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《unit At the market.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit At the market.docx(29页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、unit At the market小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 Unit 5 At the market 单元教材分析 本单元的重要教学内容是“认物”。主要学习句型是What are these?They are 在教学中,教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,用1A中所学的Whats this?Its句型引出本单元的这个句型,在创设相应情景对句子进行强化训练。 本单元出现了四个蔬菜类单词的单数形式,而在句型的操练和运用中,这些单词都以复数形式出现,并涉及了词形和读音的变化,在教学中教师要帮助学生读准、读好这些单词单数形式的基础上,呈现相应的复数形式,加强在句型中的训练。在教学中,教师需要

2、注意一些购物的情景,使语言的学习变得更生活化。 学情分析 本节课是有关物品复数的学习,复数形式学生没有接触过,所以我可以利用之前学生学过的物品,进行复数类的教授,让学生对复数这个概念有个整体的感知。并且对复数类单词的读音进行归纳总结。本单元中,有个别几个单词的读音比较难掌握,如carrot,these这两个单词。 学习了句型后要让学生马上学会运用,这样就可以达到学以致用的效果。 单元教学总要求 1能听懂What are these?并能根据实际情况用They are 作出回答。 2能使用What are these?向他人询问和确认某些物,品语音语调准确。 3能听懂、会说、初步认读carrot

3、,bean,tomato和potato这四个单词的单数和复数形式,发音正确。 4会歌曲At the market。 教学重点、难点 1能听懂What are these?并能根据实际情况用They are 作出回答。 2能使用What are these?向他人询问和确认某些物,品语音语调准确。 3能听懂、会说、初步认读carrot,bean,tomato和potato这四个单词的单数和复数形式,发音正确。 4会歌曲At the market。 课时安排 五课时 1 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 第一课时 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit5 B部分单词 carrot , b

4、ean 以及这两个单词的复数形式 A部分句型 What are these? They are 二、教学要求 1能听得懂、会说、初步认读单词carrot , bean 以及这两个单词的复数形式,发音正确。 2能听懂What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 3能听得懂、会说、初步认读文具类单词的复数读音。 三、教学重、难点 1能听得懂、会说、初步认读单词carrot , bean 以及这两个单词的复数形式,发音正确。 2能听懂What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 3能听得懂、会说、初步认读文具类单词的复数读音。 四、课前准备 单词卡片,板书

5、Unit 5 At the market 五、教学过程 Revision 1T: Hello, boys and girls. Good morning/afternoon. How are you? 2 Read Unit1, Unit2, Unit3, Unit4的课文和单词,并朗诵两首小诗What is she?和Look at the moon. 唱歌曲My family以及Clean the chair. 3T: Whats this? (拿出铅笔) S: Its a pencil.师运用学生身边的事物,如文具类用品,问学生。 S1: Whats this? S2: Its a Wo

6、rk in pairs. Presentation and practice 1a. T: Boys and girls, look at here. Its a pencil. T: (出示两支铅笔)They are pencils. S: They are pencils. T: pencils. S: pencils. (先用一支铅笔,然后拿出两支)pencil, pencil, pencils. 2 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 让学生自己区分这两个单词的差别,并进行总结,让他们有个初步的感知。 出示句型They are教授。 b. T:Its a rubber. S: I

7、ts a rubber. T: (拿出两块橡皮)They are rubbers. S: They are rubbers. c. 同样的方法,出示一些简单的单词复数,如rulers,pens等等。 2a. T:(在出示这些单词的时候) What are these? 边说边出示句型,进行教读。 Ss: What are these? 全体,小组,个别朗读。 b. T: What are these? Ss: They are S: What are these? T: They are S1: What are these? S2: They are Work in pairs. 3a. T

8、: Look at here, Whats this in English S: Its 教读单词carrot,朗读单词.全体,个别,小组。 b. T: Who can make a sentence? S1: This is a carrot. S2: Look at the carrot. S3: Big carrot. S4: Small carrot. 师尽量引导学生运用所学的新句型。 c.出示复数形式T: They are carrots. S: They are carrots. 教授单词carrots,全体,小组,个别。 T: What are these? S: They ar

