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1、SATDirectHits核心单词1 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Painstaking; meticulous; fastidious a. Extremely careful; highly exacting 非常仔细的;非常用心的 Audacious: a. fearlessly, often recklessly daring; very bold; 大胆的,鲁莽的 Indifferent; Apathetic a. marked by a lack of interest or concern; nonchalant 冷漠的,无动于衷的 Diffident;

2、 self-effacing a. Hesitant due to a lack of self-confidence; assertive; shy; retiring 不自信的,沮丧的 Pragmatic: a. practical, sensible; not idealistic or romantic 实际的,实用的 Evocation: n. an imaginative re-creation of sth. 想象,不正确划分选区 Maverick n. an independent person who does not go along with a group 特立独行之人

3、 Juggernaut n. an irresistible force 不可阻挡的,破坏一切的强大力量 Serendipity n. an accidental but fortunate discovery 好运,幸运 Zenith; apex n. the highest point;the strongest time 最高点; 鼎盛期 Nadir n. the lowest point;the worst moment 最低点; 最糟糕的时刻 Expunge; exercise; expurgate v. to delete; remove 删除,移除 Eccentric n. an

4、 odd, unconventional person 古怪的人 Extricate a. V. to get out of a difficult situation 拯救,解救 Exemplary a. Outstanding 典范的,模范的 Enumerate v. to list; to tick off 列举 Elusive a. Out of reach; difficult to catch 不易琢磨的,难以言喻的 Exorbitant a. unreasonably expensive 过分的,过度昂贵的 Repudiate; recant; renounce v. to ta

5、ke back; disavow 撤销,取消 8 / 20 9 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Redundant a. doing or saying something again and again 多余的,重复的,累赘的 Relinquish v. To give something back 撤销,废除 Resilient a. Able to feel better quickly after sth. unpleasant such as an injury 可迅速恢复的;有适应力的 Reaffirm v. to assert again 再次重申;再三确认

6、 Reticent; reserved; uncommunicative a. unwilling to tell people about things, not talking much 缄默的,保守的 Rebuff v. to repel or drive back; to reject 拒绝,否定 Renovate v. to make new again 修复,刷新 Rejuvenate v. to make young again 返老还童,恢复活力 Resurgent a. becoming stronger and more popular again 再起的,重临的 Dele

7、terious a. harmful; injurious 有害的 Decry v. to express strong disapproval 强烈谴责, 公开斥责 Despondent; forlorn a. feeling downcast; dejected 沮丧的,失落的 Denounce v. to speak against 指责,谴责 Demise n. the final ending of sth.; the downfall 衰落,死亡 Debunk v. to put down by exposing false claims 揭露,证明.为假的 Deride v. t

8、o put down with contemptuous jeering 嘲讽,指责 Devoid a. completely lacking in sth. 缺乏的 Impeccable a. faultless; perfect 无瑕疵的,完美的 Implacable a. not capable of being appeased 无法取悦的 Inexorable a. Relentless; unstoppable 无可阻挡的,无法动摇的 Incoherent a. lacking organization or logic 不统一的,不一致的 9 / 20 10 Core Vocab

9、ulary of the SAT Insurmountable a. not capable of being overcome 不可战胜的 Irreverent a. Lacking proper respect; disrespectful 不尊重的 Circumspect; prudent ; discreet a. cautious; careful 谨慎的 Circuitous a. circular and therefore indirect 迂回的 Circumvent v. To circle around and therefore bypass规避 Circumscrib

10、e v. to narrowly restrict; to limit action 限制 Magnanimous a. generous and forgiving 慷慨的,宽宏大量的 Erroneous a. filled with errors; wrong 错误的,谬误的 Momentous a. of great importance 重要的 Mellifluous a. smooth and sweet flowing 声音甜美的 Ominous a. threatening and menacing 凶兆的 Acrimonious a. great bitterness 尖酸的,

11、刻薄的 Copious a. abundant; a great amount 丰富的,大量的 Abstemious a. temperate in eating and drinking 节俭的,克制的 Malodorous a. foul smelling 恶臭的 Tedious a. boring and tiresome 单调的,无聊的 Synopsis n. a brief summary 概要,总结 Simile n. a figure of speech using “like” or “as”to compare two unlike things 明喻 Metaphor n.

