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1、Unit Meeting your ancestorsUnit 5 Meeting your ancestors I. 教材内容分析 我们这一单元的目的是让学生了解考古学方面的有关知识,同时对人类文明和古代人的生活有所知晓。 Warming Up 先让学生熟悉照片,然后导入要学的内容,并激发学生的兴趣。 Pre-reading 分组讨论几副图画,然后各小组选出代表猜测古代人的生活方式和使用工具等方面的内容。 Comprehending 部分分三个步骤进行操作:让学生进行读前和读后的信息差异比较;然后,指出在住房,工具和穿着打扮等方面古代人与现代人的差别;最后,找出考古学家对周口店遗址考古研究的

2、三个阶段。 Learning about Language部分设计了一些针对性练习,以期增强学生对本单元语言的学习。其中本部分要求学生掌握的语法是现在完成进行时。 Using Language部分设计了听与说,读与说,写与说等三方面内容,使学生更进一步了解古代人类的生活。 Summing UP 主要是对本单元进行概括总结。 Learning Tip主要介绍多个形容词一起修饰一个名词或名词词组时所使用的一般顺序。 II. 本单元所涉及到的要点是: 1、教学重点 了解考古学、人类学和人类史的基本知识; 了解有关北京猿人和三星堆等中国以及外国的考古发现情况; 掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的词汇、短语的

3、用法。 2、教学难点 熟练掌握英语动词的各种时态形式及其用法,并学习现在完成进行时; 比较准确地表达“存在”、“度量”及人或事物的“特征”。 III. 教学计划 本单元建议分为五课时: 第一课时:Warming Up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook) 第二、三课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 第四、五课时:Learning about language 第六、七课时:Reading and speaking(Using Language), Speaking and writing (Using

4、Language) & Listening and speaking (Using Language) IV. 教学步骤: Period 1 Warming Up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook) Teaching Goals: 1.To introduce Ss to some archaeological finds. 2.To develop Ss speaking ability. Teaching Procedures: 1 Step1. Leading-in Purpose: To activate Ss and arouse t

5、hem to express their opinions about archeological questions. Ask Ss to talk about the following questions. (1) Have you ever seen any antiques? What are they? (2) How are the antiques used? (3) What are todays alternatives of the antiques? Step 2. Warming Up Purpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this

6、unit. 1. Ask Ss to look at the four pictures of Warming Up on P37 and think about the alternatives today? 2. Divide Ss into four groups and ask them complete the form of Warming Up 3. Ask Ss to talk about the following questions and encourage Ss to give some information about archaeology. (1) What d

7、oes the object tell us about the life of people who use it? (2) What skill does it show the people had? 4. Ask Ss to look at the outline of archaeology and discuss it. The job of archaeologists The study of ancient The life of early civilizations Archaeology people The evidence from the life in Anci

8、ent Egypt The life and times of long dead people zhoukoudian caves Conclusion: Archaeology is the ancient civilizations by scientific analysis of physical remains found in the ground. But unlike history it often has to deal with civilizations that have no written records. So it is the job of archaeo

9、logists to try to find out as much as they can about the life and time of long dead people by looking at the place where they lived, what they wore, what tools they used and how they buried their dead. Step 3. Pre-Listening Purpose: To help Ss learn about the context of the Listening part. 2 1. Grou

10、p Work (1) Ask Ss to look at the following picture and talk about the questions. Who was the person in the picture? Can you say something about him? (2) After talking, ask Ss to present their opinions to all classmates. Step 4: Listening (Workbook) Purpose: To get the main information in the listeni

11、ng part. . To develop Sss listening ability To learn something about the preservation of the Terracotta Warriors. 1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and try to get the main idea of the listening text. 2. Ask Ss to answer the following questions. (1) What is the first problem? (2) What is the solution t

12、o the first problem? (3) What is the second problem? (4) What is the solution to the second problem? 3. Ask Ss to listen to the tape for the second time and finish Ex2 on P78. 4. Play the tape again and ask Ss to finish Ex3 on P79 in pairs. 5. Ask Ss to listen again and check the answers. Step 5. Ta

13、lking (Workbook) Purpose: To get Ss to talk about how they could help save one of Chinas greatest archaeological treasure. 1.Pre-speaking (1) Ask Ss to think about these questions and then present their views to all classmates. Do you like archaeology? Why do you like archaeology? How much informati