9、e carrots. 3 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 Work in pairs 4a. T: Look at here, Whats this in English? Is this a carrot? S: No, it isnt. T: Its a bean. 教读单词bean,朗读单词.全体,个别,小组。 b. T: Who can make a sentence? S1: This is a bean. S2: Look at the bean. S3: Big bean. S4: Small bean. 师尽量引导学生运用所学的新句型。 c.出示复数形式T: They

10、 are beans. S: They are beans. 教授单词beans,全体,小组,个别。 T: What are these? S: They are beans. Work in pairs What are these? They are beans. (三)Consolidation a. Review the four words: carrot, bean, carrots, beans b. Work in pairs What are these? They are 师生,生生 六、板书设计 4 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 七、教后小记 第二课时 一、教

11、学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit 5 B部分单词tomato, potato以及这两个单词的复数形式。 A部分句型What are these? They are 二、教学要求 1能熟练掌握单词carrot , bean 以及这两个单词的复数形式,发音正确。 2能听得懂、会说、初步认读单词tomato, potato以及这两个单词的复数形式,发音正确。 3能正确使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 三、教学重、难点 1能熟练掌握单词carrot , bean 以及这两个单词的复数形式,发音正确。 2能听得懂、会说、初步认读单词tomato, potato以及

12、这两个单词的复数形式,发音正确。 3能正确使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 四、课前准备 单词卡片,句型。板书准备 Unit5 At the market 五、教学过程 Revision 1运用文具类的物品.朗读单词,以chant的形式 Pencil, pencil, pencils, they are pencils. Rubber, rubber, rubbers, they are rubbers. 5 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 Ruler, ruler, rulers, they are rulers. Pen, pen, pens

13、, they are pens. Book, book, books, they are books. Bag, bag, bags, they are bags. 2a.出示carrot a. T: Whats this in English? S: carrot多个学生进行重复回答,同时出示单词复数。 T: What are these? S: They are carrots b. 出示bean T: Whats this in English? S: bean多个学生进行重复回答,同时出示单词复数。 T: What are these? S: They are beans. T: Wh

14、ats this in English? c. Work in pairs What are these? They are Presentation and practice 1T: (Show a tomato)Is this a carrot? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Its a tomato. 教读单词tomato。个别,全体,小组。 b. T: Can you use this word make a sentence? S1: This is a tomato. S2: Look at the tomato. S3: Big tomato. S4: Small to

15、mato. S5: Red tomato. c. .出示复数形式T: They are tomatoes. S: They are tomatoes. 6 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 教授单词tomatoes,全体,小组,个别。 d. Work in pairs What are these? They are tomatoes. 2T shows the potato, a. T: Whats this in English? S: T: Its a potato. 教读单词potato,全体朗读,个别朗读,小组朗读 b. T: Can you use this word ma

16、ke a sentence? S1: This is a potato. S2: Look at the potato. S3: Big potato. S4: Small potato. S5: Red potato. c. .出示复数形式T: They are potatoes. S: They are potato. 教授单词potatoes,全体,小组,个别。 d. Work in pairs What are these? They are potatoes. (三) Consolidation 1Read the eight words: carrot, bean, tomato,

17、 potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, 2Work in pairs. What are these? They are 六、板书设计 7 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 第三课时 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit5 part A,B,C 二、教学要求 1能熟练掌握单词carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,发音正确. 2能听得懂、会说、初步认读职业类单词的复数的读音。 3能正确使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答The

18、y are 4熟悉歌曲At the market. 三、教学重、难点 1能熟练掌握单词carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,发音正确. 2能听得懂、会说、初步认读职业类单词的复数的读音。 3能正确使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 4熟悉歌曲At the market. 四、课前准备 录音机,磁带,单词卡片,板书 Unit5 At the market 五、教学过程 Revision a. 出示实物,文具类T: What are these? Ss: They are