12、 A figure of speech comparing two unlike things without using “like” or “as” 暗喻 Irony n. things are not what they are said to be or what they seem 讽刺,反语 Satire; lampoon; parody n. a work that ridicules human vices and foibles 讽刺 10 / 20 11 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Hyperbole n. an exaggeration that

13、 is used for emphasis or effect 夸张法 Caricature n. a deliberately exaggerated portrait 夸张的讽刺画 Epic n. a long narrative poem; 史诗 Saga n.a long narrative story 传说 Euphony/ cacophony: n. soothing woundjarring sound 和谐的音乐嘈杂的声音 Foreshadow:v. to suggest or indicate a future action 预兆,预示 Subplot: n. a secon

14、dary plot in fiction action 直线故事 Memoir: n. a personal journal 回顾录 Anecdote: n. a short account of an interesting incident 短故事,轶事 Eulogy: n. a laudatory speech or written tribute 颂歌,颂辞 Allusion: n. an indirect or brief reference to a person, place, or event 典故 Catalyst: n. an agent that provokes or

15、triggers a change 催化剂,导致事情发展的要素 Caustic: n. a stinging or bitter remark 尖刻的评论 Crystallize: v. to give a definite form 使成形,使确定 Osmosis : n. a gradual, often unconscious process of assimilation 同化,吸收 Sedentary: a. settled, not mobile 久坐的,静止的 Virulent: a . very toxic or poisonous 病毒的,有毒的 Empirical: a.

16、guided by practical experience and not theory 经验的,实证的 Entomology:n. the scientific study of insects 昆虫学 Gestate: v. to conceive and develop in the mind 咀嚼,思索 Paradigm: n. a framework or modal of thought 框架,典型 11 / 20 12 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Entrepreneur: n. a person who organizes and rules a b

17、usiness 创业者,企业家 Lucrative: a. very profitable 有利可图的 Extravagant: a. excessive 奢侈的, 过度的 Avarice: a. excessive greed 贪婪的 Glut; plethora; surfeit: n. a surplus 过度,过多 Paucity: n. a shortage缺乏,不足 Destitute; impoverished; indigent: a. very poor 贫穷的,赤贫的 Affluent; opulent: a. very wealthy富裕的,丰富的 Munificent:

18、 a. very generous 慷慨的 Parsimonious: a. excessively cheap; stingy节俭的,吝啬的 Depreciation: n. a decrease in value 贬值 Remunerate: v./n. to compensate; a salary 报偿,报酬 Accord:n. a formal agreement 和谐,一致 Enlighten: v. to illuminate 启蒙,教化 Appeasement: n.the policy of granting concessions to maintain peace Nul

19、lify: v. to make null, declare invalid 使无效,取消 Triumvirate: n. a group of three leaders 三巨头,三人统治集团Pretext: n. an excuse; an alleged cause 借口 Watershed: n. a critical turning point 分水岭 Consensus: n. a general agreement 同意,一致 Autocrat; despot: n. a ruler with unlimited power 独裁者,暴君 12 / 20 抚平,平静 13 Cor

20、e Vocabulary of the SAT Manifest: n. a public declaration of beliefs 宣言,声明 Enfranchise; : v. to receive the right to vote 给予投票权 Disenfranchise: v. to lose the right to vote剥夺投票权 Coerce: v. to compel someone to do something 强迫 Egalitarian: a. belief in a society based upon equality 强调人人平等的 Demarcatio

21、n: n. the setting or marking of boundaries 划地界,划范围 Inquisition: n. a severe interrogation 质疑,审讯 Ameliorateexacerbate: v. to make better to make worse 优化恶化 Contiguous: a. sharing an edge or boundary; touching 接壤的,接触的 Desiccate: v.a. to thoroughly dry out; totally arid Pertinent: a. relevant and to th

22、e point 使干燥,干燥的 有关的,相关的 Complicity: n. association or participation in a wrongful act 牵连,共谋 Exonerate;exculpate: v. to free from blame or guilt 使无罪,释放 Indisputable:a. not open to question; irrefutable 毋容置疑,不可辩驳的 Precedent: n. an actto decision that serves as an example 前事,前辈,先例 Unprecedented: a. wit

23、hout a previous example 无先例的 Malfeasance: n. misconduct or wrongdoing by a public official 不法行为,渎职 Arrest:v. to bring to a stop; halt 逮捕,阻止 Gravity: n. a serious situation or problem 重力,严肃 Precipitate: v. to cause, to bring about prematurely, hastily or suddenly 促进,结果 Relief: n. elevation of a land

24、surface (土地的)抬升 13 / 20 14 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Check: v. to restrain; halt; contain 阻止,限制 Flag: v. to become weak; to lose interest 使衰弱,使失去兴趣 Discriminating: a. selective or refined taste 有区分的,挑剔的 Eclipse: v. overshadow; surpass 遮盖,使失色 Coin: v. to devise a new word or phrase 造新词 Stock: a. a s