14、on have you collected about archaeology? (2) Ask Ss to discuss the questions below with their partners. What kind of qualities should an archaeologist have? If they want to succeed in their career, what difficulties should they overcome? 3 2. While-speaking Purpose: To get Ss to talk about something

15、 about archaeological treasure. (1) Show some pictures and ask Ss the following questions. (换图,秦皇墓) Do you know what it is? Is it a magnificent archaeological site? Is it valuable to us? (2) Ask Ss to discuss the following question. What can we do to preserve the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang? Useful

16、 Expressions: I think that we should because What if ? I suggest we If then maybe we ought to Perhaps we should/could It seems likely/unlike that We must ask for help from (3) After the discussion, ask some pairs to present their ways to preserve it and let the whole class decide which is the best.

17、Step 6. Homework 1. Ask Ss to continue discussing archaeology with their partners. 2. Ask Ss to get on the line and prepare something for Reading. Periods 2&3 Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending Teaching Goals: 1. To give Ss information about one site where early people lived in China. 2. Ito have

18、an insight into the kind of questioning techniques. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Pre-reading Purpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about archaeology. 1. Show some pictures and encourage Ss to give as much information about the pictures as possible. 4 2. Ask Ss to complete the form of Pre-readin

19、g on P37 by discussing in pairs. 3. Ask Ss to look at the following pictures and answer the question. What can you see from the pictures? Step 2. Fast reading Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text. (1) Ask Ss to read the text quickly and complete the following form. Object Needle What ca

20、n be discovered from it ? 1 They repaired or made clothes. 2. 3. conclusion: 1. They cared about their appearance. 2. conclusion: 3. conclusion: 4. conclusion: necklace 5 Suggested Answer: Object Needle What can be discovered from it ? 1 They repaired or made clothes. 2 No methods of making material

21、 has been found. 3 Tools have been found to cut and clean animal skins. conclusion: So early people probably wore animal skins. 1 They cared about their appearance. 2 Some of the beads were made of animal bones. conclusion: So early people killed, cut up and most probably ate animals. 3 Some of the

22、beads were made of animal bones. conclusion: So early people caught and probably ate fish in the nearly lake (as shown by botanical analyses). 4 Some of the beads were made of seashells. conclusion: So early people may have travelled to the sea or traded with people who had seashells. necklace (2) G

23、et Ss to write down the three stages of the archaeologists part of the dialogue. Suggested Answers: Stage 1: Life in the cave Stage 2: What we can learn from a needle Stage 3: What we can learn from a necklace Step 3. Intensive reading Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text. (1) Ask Ss

24、to read the text carefully and try to get some details from the text. Work in pairs and try to tell which of the following statements are true and which are false and why. The archaeologists have only found human and animal bones. The archaeologists have been finding the bones of tigers and bears in

25、 the caves. The needle they used was very useless. Early people really care about their appearance. Suggested Answers: F T F T (2) Ask Ss to take the quiz below and according to the questions, see whether Ss can grasp the details of the text. Through the conversation, everything about our earliest p

26、eople is mentioned EXCEPT_. A. homes B. tools C. dress D. entertainment Our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian Caves kept themselves warm by _. A. working B. fighting C. making fires D. hunting Evidence has showed that the earliest people in the Caves used_ to make clothes according to the conversat

27、ion. 6 A. leaves B. tree skins C. animal skins D. cotton The main idea of the text is about the _ of our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian Caves. A. life and habits B. food and clothing C. homes and fishing D. farming and hunting From the conversation we can infer that the earliest people in the Ca

28、ves were very _. A. busy and rich B. idle and lazy C. clever and hard-working D. stupid and cruel Suggested Answers: D C C A C (3) Ask Ss to finish Ex2 on P39 and discuss their answers. Step 4. Retelling Ask Ss to retell the text briefly in the first person with the following words and phrases. high

29、er up, in the centre of, the bones of tigers and bears, wear clothes, cut up, rub an ample, on their journeys, grow their own crops Suggested Answers: We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and ornaments. We have discovered fireplaces in the centre of

30、 the caves where they constuted fires. We have been finding the bones of tigers and bears in the caves. Our evidence suggests they did indeed wear clothes made from animal skins. It seems that they might have used sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin. After that they wou

