Roughness Heightfluent壁面粗糙度设置.docx

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《Roughness Heightfluent壁面粗糙度设置.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Roughness Heightfluent壁面粗糙度设置.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Roughness Heightfluent壁面粗糙度设置Fluent关于壁面设置中的Roughness Height与Roughness Constant Ks Cs Setting the Roughness Parameters The roughness parameters are in the Momentum tab of the Wall Dialog Box (see Figure 6.34: The Wall Dialog Box for Marangoni Stress), which is opened from the Boundary Conditions Task

2、 Page (as described in Setting Cell Zone and Boundary Conditions). To model the wall roughness effects, you must specify two roughness parameters: the Roughness Height, , and the Roughness Constant, . The default roughness height ( ) is zero, which . corresponds to smooth walls. For the roughness to

3、 take effect, you must specify a non-zero value for For a uniform sand-grain roughness, the height of the sand-grain can simply be taken for non-uniform sand-grain, however, the mean diameter ( . For a ) would be a more meaningful roughness . height. For other types of roughness, an “equivalent” san

4、d-grain roughness height could be used for The above approaches are only relevant if the height is considered constant per surface. However, if the roughness constant or roughness height is not constant, then you can specify a profile (see Profiles). Similarly, user-defined functions may be used to

5、define a wall roughness height that is not constant. For details on the format of user-defined functions, refer to the UDF Manual. Choosing a proper roughness constant (default roughness constant ( ) is dictated mainly by the type of the given roughness. The ) was determined so that, when used with

6、- turbulence models, it reproduces Nikuradses resistance data for pipes roughened with tightly-packed, uniform sand-grain roughness. You may need to adjust the roughness constant when the roughness you want to model departs much from uniform sand-grain. For instance, there is some experimental evide

7、nce that, for non-uniform sand-grains, ribs, and wire-mesh roughness, a higher value (appropriate. Unfortunately, a clear guideline for choosing available. Note: The rough wall formulation using the shift introduced in Equation 693 eliminates all restrictions with respect to mesh resolution near the

8、 wall and can therefore be run on arbitrary fine meshes. ) is more for arbitrary types of roughness is not 两个参数的含义是: roughness height 粗糙度厚度Ks,也就是通常说的粗糙度,如果Ks=0,则认为是光滑的。如要考虑粗糙度,对于均匀砂粒状表面,可简单任务Ks为砂粒高度;对不均匀表面,可用砂粒平均直径。空气动力学概念粗糙度即粗糙高度或粗糙参数,是地表的一种空气动力学参数。可表示地表的粗糙程度,具有长度的量纲。在数值上被定义为贴近地面平均风速为零处的高度,但在物理上这一高

9、度并不真正存在。近地层对数分布风速廓线满足此边界条件。粗糙度一般与气流无关,而只决定于地表粗糙单元的几何形状、大小和排列等。对于水面和具有弹性的植被,粗糙度还与风速有关。作为十分粗略的近似,蒙蒂思总结了经验关系:粗糙度与粗糙单元平均高度h的比值为0.13。但实际上比值是表面特征参数的复杂函数,如莱托提出的关系为0.5Lh/,式中L为粗糙单元迎风面上的平均截距,D为粗糙单元的平均间距。这类公式都带有局限性和经验性。粗糙度可利用中性大气条件下实测的风速廓线推算。典型的粗糙度高度如下: 拖拉管 0.0015 mm 钢 0.046 mm 水泥 0.3-3 mm roughness constant 粗

10、糙度常数Cs:一般为0.5,对于均匀砂粒表面,不用调整此值;对非均匀砂粒表面,如带有筋板或网眼的表面,一般Cs为0.51。 来自论坛 我做的清水离心泵CFD模拟计算,请教一下大家: Wall Boundaries对话框中,有两个Roughness参数, 分别是Roughness Height和Roughness Constant, 这两个参数需要设置吗,该如何设置? 我模拟的扬程和效率跟试验值总有差距,怀疑是泵壁铸造精度差,过于粗糙,因此想在CFD计算中反映这种粗糙度。 谢谢! - 下来仔细看了一下help文件,了解了这两个参数的含义。 经过几次运算和对比,发现fluent输出结果对这两个参数

11、十分敏感。 应该取什么数值,还要进一步研究。欢迎大家探讨啊! 两个参数的含义是:roughness height 粗糙度厚度Ks,也就是通常说的粗糙度,如果Ks=0,则认为是光滑的。 - roughness constant 粗糙度常数Cs:一般为0.5,对于均匀砂粒表面,不用调整此值;对非均匀砂粒表面,如带有筋板或网眼的表面,一般Cs为0.51。 - 我曾经对考虑壁面粗糙度和不考虑的情况分别进行过计算,采用相同的结构和网格.发现对扬程和效率的影响很细微,可以忽略. - 关于模拟值与试验值差别较大的问题.一般计算出来的扬程要高出试验值不多,而效率值则高不少. 这是由于在模拟时进行了很多简化:比如前后泄漏的容积效率损失(如果是小流量情况,这块的比重是很大的),前后盖板的摩擦损失,轴承和密封的机械损失. 可以根据试验结果用一些系数对模拟值进行修正. CFD结果只能作为参考,作为趋势分析是可以的.不可能完全代替试验 - 我的那个怎么对这两个数不敏感啊。我的模型是直径比较大的湍流模型,是不是在大的模型中摩擦可以忽略?


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