Unit Do you like bananas阅读与写作.docx

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《Unit Do you like bananas阅读与写作.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit Do you like bananas阅读与写作.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit Do you like bananas阅读与写作七年级英语导学案 辽源市灯塔中学 Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 阅读与写作 一、完形填空。 A:Hi,Tom!_1_ you like apples? B:Yes,I do.How about you? A:I like apples.And my father _2_ apples,too.Does your father like apples? B:No,he _3_He likes _4_ and bread _5_ breakfast.What about your father? A:He lik

2、es chicken _6_ milk. B:_7_ does your mother like? A:Oh!She likes icecream and hamburgers. B:Does she like carrots? A:No,she doesnt._8_ she likes salad.Do you like salad,too? B:No,I dont. 1.A.Are BDo CCan 2.A.like Beat Clikes 3.A.isnt Bdont Cdoesnt 4.A.bananas Borange Cpear 5.A.to Bfor Con 6.A.but Bs

3、o Cand 7.A.How BWhat CWhen 8.A.But BSo CAnd 二、阅读理解。 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 9The three students are talking about(正在谈论) their Abreakfast Blunch Cdinner Dschools 10Li Xiang doesnt like Afruit Btomatoes Ceggs Dbread 11Jane can eat kinds of food for lunch. Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix 七年级英语导学案 辽源市灯塔中学 12_ can drink

4、juice at lunchtime. ALi Xiang BJane CLinda DNo one 13Which of the following is TRUE? ALi Xiang has hamburgers for lunch. BJane doesnt like eating carrots. CLinda doesnt like her school lunch. DThe three students all eat vegetables for lunch. B Cindy is my friend.She likes sports very much.She runs (

5、跑步) every morning.Cindy is healthy and she eats well. For breakfast,she likes eggs,bananas and milk.For lunch,she has chicken,tomatoes and vegetables.She likes fish,salad and carrots for dinner.She eats oranges,pears and apples,too.水果和蔬菜是健康食品。She doesnt like ice-cream.And she doesnt eat hamburgers o

6、r French fries (薯条)They are not healthy food. 根据短文内容完成下列任务。 任务一:完成句子,每空一词。 14Cindy every morning. 15Cindy likes eggs,bananas and milk for 任务二:翻译句子。 16将文中画线部分翻译成英语。 任务三:回答问题。 17What does Cindy eat for dinner? . 18Does Cindy like icecream? l 写作 请根据以下提示描述鲍勃(Bob)的饮食习惯。 提示:Bob在早饭时,喜欢喝牛奶和吃鸡蛋;Bob在午饭时,喜欢吃米饭

7、、蔬菜、鸡肉;Bob在晚饭时,喜欢吃汉堡包、香蕉,喝果汁等。 要求:文章要包括所给的全部提示,可适当增加信息;语句要通顺;按照一日三餐的顺序来描写,使文章条理更加清晰;加入过渡性的语句,使文章更加流畅。 思路点拨 表示对食物喜好的常用句型: I like.and.我喜欢和 I dont like.or.我不喜欢和 I have.for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner.我早饭/午饭/晚饭吃 For breakfast,I like eating.早饭时,我喜欢吃 My favorite food is.我最喜欢的食物是 美文欣赏 Bob is my best friend.He likes sports and he eats well every day.For breakfast,he has eggs and milk.He thinks they are good for his health.He often has lunch at home.He has rice for lunch.His favorite food is vegetables and chicken.He eats hamburgers,bananas and drinks milk for dinner.He has a good eating habit.


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