19、 b. 出示单词卡片,T: Whats this? S: Its a T: What are these? Ss: They are 贴出单词卡片。让学生看着单词进行朗读,手指着单数就读单数,复数就读复数。 c. Say a chant Carrot, carrot, carrots, they are carrots. Bean, bean, beans, they are beans. Tomato, tomato, tomatoes, they are tomatoes. Potato, potato, potatoes, they are potatoes. (二) Presentat

20、ion and practice 1a.朗读8个单词, 快速指读。 8 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 magic guesser. “One, two, three, bomb” b. Make a sentence , use the words. This is a. They are Look at the c. Work in pairs Whats this? Its What are these? They are 2T: Now, boys and girls. There are so many things here. We are at the market.

21、Ss: At the market. 朗读课题,全体,小组,个别。 3熟悉歌曲 a. Listen to the tape. T: What can you hear?你听到了什么?Please tell me. S: At the market. T: Yes. b. T: We can see. Ss: We can see. 朗读词组,要求学生掌握,全体,小组,个别。 c. Listen to the tape again, then try to follow the tape. d. sing the song At the market 4出示职业类的单词,First read t

22、he words, then adds “s”. let the students try to read them. Doctor, doctor, doctors, they are doctors. Nurse, nurse, nurses, they are nurses. Worker, worker, workers, they are workers. Cook, cook, cooks, they are cooks. Farmer, farmer, farmers, they are farmers. Driver, driver, drivers, they are dri

23、vers. 9 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 (三)Consolidation a. Read the words. 拿出实物,或者单词卡片,让学生说出相应的复数形式。 六、板书设计 七、教后小记 第四课时 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit 5 part A,B,C,D 补充习题 二、教学要求 1熟练掌握单词carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,发音正确. 2能听得懂、会说、初步认读家具类单词的复数读音。 3正确使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are

24、4会唱歌曲At the market。 三、教学重、难点 1熟练掌握单词carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,发音正确. 2能听得懂、会说、初步认读家具类单词的复数读音。 10 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 3正确使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 4会唱歌曲At the market。 四、课前准备 录音机,磁带,单词卡片,句型,板书 Unit5 At the market 五、教学过程 Revision a. Read Unit 1, Unit 2,

25、Unit 3, Unit4 text. 全体朗读,个别朗读,领读。 b.出示文具类单词、职业类单词的复数单词,直接板书,让学生朗读,并让他们说出其相应的单数形式。 c. 出示本单元的单词和句型,朗读并操练。 What are these? They are carrots/beans/tomatoes/potatoes. Whats this? Its (二) Presentation 1a. T: Listen to the tape, tell me what did you hear. S: T: Yes, 重复问几个学生,让学生把听到的录音内容重复出来。 b. T: Open your

26、 book. Turn to Unit 5. Lets read the text, first ,follow me. Ss: c. 全体学生朗读。根据学生的熟悉程度,请个别学生起来领读,做小老师。 2Listen to the tape. Sing English songs. a. My family song. Clean the table, please. b. At the market. 这是新学的歌曲,学生不熟练,可以跟着录音机唱,然后让学生试着跟着旋律唱。 3a.出示家具类单词的复数,直接板书,让学生自己试着朗读,师进行纠正。 b. Say a chant Door, do

27、or, doors, they are doors. Window, window, window s, they are window s. Desk, desk, desk s, they are desks. Sofa, sofa, sofas, they are sofa s. Table, table, table s, they are tables. 11 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 Chair, chair, chairs, they are chairs. 4完成补充习题上的练习 a. Listen and respond 学生先听一遍录音内容,第二遍的时候让学

