1、phonics自然拼读Pre Primer Skill 1 Recognition Memory - CVC Words (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) DIRECTIONS: Circle the letters that spell the sounds heard in the picture words below. Choose one letter from each column, then write the word in the space. Name Date_ CVC Phonics Worksheet Skill 1 Name_ Date_ L
2、esson 2 - Skill 1 - BLENDS - Recognition Memory Directions: Circle the correct letter or letters from each column to spell the picture word. Then write the word neatly in the space below. Illustrations courtesy of LeapFrog Inc. from Phonics Desk Reading Tool. Lesson 3 - Skill 1 - FINAL E RULE - Reco
3、gnition Memory Directions: Say the picture word slowly and listen to the sounds. Circle one letter from each column for the beginning - middle - and final sound. Write the word in the space provided. Lesson 4 - Skill 1 - DIGRAPHS - ch sh th wh - Recognition Memory Directions: Circle the correct lett
4、er or letters from each column below to spell the word seen in the picture. Then write the word in the space below the letters. f d n d c r a sh f i sh m a sh b a th d a ch i ch a ch o th i ch o sh sh e p fr o ch th i ck sh o ck th i n br u sh ch o sh ch e ch sh o n ch i m sh a ck sh a p o n ch e st
5、 ch o pe sh u t th i m cl a th ch a t sh cr o sh wh i l r w sh a te l a nsh s u nch wh u d wh e le t u nch a nsh w i p a ke Lesson 5 - Skill 1 - 2 Letter Vowel Sounds - Recognition Memory Directions: Circle the correct letter or letters from each column below to spell the word seen in the picture. W
6、rite the word in the space below the letters. b d oa ee b ai t d oa m s oa d r ee b s ie b n ee d c oa l h oi n b oi t ch oa t p ai nt sh ee p t oa th h ee sh g oi t m oa l r oi l s ai f sn oi l sh ai d t ai d s oa p c oa n ch ai t th ai m h oi t sh ee k tr ee n wh c oa n sh ai n bl ai s sh ee m qu
7、ee p ch oa m br oa d ai l qu ai k z oa l Lesson 6 - Skill 1 - R-Controlled Vowels - Recognition Memory Illustrations from LeapFrog Phonics Desk Directions: Circle the correct letter or letters from each column below to spell the word seen in the picture. Write the word in the space below the letters
8、. ar er n m t c or ar b or d ir b d b ur b n or n b ar t d er n f or m c er t c ar k t or n t or th c ur t c ur b l or l f ar m h or s f ur k t or m f or m c ur t t ir t s ar f h ar n th or t n or m h ur m th er k sh ir m sl er n sh ar m ch or t st or m g ir l sl or t f or m sk ir m How to Use The P
9、honics Desk Worksheet Program 1. TEACH THE SOUNDS & WORDS USING THE PHONICS DESK - We have purchased 5 of these hands on products for our school which have shown to be highly effective for helping children to memorize all the sounds and words used in our phonics worksheets (available at Toys R Us an
10、d other retail outlets for about $45). Have the child sit down at the Phonics Desk and complete all the cards in a LESSON. The 20 cards in each Phonics Desk Lesson will teach the beginning - middle - and final sounds in the word and begin the process of word learning. Average completion time is 15-2
11、0 minutes. 2. PRACTICE THE LESSON SOUNDS & WORDS USING THE SKILL WORKSHEET After completing the set of LESSON cards using the Phonics Desk, the sounds have been placed in the childs short term memory. To lead to a better memorization of the LESSON sounds and words, the next step is to have the stude
12、nt complete the SKILL 1 Worksheet for that particular LESSON. (There are multiple SKILL LEVELS for each Phonics LESSON). The first SKILL LEVEL WORKSHEET is the easiest, providing immediate reinforcement to the sounds and words just heard in the PHONICS DESK LESSON. This is accomplished by using a me
13、morizing strategy known as RECOGNITION MEMORY. Recognition memory is a technique which generates immediate success for the child while efficiently contributing to the memorizing/learning process. For example, all exercises in the Skill 1 Level give the child two choices for the beginning consonant s
14、ound - 2 choices for the vowel sound - and 2 choices for the final consonant sound. By limiting choices to only 2, this greatly improves the childs memory search capabilities and allows for a non-frustrating and successful activity that even very low and non-readers can attempt successfully. Childre
15、n who are low readers can benefit from our Talking Tutor Worksheets. Its like having a full-time tutor doing the worksheet with them. To hear the Talking-Tutor, simply have the child click on any picture and a voice will teach the proper sounding-out letter decoding process. 3. CORRECT ERRORS IN JUS
16、T COMPLETED WORKSHEET Some of the best learning occurs when we identify the incorrect areas and then have the child immediately go back and correct the errors. Using a colored marker - place a mark next to each word the child answered incorrectly. Do not tell the child which column was incorrect, bu
17、t rather, have them now go back to the Talking Tutor to click on the picture, thereby forcing the child to listen closely to all three sounds to find the correct answer. 4. ACHIEVE MASTERY OF SKILL 1 - ATTEMPT WORKSHEET AGAIN Before moving onto the Skill 2 worksheet, it is necessary that the child a
18、chieve 100% mastery on the Skill 1 worksheet without the help of the Talking Tutor. This can often take 4, 5, 6, 7 or for some LD children, even 9 or 10 attempts at the worksheet. The teacher can choose to either have the child complete the entire worksheet again or have them just complete the words
19、 which were answered incorrectly. When the student can complete the worksheet successfully, the teacher can then record the progress on any self-made Record Keeping Chart (Kids love to be see their progress!). 5. BEGIN SKILL 2 WORKSHEET After SKILL 1 mastery, the child then begins working on the SKI
20、LL 2 worksheet. The SKILL 2 worksheet is identical to the SKILL 1 worksheet except that the child must remember the 1st sound without having to look at two choices. When this sheet is successfully completed the teacher again records the childs progress on the Record Keeping Chart. 6. BEGIN SKILL 3 W
21、ORKSHEET After SKILL 2 mastery, the child begins the SKILL 3 worksheet. Again, similar to SKILL 2 worksheet, however, this time the final sound is missing. When this sheet is successfully completed the teacher again records the childs progress on the Record Keeping Chart. 7. BEGIN SKILL 4 WORKSHEET
22、After SKILL 3 mastery, the child begins the SKILL 4 worksheet. Again, similar to SKILL 3 worksheet, however, this time the final sound is missing. When this sheet is successfully completed the teacher again records the childs progress on the Record Keeping Chart. 8. SKILL 5 - FINAL LESSON TEST Once
23、the child has successfully completed the previous skill lessons, were ready to check for true mastery by giving the child the Final Phonics Desk Lesson Test. This sheet shows the Phonics Desk Lesson Picture Word and provides a blank writing space underneath the picture. The child now uses his/her ph
24、onics skills learned from the previous SKILL worksheets to spell the word correctly. There are no clues in this exercise so spelling the words correctly heret typically demonstrates a successful ability in being able to read the word. 9. BEGIN NEXT PHONICS DESK LESSON After completing the all the SKILL Level Worksheets for a Phonics Desk LESSON, the student can then begin the 20 new words and sounds in the next Phonics Desk LESSON.