Smile是什么意思你知道吗?有句话说的好,生活像面镜子,你像它微笑,它也会像你微笑。是不是想到微笑心里油然而生一丝幸福呢?你知道微笑的英文是smile吗?你还知道smile有别的意思吗? Smile at She had to smile at his enthusiasm. 她觉得他的热情很可乐。 Smile about:值得笑的 I havent had much to smile about lately. 我最近没什么值得开心的事情。 Smile to yourself Mark read the message and smiled to himself. Mark读了信息会心一笑。 要注意咯,smile at yourself不一定真的是微笑出来的,也可能是觉得feel pleased觉得开心。 (Fortune, the gods, etc.) smile(s) on somebody:这是一个文艺说法,是说某人交好运。 If fortune smiles on you, you will have good luck. 现在你知道smile的意思不止只有微笑了吧?