Unit1 语态转换.docx

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《Unit1 语态转换.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1 语态转换.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit1 语态转换Unit 11 语态转换 课时: 2H 教学目的要求: 掌握汉英翻译中被动语态和主动语态的灵活转换技巧。 教学重点: 翻译汉语被动语态和主动语态的相关技巧。 教学难点: 如何使译文符合语法和语言使用规范。 教学内容: n 语态转换:汉英两种语言间的主动式与被动式的互换 n 英语中使用被动式比汉语用得多 1. 这儿讲的是普通话。 Putonghua is spoken here. 2. 这本书已经翻译成中文了。 This book has already been translated into Chinese. 3. 他遭到邻居的嘲笑。 He was laughed at

2、by his neighbours. n 被动语态:着重被动的动作;突出动作承受者;不知道或无须说出动作的执行者;便利上下文的连贯和衔接。 一. 汉语被动句的英译 1. 带被动标记如助词“被”、“受”、“遭”、“给”、“挨”、“叫”、“让”等。 1) 窗上的玻璃叫那孩子给打破了,他一定要挨骂的。 The window was broken by the child; he will certainly be scolded. 标记 “为所”、“被所” 2) 办公大楼为松树所环绕。 The office building is surrounded by pine trees. 3) 一些古老的

3、传统和价值观不再为年轻人所珍视。 Some old traditions and values are no longer cherished by youth. 并非所有带被动标记的都要译成被动。被风吹病了 blown sick?To become sick because of the draught 2. 不带被动标记的汉语被动句:语义上,主语为谓语动词的承受者。 1) 广州的地铁三号线将在明年年底建成。 The construction of Metro Line 3 in Guangzhou will be completed by the end of next year. 2)

4、这种瓷器是中国制造的。 1 This porcelain is made in China. 3) 马路两旁是整齐的梧桐树。 The avenue was lined with neatly-paced plane trees. 4) 翻译中实践的重要性怎么强调也不过分。 The importance of translation practice cannot be over-stressed. (stressed too much) 5) 狡兔死,走狗烹;飞鸟尽,良弓藏;敌国破,谋臣亡。 When the cunning hares are killed, the good hound i

5、s thrown into the cauldron大锅炉; when the soaring birds have been caught, the good bow is put away; when the enemy states are overthrown, the wise minister is killed. 6) 当下茶果已撤,贾母命两个老嬷嬷带了黛玉去见两个母舅。 Now the refreshments were cleared away; Lady Dowager ordered two nurses to take Daiyu to see her two uncl

6、es. 二. 汉语主动句的英译 1. 强调动作承受者或物的重要性 1) 一群人立刻把他围住了,连珠炮式地向他提出一大串问题。 Very soon he was surrounded by a crowd and bombarded with questions. 2) 这件事至今还没得出正确的结论。 So far no correct conclusion has been drawn on the matter. 3) 家家房顶上都装了供沐浴用的太阳能热水器。 A solar heater is installed on the roof of every house, providing

7、warm water for showers. 4) 利用煤和石油可以制成各种各样有用的东西。 All sorts of useful things can be produced from coal and oil. 2. 无主句 1) 要把必要的资料收集起来,加以分析。 The necessary data should be collected for analysis. 2) 必须保证八小时的睡眠。 Eight hours sleep must be guaranteed. 3) 在纽约,这段时候可以常常听到圣诞歌声从街口的什么地方传出来,哪怕是在最脏的7号线的最脏的车站。 Usual

8、ly at this time of the year, Christmas carols can be heard all over New York. They will waft飘荡,吹送 from any street and lane, even from the dirtiest station of the dirtiest route, Route 7. 3. 为了使措辞得当、语气委婉 (通告、通知等) 1) 来宾请出示入场券。 2 Visitors are requested to show their tickets. 2) 请全班同学于星期三下午二时在演讲听集合听讲座。

9、All classmates are requested to meet in the lecture hall at 2 p.m. on Wednesday to hear a lecture 三. 汉语习惯用语 1) 很明显,这计划应该取消。 It is obvious that the plan should be cancelled. 2) 大家知道,宇宙万物都在不断地运动和变化。 It is known to all that everything in the universe is in constant motion and change. 3) 大家都知道,氢是最轻的元素。 Hydrogen is known to be the lightest element. Exercise: 1) 鼎湖山整个地区为热带、亚热带森林所覆盖,气候独特。 2) 该计划将由一个特别委员会加以审查。 3) 广州地铁二号线的列车(metro trains or metro transit vehicles)是从德国空运过来的。 4) 有些问题还需要澄清。 5) 当下众人七言八语。 6)据说核电站正在筹建中。 3


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