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1、UnitMyfavoritefoodishamburgers教学设计Unit 3 Whats Your Favorite Food? (Period2) 年 级:五年级 执教者:李 鹏 教学目标: 1、学习掌握以下句型: A: Whats your favorite ? B: My favorite is /I likebest/very much. 2、能在日常生活的交流中正确运用上述功能句型。 3、通过实际练习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 教学重点: 能在日常生活的交流中正确运用上述功能句型。 教学难点: 通过实际练习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 教学方法: 高效课堂模式。 学习方法:

2、 自主学习,合作探究 教具准备: PPT课件 教学过程: 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1、谈话交流,营造氛围。 T: Good morning,boys and girls.I bring some pictures for you.Now,look at these pictures.Whats this in English? S: T: Do you like them? Who wants to tell me? Whats your favorite ? S: My favorite is T: This class we will study period 2 of .

3、2、旧知复习,奠定基础。 T:Before the class is beginning,lets review the new words and the dialogue. (1) T: OK.Look at the pictures.Who can speak in English and spell? S: (2)T: Now,look at the pictures.There are two boys.The one with a blue cap is Liu Zhaoyang.The other one is Colin. Lets think and talk what th

4、eyre saying. Who wants to tell us? Liu Zhaoyang says“”. Colin says“”. Now,lets repeat the dialogue together. Work in groups and make a dialogue with the following sentences. 二、新知探究(Presentation) 1、短文呈现,独立学习。 Its four thirty on Sunday.My family are having our afternoon tea.Mom is drinking coffee.That

5、 is her favorite drink. Dad is drinking tea.He loves it very much. My grandpa is reading.He reads every day.My brother loves chocolate .Thats his favorite. What do I like?Oh,I like cookies best! 自学短文,尝试顺畅地朗读。 T: Heres a passage. Try to read by yourself.If you meet unknown words,please tell me! Go! 点

6、名试读,纠音并激发潜力和自信。 齐读短文,加深印象。 2、解决问题,检查收获。 (1)呈现问题,独立思考。 1、Does your mother like drinking coffee? 2、Whats your fathers favorite drink? 3、Does your grandpa like singing? 4、Whats your brothers favorite food? 5、Whats your favorite food? 小组合作,交流解决。 集体交流,引导纠错。 将全班学生分为男女生两组,进行问答对话,培养主要句型性的运用能力。 3、仿照短文,操练写作。

7、独立思考,快速写作。 师巡视,帮助学生完成写作。 将完成的学生作品展示,集体交流。 三、巩固运用 1、再读课文,完成同义句,扎实知识的灵活运用。 学生独立思考,完成同义句。 My favorite food is cookies. _is my _ food. I _ cookies _. I _ cookies _ _. 点名回答,集体交流。 学生再做,加深印象。 2、连词成句,集体合作完成,提高知识应用能力。 1、basketball / Mr. Zhao / very much / likes _. 2、Art / best / Wu Chen / likes _. 3、favorite / color / yellow / is / My sisters _. 四、作业设计(Homework): Do a survey and report. A: Whats your favorite ? B: My favorite is /I likebest/very much. Name Food Drink Fruit Color Animal Sport 板书设计:


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