25、tereotypical or formulaic 陈腐的,陈旧的 Currency:n. general acceptance or use 潮流,趋势 Bent: n. a strong tendency; a leaning or inclination 偏好,倾向 Court: v. to attempt to gain the favor or support of a person or group 讨好,取悦 Negotiate: v. to successfully travel through , around or over an obstacle 设法做到,解决 Temp

26、er: v. to soften; moderate 使软化, 使平和 Pedestrian:a. undistinguished; ordinary; conventional 平常的,无特点的 Cavalier: a. an arrogant attitude 傲慢的,满不在乎的 Sanction: n. official approval / disapproval of an action 许可;不许可 Compromise: v. to reduce quality or value of something 削弱,危害 Channel: v. to direct along a d

27、esired course 疏导,引导 Lambaste: v. denounce; strongly criticize 严厉批评 Provisional: a. temporary 临时的,暂时的 Quiescent: a. inactive; very quiet 静止的,不动的 Lurid: a. sensational; shocking 恐怖的,令人震惊的 Truculent; pugnacious; belligerent : a. defiantly aggressive; eager to flight 挑衅的,好斗的 14 / 20 15 Core Vocabulary o

28、f the SAT Propitiate: v. to appease; conciliate 平息,抚慰 Elan: n. great enthusiasm 热情,激情 Perfunctory: a. performed in a mechanical, spiritless manner 敷衍的,草率的 Aplomb: n. admirable poise under pressure 镇静,沉着 Opacity: n. impenetrably dense; hard to understand 晦涩,难以理解 Craven: a. cowardly 怯懦的,胆小的 Venal: a.

29、corrupt; open to bribery 腐败的 Licentious;dissolute: a. immoral; debauched 不道德的,放纵淫欲的 Noxious: a. harmful; injurious to physical, mental or moral health 有害的,有毒的 Superfluous;extraneous: a. unnecessary; extra 多余的,额外的 Duplicitous: a. deliberately deceptive 欺骗他人的 Profligate: a. very wasteful, especially o

30、f time and money 奢侈的,浪费的 Epiphany: n. a sudden realization 顿悟,感悟 Insidious: a. causing harm in a subtle or stealthy manner; devious 阴险的 Vacuous; inane; vapid: a. empty; lacking serious purpose 空白的,空虚的 Harbinger;portent;presage: n. an omen that something will happen 先兆,先驱 Beleaguer :v. to beset with

31、problems 围攻,困扰 Burgeon: v. to rapidly grow and expand 迅速成长, 迅速扩展 Imperious: a. domineering and arrogant 傲慢的,专横的 Petulant: a. peevish, irritable 孩子气的,易怒的 Complaisant: a. agreeable; amiable 殷勤的,顺从的 15 / 20 16 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Fawning; obsequious: a. Behaving in a servile manner, sycophantic

32、;subservient 逢迎的;谄媚的 Obdurate; intransigent; intractable: a. very stubborn; unyielding 固执的,执拗的 Redolent: a. exuding fragrance 馥郁的,芬芳的 Chicanery: n. deception by artful subterfuge ;deliberate trickery 奸计,狡诈 Conundrum: n. a difficult problem; a dilemma with no easy solution 谜语,难题 Slight: n. disrespect

33、ful or disparaging remark; a put down 轻蔑;批评的言辞 Capitulate: v. to surrender; to comply 投降,屈服 Disheartening: a. very discouraged 失望的,泄气的 Apocryphal: a. of questionable authenticity;spurious 伪作的,虚假的 Magisterial: a. learned and authoritative 权威的,威严的 Plasticity; malleable; pliable: a. can be molded into

34、any shape 可塑的,有弹性的 Chagrin: n. feeling of distress caused by humiliation 沮丧,懊丧 Obstreperous: a. nosily and stubbornly defiant; boisterous 喧闹的,嘈杂的 Idyllic: a. charmingly simple and carefree 田园的,恬静的 Dilapidated: a. broken-down; in deplorable condition 破旧的,破败的 Extemporize; improvise: v. to speak withou

35、t notes 即兴演讲 Myriad: a. many ; numerous 许多的,无数的 Ungainly: a. awkward; clumsy 笨拙的,拙劣的 Dilatory: a. habitually late; tardy 拖沓的,慢妥妥的 Vituperative: a. bitter criticism 严厉批评的 Discordant: a. a note of disharmony 不和谐的 16 / 20 17 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Perfidious: a. treacherous; traitorous 阴险的,叛逆的 Prol