28、生先重复自己听到的问句,然后根据图片内容进行回答。 b. Listen and circle 学生先了解图片的内容,然后圈图答题。 c. Listen and repeat 先听,再重复,然后进行回答。 d. Draw and write. 先描后写,让学生注意字母的写法。特别是要让学生认真地描单词。 六、板书设计 第五课时 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit 5 part A,B,C,D 活动手册 二、教学要求 1能熟练掌握单词carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,发音正确。 2能够熟练地使用W

29、hat are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 3能听得懂、会说、初步认读水果类单词的复数读音。 4熟练掌握歌曲At the market. 三、教学重、难点 1能熟练掌握单词carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, tomatoes, potatoes,发音正确。 2能够熟练地使用What are these?并且根据情况使用回答They are 3能听得懂、会说、初步认读水果类单词的复数读音。 4熟练掌握歌曲At the market. 四、课前准备 录音机,磁带,单词卡片,句型,板书 Unit5 At the marke

30、t 12 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 五、教学过程 Revision a. Listen to the tape 课文内容 让学生重复所听到的句子,Listen and repeat. 然后让学生自己朗读课文。分角色朗读。 五个单元的课文都采用一个方式进行复习朗读,让学生掌握扎实点。 b.出示几个单元中可以运用的单词复数形式,让学生进行辨别朗读,先单数后复数,或者看单数说复数,或者看复数说单数。 Presentation and practice 1Review the words: carrot, bean, tomato, potato, carrots, beans, to

31、matoes, potatoes,发音正确。 a. Read these words.快速反应单词 b图词配对,看着图片连单词,或者进行编号。 2Work in pairs. What are these? They are. 3a.出示所学的水果类单词,让学生试着说出它们的复数形式。 b. Apple, apple, apple s, they are apples. Pear, pear, pears, they are pear s. Banana, banana, bananas, they are bananas. Mango, mango, mango s, they are ma

32、ngos. 4完成活动手册上的练习 A. Listen and circle 先让学生仔细看图,了解图中的物体,然后要求学生仔细听清楚后圈图。 B. Listen and number 先看图片,用英语说说每幅图,然后根据录音内容完成练习。 C. Read and match 带领学生说说图片,认读单词,然后指导学生完成练习。 D. Look and say 要求学生先了解图片内容,然后说出来,在此之前可以做些指令的小游戏,进行热身。 4帮助学生纠正答案。 13 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 Unit 6 A picnic 单元教材分析 本单元的主要教学内容是“认物”。由于低年级学

33、生热爱大自然、喜爱活动和游戏,根据这一特点,教师可以围绕野餐这一情景,多设计一些活动和游戏,让学生在第五单元学习的基础上,学习使用What are those?和They are 这些日常交际用语。在学生熟练听说的基础上,教师可以适当联系以前学过的物品进行综合操练,从而使学生能够在日常生活中自然流利地运用所学内容,并了解而后初步运用英语中的复数形式。 学情分析 本单元继续复数的学习,经过一个单元的学习,学生对复数有了一定的概念,并且对复数类单词的读音类型进行了一定的了解。本单元中,有个别几个单词的读音比较难掌握,如flower,those这两个单词。而且还出现了an ant这个单词,这个单元要

34、对元音字母进行一定的训练。学习了句型后要让学生马上学会运用,这样就可以达到学以致用的效果。 单元教学总要求 1能听懂What are those?并能根据实际情况用They are 作出回答。 2能使用What are those?向他人询问和确认某些物品,语音语调准确。 3能听懂、会说、初步认读an ant,a butterfly, a flower, a tree这四个单词的单数和复数形式,发音正确。 4会说歌谣Sing at the trees。 教学重点、难点 1能听懂What are those?并能根据实际情况用They are 作出回答。 2能使用What are those?向

35、他人询问和确认某些物品,语音语调准确。 3能听懂、会说、初步认读an ant,a butterfly, a flower, a tree这四个单词的单数和复数形式,发音正确。 4会说歌谣Sing at the trees。 课时安排 五课时 14 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 第一课时 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit6 B部分单词 an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree 句型 Whats that? Its a/an 二、教学要求 1能听得懂、会说、初步认读单词an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree

