好吗,刘云? You look so happy. 你看起来很高兴。 11She feels happy. =She is happy.她很开心. 12. I feel happy. =I am happy.我很开心.。 13I am going on a big trip.我将去旅行 14.I failed my mat

7、h test.我数学考试失败了。 15.Im sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我感到很伤心。 16. Dont worry别担心 17.If you are sick,see the doctor. 假如你生病了,就去看医生。 18.Take some medicine(药)and drink hot drinks. Unit3 and unit4 动词一般过去时表示过去发生的事情,公式是:人+动词过去式+其他+过去的时间。表示过去的时间是判断过去式的主要标志:last weekend上个星期 last year去年last month上个月 yesterday昨天 例如:I

8、 visited my grandparents last weekend.上周末我看望了爷爷奶奶。 Wu Yifan played football with his friends yesterday. 昨天吴一帆和他的朋友们一起踢足球。 3 动词过去式变化规则: 1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如ski-skiedrelax-relaxed prepare-prepared准备 2结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted 3末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:s

9、tudy-studied carry-carried 直接+ed的动词过去式: watch visited the Great Wall washwashed the clothes洗衣服 cleancleaned the room打扫房间 playplayed football踢足球 played basketball(打篮球) played sports进行体育运动 climb-climbed a mountain爬山 visitvisited grandparents看望爷爷奶奶 cook -cooked 做饭 learn-learned Chinese/English/math学习语文

10、/英语/数学 listenlistened to music听音乐 rowrowed a boat划 returm sth to sb把.归还给(give sth .back to sb) returned = gave back to把归还给 没有规律的动词的过去式有: do做-did read- read go去went take took eat-ate buy-bought see saw get got (got to 到达) is amwas have -had有 fly飞flew swim swam游泳 studystudied English学习英语 winwon the ga

11、me赢得比赛 leave left离开 make made a snowman堆雪人 Unit3四会句子: 1.-What did you do last weekend?上周末你干了什么? I visited my grandparents.我去拜访了我的爷爷奶奶。 2. Did you clean your room yesterday? 你打扫了你的房间了吗? 5 Yes , I did。是的,我打扫过了/No, I didnt.不,我没有打扫过。 3.-What did Mike do yesterday?昨天迈克干了什么? -He went swimming.他去游泳了。 4.Joh

12、n was busy last Sunday. 上个星期天John很忙碌。 5He washed the clothes and cleaned the room in the morning.早上他了洗衣服,打扫了教室。 Unit4四会句子: 1.-Where did you go on your holiday? 你在哪儿度假了?-I went to Xinjiang .我去新疆了。 2.-How did you go there? 你是怎么去儿的? -I went by train.我坐火车去的。 3.-What did you do there? 你在那里干吗了? -I went sk

13、iing我去滑雪了。 4.-What did you do on your holiday? -你假期里去干吗了? -I bought presents. for my friends.我给我的朋友买礼物了。 5.Did you read books? 你读过书吗?-Yes, I did.是的,我看过。 6Did you go to a park?你有没有去过公园? No, I didnt.不, 我没有。 Did +主语+动词原形 +其他成分?用Yes, I did.或 No, I didnt.来回答.。 What:什么,问事情问东西; Why :为什么,问原因;Where 哪里,问地点;Wh

14、o 谁,问人;Whose 谁的,问主人。Whose book is this? 这本书是谁的? Its my sisters .它是我妹妹的。 Recycle 1 2 6 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,常常与表示将来的时间状语连用。其表达形式为 “be going to+动词原形”, 标志性的时间词:tomorrow ,next Monday ,next week等。 四会句子: Where are you going on your holiday?假期你打算去哪里? I am going to Kunming.我打算去昆明。 Who are you going on with?你

15、将和谁一起去? I am going with my parents.我将和我父母一起去。 How are you going there? 你打算怎么去? We are going by plane.我们坐飞机去。 When are you going? 你打算什么时候去? We are going this weekend.我们打算这个周末去。 Have a good time.祝你玩得开心。 二、每单元语法 Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 话题:身体 时态:比较级在一般现在时中的运用 句型: 1. How 引导的特殊疑问句,来谈论对方的身体情况:- How + 形容词

16、+ are you? - Im + 与身体有关的具体数值。例: 7 A: How tall are you? B: Im 164 cm tall. 2. 比较级,用来对自己和他人的身体特征进行比较:- You are + 形容词的比较级 + than me. - Im + 形容词的比较级 + than you. 例: Im thinner than you. My hands are bigger than yours. Unit 2 Whats the Matter, Mike? 话题:身体 时态:一般现在时 句型: 1. What 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论身体上的病痛:- Whats the

17、 matter? - My +身体器官 + is / are + sore. / My + 身体器官 + hurt / hurts. / I have a + 有关病痛的词组。例: A: Whats the matter, Amy? B: I have a cold. My nose hurts. 2. How 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论人们情绪上的感受:- How are you? You look +与情绪有关的形容词。- Im + 形容词。例: A: How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. B: Yes. Im excited. Unit 3 Las

18、t Weekend 话题:日常活动 时态:一般过去时 8 句型: 1. What 引导的特殊疑问句,就过去已经发生的行为动作进行提问:- What did you do + 时间?- I + 动作. 例: A: What did you do last weekend? B: I Played football. 2. Did 引导的一般疑问句,就过去是否发生了某行为动作进行问答:- Did you + 动词原形?- Yes, I did. No, I didnt. 例: A: Did you read books? B: Yes, I did. Unit 4 My Holiday 话题:节日

19、 时态:一般过去时 句型: 综合运用Where, When, What, How等词,引导特殊疑问句,就过去已经发生的行为动作进行提问:基本句型同上。例: A: Where did you go on your holiday? B: I went to Xinjiang. 三、不定冠词a和an 的用法 a 用于辅音因素开头的单词前,an用于元音因素开头的因素前 如:a singer, a writer, a policeman ,a salesperson 记住本学期出现过的用an 的单词:an actor , an actress, an English book, an artist,

20、an accountant, an engineer, an orange, an old woman 9 四、 人称代词和物主代词 Imy youyour weour he(他) his sheher it its they their(他们的,她们的,它们的) 五、 介词的用法 1. Usually I go to school on foot, sometimes I go by bike. 2. Wait for the sprout. Wait for the flower to grow. 3. See you at two oclock. 4. Go straight for f

21、ive minutes. Then turn left. 5. It on the left. 6. Get on/ off at the post office. 六、 用动词的适当形式填空 1. like或者likes后面直接跟动词的ing形式 I like making kites. He likes collecting stamps. 2. want to 跟动词原形 I want to buy an English book in the bookstore. I want to be a science teacher one day. 3. can后跟动词原形 She can

22、play the violin. I can play basketball. 4. be going to 后跟动词原形 (不要管是什么人称) 10 What are you going to do on the weekend? I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend. John is going to buy a pair of shoes in the shoe store. We are going to have a picnic next week. 5. 第三人称单数形式加s 或es (动词第三人称单数形式一般直接加s,

23、 以ch,sh,s,x,o等结尾的加es, 以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es,如studies;特殊变化have 变has ) She cleans streets. He helps sick people. She reads newspaper every day. - He watches TV at home. He goes to work by subway. He is a teacher. He teaches English. My pen pal lives in Beijing. He studies hard.(他努力学习) She has a happy family. 6. 肯定回答,否定回答 Is there ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Does he ? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. Does she ? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. 11 12


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