31、ld have had to rub an ample amount of salt inside the skin trade between early peoples or they traveled to the seaside on their journeys. They didnt grow their own crops, but picked fruit and killed animals. Step 5. Word study. Purpose: To train Sss listening ability and language capacity. Divided i

32、nto three groups. Each group is supposed to read through each part, and then find the following phrases. 7 as well as a pleasure to keep out be aware that cut up in the centre of clue to be made of regardless of be used to do sth sharewith on one keepburning usefor mean to do I wonder how makesoft c

33、ontinue doing sth move around Step 6. Sentence study Explain some important sentences (1) You must be aware that weve found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world. (2) So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold. (3) T

34、hat would have kept them warm, cooked the food and scared wild animals away as well. (4) We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. (5) This one looks very like a fish bone. (6) Thats why they are called hunter

35、s and gatherers. Step 7. Discussion Ask Ss to discuss the following questions with their partners and give their own opinions. (1) How did the earliest people keep warm? (2) What animals were their most dangerous animals? (3) Did they grow their own crops? Suggested answers: (1) They set up fireplac

36、es in the centre of the caves and hang animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold. (2) Tigers and bears. (3) No, they didnt. Encourage Ss to give their opinions. Step 8. Homework 1. Ask Ss to use the new words and expressions to make some sentences. 2. Ask Ss to write a short passage about

37、the story of the earliest people. Period 4&5 Learning about Language Teaching Goals: 1.To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions. 2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: the present perfect continuous tense Teaching Procedures: 8 Step 1.Word study 1. Ask Ss to complete the

38、following sentences according to the notes (1) The event has a far-reaching historical s_. (2) _he couldnt get to sleep. (3) They will make a s_search of the city. (4) The workers are _a tunnel through the mountain. (5) We made a careful _of the problem. Suggested Answers: (1). significance (2) Some

39、how (3) systematic (4) excavating (5) analysis 2. Ask Ss to choose the best answers to the following questions. (1) We_ for the bus half an hour, but it has not come yet. A. have been waiting B. have waited C. are waiting D. have been waited (2) You are so late. We _ you for a whole hour. A. waited

40、B. had waited C. were waiting for D. have been waiting for (3) He _ articles for our wall-newspaper the three years, and he _about thirty articles. A. has written; has written B. has been writing; wrote C. is write; has been writing D. has been writing; has written (4) It _ for two days. The roads w

41、ill be blocked if it _ soon. A. snowed; wont B. has been snowing; doesnt stop C. has snowed; wont stop D. snow ; doesnt stop (5) It _ for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so the match_. A. has been raining; has put off B. has rained; is put off C. was raining; has been put off D. has

42、been raining; has been put off (6) He wanted to know how this _. A. had happened B. happened C. has happened D. has been happening (7) I welcome any change that will _ something better. A. lead in B. lead to C. bring in D. bring up (8) I think her ideas are right, but _ Im not completely sure. A. so

43、mewhat B. somehow C. somewhere D. sometime (9) He was late _ the traffic jam. A. lead to B. as a result C. as a result of D. because (10) I _ him, because he often tells lies. A. think much of B. think highly of C. think little of D. think high of Suggested Answers: (1) A (2) D (3) D (4) B (5) D (6)

44、 A (7) B (8) B (9) C (10) C 3. Ask Ss to complete the following sentences with the phrases in the form. in spite of ; think highly of; lead to; take turns to ;refer to; be fed up with 9 (1) Dont _ the dictionary if you come across a new word when you read a passage. (2) _ the heavy rain, they went t

45、o school as usual. (3) I _ his constant complaint about the had condition. (4) Wed better _ drive the car , for its a long journey. (5) His carelessness _ an accident. (6) I dont _ her idea. Suggested Answers: (1) refer to (2) In spite of (3) am/was fed up with (4) take turns to (5) led to (6) think

46、 highly of Step 2. Grammar Purpose : To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar point: the present perfect continuous tense. . 1. Explain the grammar point for Ss. (1) 现在完成时的“已完成”用法强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时表示动作未完成。试分析: I have read David Copperfield. I have been reading the novel. They have built an oil ship. They have been building the oil ship. (2) 在


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