36、iferate: v. to rapidly increase 迅速增长,大量增长 Indomitable;resolute: a. very determined 坚定的,无可转圜的 Moribund: a. approaching death 瀕死的,临近死亡的 Nuance: n. a slight degree of difference 细微的差别 Flippant; facetious: a. treating serious matters lightly 轻浮的,浮夸的 Credulous: a. easily convinced; gullible 轻浮的,浮夸的 Flori

37、d: a. very flowery; excessively ornate 繁华的,装饰华丽的 Excoriating; scathing: a. expressing strong disapproval 严厉批评的,强烈谴责的 Interloper: n. an intruder; a gatecrasher 闯入者 Cerebral: a. intellectual rather than emotional 理智的,思考的 Visceral: a. instinctive rather than rational情绪的,想法的 Nonplussed; confounded: a. c

38、ompletely puzzled 极为困惑的 Ignominious: a. disgraceful; shameful 可耻的,屈辱的 Idiosyncrasy: n. a trait or mannerism peculiar to an individual 怪癖,癖好 Censorious; captious: a. highly critical 严厉抨击的 Consternation: n. a state of great dismay and confusion 疑惑,困惑 Didactic; edify: a. intended to provide instruction

39、 教导,说教 Elucidate: v. to make clear or plain 澄清,说明 Effusive: a. unrestrained praise 热情洋溢的,赞赏之词溢于言表的 Prolific: a. very productive 多产的,高产的 17 / 20 18 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Furor: n. a general commotion; an uproar 轰动,狂怒,暴动 Paranoia: n. irrational fear 偏执狂,疑神疑鬼 Marginal;peripheral: a. of secondary i

40、mportance ; not central 次要的,边缘的 Obfuscate: v. to deliberately confuse 使困惑,使迷惑 Flummox: v. to confuse; perplex 使困惑,使不知所措 Spate: v. a sharp increase in number or amount 大量增长,激增 Ineffable: a. a feeling that cannot be put into words 不可言喻的 Histrionic, overwrought: a. excessively dramatic 过于戏剧化的 Placate:

41、v. to soothe or calm 抚慰,平息 Eschew: v. to avoid 戒绝,平息 Stopgap: n. a temporary solution 权宜之计,临时替代品 Flotsam: n. floating wreckage; debris (海上漂浮的)碎木,残渣 Restitution: n. compensating for a loss 归偿,补偿 Churlish;sullen; surly: a. ill-tempered; rude 粗鲁的,坏脾气的 Disquieting: a. disturbing; upsetting 令人不安的,令人难过的 O

42、rnate: a. characterized by elaborate and expansive decorations; lavish 装饰华丽的 Execrable; odious; repugnant: a. detestable and repulsive 令人反感的,令人憎恶的 Perspicacious;prescient;discerning: a. very insightful 有洞察力的,有远见的 Eclectic: using a variety of sources 综合性的,来自多个来源的 Hiatus: n. an interruption in time or

43、 continuity; a break 裂隙,间隙 Vertiginous: a. dizziness 眩晕 18 / 20 19 Core Vocabulary of the SAT Esoteric;arcane: a. obscure information known by a few people 秘传的,不为常人所知的 Supercilious: a. haughty and arrogant 傲慢的,高傲的 Cupidity: n. excessive greed 贪婪 Underwrite: v. to assume financial responsibility for

44、a project 支付,承担 Discomfited: a. uneasy; being in a state of embarrassment 不安的,尴尬的 Taciturn: a. habitually quiet 不善言辞的,沉默寡言的 Sinecure: a job that provides income but requires little work 闲差,闲职 Lugubrious:a. sad and mournful 忧郁的,哀伤的 Cosmopolitan: a. worldly; sophisticated 世界性的,复杂的 provisional;parochia

45、l;insular: a. isolated from the mainstream偏狭的,非主流的 Fecund: a. intellectually productive or inventive; fertile 精力旺盛的,富有创造力的;肥沃的 Ostentatious: a. showy 炫耀的,显眼的 Guile: a. treacherous cunning ; skillful deceit; duplicity 阴险狡诈的,善于骗人的 Sanguine: a. cheerfully confident; optimistic 自信的,乐观的 Scintillating: a. sparking; shining 闪光的,闪烁的 Pristine: a. pure and uncorrupted 纯净的,原始的 Rampant: a. unrestrained; unchecked 蔓生的,无限制的 Pernicious: a. highly injurious; destructive 有害的,破坏性 Oblivious: a. unaware 遗忘的,消失的 Refractory: a. obstinately resistant to authority or control 倔强的,顽抗的 Garrulous;verbose; loquac


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