The Eagle的比较翻译.docx

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1、The Eagle的比较翻译The Eagle Alfred Tennyson He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls: He watches from his mountain walls, and like a thunderbolt he falls. 我的翻译 鹰 丁尼生 他用弯曲的双爪抵住悬崖 孤独处身在一片被蔚蓝天空环抱的土地上

2、 只为离烈日更近 从悬崖居高望下 是波澜的海水慢慢涌上 而他便像霹雳一般向下俯冲 A鹰 阿尔弗雷德丁尼生 它用铁钩般的爪子抓住峭壁, 紧靠太阳却独居孤寂之地, 它屹立在蔚蓝世界的怀抱里。 起皱的大海在它身下蠕动, 峭壁上它双目炯炯, 如雷鸣闪电向下冲。 B译者:猎人 弯弯利爪抱石岩, 兀立孤地背蓝天, 太阳已不远。 粼粼波光闪海面, 雄鹰俯视在山巅, 急坠如雷电 C鹰 丁尼生 利钩鹰爪扣危岩 孤峰头顶艳阳天 突兀屹立碧落情 万里海面波微澜 群峰之上久盘桓 迅如雷电凛然落 d鹰 郭沫若翻译 扭曲的鹰爪扣紧山岩, 头接孤峰上的太阳, 身披如洗的蓝天。 脚下苍海绽微澜, 傲立峰头闲看, 划然落,却似

3、雷霆下九天。 my comment From the version I selected, most of them are tended to be translated in a chinese poetic form. In my view, it is a vivid way to show what the author wanted to express, which is easier for chinese resders to accept. I would prefer to choose the versionA to be my choice, although it is not best in language using. But it will be transparent for you to discover that only the version A translate the word “crawl”, this very word makes the “wrinkled sea” more like a human being. Yeah, that is what I want to show in this verse.


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