36、2能听懂Whats that?并且根据情况使用回答Its a/an 三、教学重、难点 1能听得懂、会说、初步认读单词an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree 2能听懂Whats that?并且根据情况使用回答Its a/an 四、课前准备 单词卡片,板书Unit 6 A picnic 五、教学过程 Revision 1T: Hello, boys and girls. Good morning/afternoon. How are you? 2 Read Unit1, Unit2, Unit3, Unit4, Unit5的课文和单词,并朗诵两首小诗What i

37、s she?和Look at the moon. 3T: Whats this? (拿出铅笔) S: Its a pencil.师运用学生身边的事物,如文具类用品,问学生。 S1: Whats this? S2: Its a Work in pairs. Presentation and practice 1a. T: Boys and girls, Whats that?(指着较远处的文具问学生) S: Its a pencil. 出示句型Whats that? 朗读句型,个别,全体,小组。 b. T: Whats that? S: Its a T: Who can ask your fri

38、end? S: Whats that? 15 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 S: Its a Work in pairs. 2a. T: Whats this?出示flower S: Its a T: Its a flower. 教读单词flower,全体,个别。拼读单词,个别,全体。 b. T: Who can make a sentence? S1:This is a flower. S2: Look at the flower. S3: Big flower. S4: Small flower. c. T: Whats that? 师指着远处的单词卡片 Ss: Its a f

39、lower. S: Whats that? T: Its a flower. S1: Whats that? S2: Its a flower. Work in pairs. 可以让学生自由发挥。 3a. T: Look at here, Whats this in English S: Its 教读单词butterfly,朗读单词.全体,个别,小组。拼读单词,个别,全体。 b. T: Who can make a sentence? S1: This is a butterfly. S2: Look at the butterfly. S3: Is this a butterfly. S4:

40、 We can see a butterfly. 师尽量引导学生运用所学的新句型。 c. T: What s that? 师指着远处的单词卡片 Ss: Its a butterfly. S: Whats that? T: Its a butterfly. Work in pairs 16 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 4a. T: Look at here, Whats this in English? Is this a flower? S: No, it isnt. T: Its a tree. 教读单词tree,朗读单词.全体,个别,小组。拼读单词,个别,全体。 b. T:

41、Who can make a sentence? S1: This is a tree. S2: Look at the tree. . 师尽量引导学生运用所学的新句型。 c. T: Whats that? 师指着远处的单词卡片 Ss: Its a tree. S: Whats that? T: Its a tree. Work in pairs 5a. T: Look at here, Whats this in English? Is this a butterfly? S: No, it isnt. T: Its an ant. 教读单词an ant,朗读单词.全体,个别,小组。拼读单词

42、,个别,全体。 b. T: Who can make a sentence? S1: This is an ant. S2: Look at the ant. . 师尽量引导学生运用所学的新句型。 c. T: Whats that? 师指着远处的单词卡片 Ss: Its an ant. S: Whats that? T: Its an ant. Work in pairs 6教授五个元音字母 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 冠词a 和an的用法,列举以前学过的单词apple, orange。 (三)Consolidation a. Review the four words: an ant, a

43、 butterfly, a flower, a tree 17 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 b. Work in pairs Whats that? Its a 师生,生生 六、板书设计 七、教后小记 第二课时 一、教学内容 牛津小学英语2A Unit 6 B部分单词an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree以及这四个单词的复数形式。 A部分句型What are those? They are 二、教学要求 1能熟练掌握单词an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree以及这四个单词的复数形式, 发音正确。 2能正确使用What are those?并且根据情况使用回答They are 18 小学牛津英语2A教学设计 张家港锦秀学校 三、教学重、难点 1能熟练掌握单词an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree以及这四个单词的复数形式, 发音正确。 2能正确使用What are those?并且根据情况使用回答They are 四、课前准备 单词卡片,句型。板书准备 Unit6 A picnic


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