University Days!.docx

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1、University Days!University Days 大学日子 一、原文:I passed all the other courses that I took at my University, but I could have never pass botany. This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope at plant cells, and I could never see through

2、 a microscope. I never once saw a cell through a microscope. This used to enrage my instructor. He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the involved and, so I am told, interesting structure of flower cells, until he came to me. I would

3、just be standing there. I cant see anything, I would say. He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up in a fury; claiming that I could too see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldnt. It takes away from the beauty of

4、 flowers anyway, I used to tell him. We are not concerned with beauty in this course, he would say. We are concerned solely with what I may call the mechanics of flares. Well, Id say. I cant see anything. Try it just once again, hed say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at al

5、l, except now and again a nebulous milky substance.-a phenomenon of maladjustment. You were supposed to see vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells. I see what looks like a lot of milk, I would tell him. This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope prope

6、rly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk. 译文:我大学所修各门课程都通过了,但就是过不了植物学这一关,这是因为,凡是修植物学课程的学生都必须每周在实验室里呆上若干小时,透过显微镜观看植物细胞,而我却总是看不透显微镜。我从未透过显微镜看见过一个细胞,这每每令我的老师勃然大怒。他总是在实验室踱来踱去,为所有学生在绘画有关的花朵细胞的结构上所取得的进步而高兴,大家告诉我那是很有意思的结构。最后他来到我面前,我则往往站在那儿,说道:“我什么也看不见。


8、又看见牛乳。 关键句子解说 I passed all the other courses that I took at my University, but I could never pass botany. This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope at plant cells, and I could never see through a microscope. I never once saw a

9、 cell through a microscope. 我通过了大学里所修的各门课程,唯独无法过植物学这一关。因为但凡选修植物学的学生,每周都必须花好几个小时在实验室里用显微镜观察植物细胞,这我从来就做不到。 This used to enrage my instructor. He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the involved and, so I am told, interesting structure of

10、 flower cells, until he came to me. I would just be standing there. 这每每让我的导师十分恼火。他总会在实验室里来回踱步,对学生们在描画复杂并且据说是有趣的花朵细胞结构时取得的进步颇为满意,直到他走近我身边。我只是干站着。 I cant see anything, I would say. He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up in a fur

11、y; claiming that I could too see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldnt. “我什么都看不见”,我解释道。他便开始耐性十足地解释为什么每个人都可以通过显微镜进行观察,但总是气急收场,并宣称我事实上也能透过显微镜看到东西,只是假装做不到。 译文修订:“我什么也看不见” ,我常这样嚷嚷。他开始解释时总是显得很有耐心,说个个都能透过显微镜看到,但到最后总是失去耐心而怒气冲冲,声言我其实能 只是假装而已。 Zeng It takes away from the beauty of flowers an

12、yway, I used to tell him. We are not concerned with beauty in this course, he would say. We are concerned solely with what I may call the mechanics of flars. “无论如何,这剥夺了花的美”,我对他说。“这个课程不涉及美的问题”,他则说,“我们所关心的,姑且可以这么说,仅仅是花的构造。” 点评:注意对话者双方的身份、语气及其上下文连贯的表现。译文修订:我常辩解道:“不管怎样,这都剥夺了花的美” 。他则解释说:“这门课程讲的不是美,姑且可以这么

13、说,仅仅是关于花的精美结构。” Zeng Well, Id say, I cant see anything. Try it just once again, hed say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again a nebulous milky substance-a phenomenon of maladjustment. “可我什么都看不到”,我说。“再试一次”,他命令道。接着我把一只眼睛凑到显微镜前,除了偶尔看见一团朦胧的乳状物,还是什么都没有这是显微

14、镜调节不当的结果。 “You were supposed to see a vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells.” I see what looks like a lot of milk, I would tell him. “你应该看到轮廓分明的植物细胞中如时钟一般生动活跃的精细构造。”“我看到了许多貌似牛乳的东西”,我这么对他说。 点评: 注意词句使用的口语化。 译文修订:你应该看见轮廓醒目的植物细胞,它们形似精细的时钟构造,不停运动、生动有趣。 This, he claimed, was the result

15、of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk. 他断定这是我没有调整好显微镜的缘故,于是帮我,或者说是帮他自己,重新调整了显微镜。我便再看了一次还是牛奶。 点评: 译文通顺。但要注意作者在文章所表达的幽默感,在适当的地方要给予再现。 译文修订:于是再次帮我,或者说是帮他自己,重新调整了显微镜。我也再次凑上去一望又见牛乳。 二、原文:So we tried i

16、t with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. With only one of them did I see anything but blackness or the familiar lacteal opacity, and that time I saw, to my pleasure and amazement, a variegated constellation of flecks, specks, and dots. These I hastily drew. The instructor, noting my a

17、ctivity, came from an adjoining desk, a smile on his lips and his eyebrows high in hope. He looked at my cell drawing. Whats that? he demanded, with a hint of squeal in his voice. Thats what I saw, I said. You didnt, you didnt, you didnt! he screamed, losing control of his temper instantly, and he b

18、ent over and squinted into the microscope. His head snapped up. Thats your eye! he shouted. Youve fixed the lens so that it reflects! Youve drawn your eye! 译文:因而我们尝试着用人类所知的每一种调试显微镜的方法进行调试。只有一次我没有看见漆黑一片或者那种熟悉的乳状混浊物。那一次我看见由斑斑点点组成的灿烂群星,不禁惊喜交加,于是匆匆把这灿烂群星画了下来。老师见我忙个不停,于是从邻座走来,笑容可掬,眉开眼笑,满怀希望。他看了看我画的细胞。“这是

19、什么?”他诘问道,埋怨之情溢于言表。“这是我看到的。”我说道。“不是,不是的,不是!”他尖叫着,顿时大发雷霆,并且弯下身来,迷着眼睛朝显微镜里望去。他猛地抬起头来。“这是你的眼睛!”他喊道,“你调的镜头反射了!你画的是你的眼睛!” to my pleasure and amazement, a variegated constellation of flecks, specks, and dots. These I hastily drew. 不禁惊喜交加,于是匆匆把这灿烂群星画了下来。 点评:非常好! 注意到了语句的简洁性和可读性! 不过,译文还可改进:于是匆匆把这斑斑点点的“灿烂群星”画了

20、下来。 a smile on his lips and his eyebrows high in hope. 笑容可掬,眉开眼笑,满怀希望 he screamed, losing control of his temper instantly, and he bent over and squinted into the microscope. His head snapped up. 他尖叫着,顿时大发雷霆,并且弯下身来,迷着眼睛朝显微镜里望去。他猛地抬起头来. 三、原文:As a soldier I was never any good at all. Most of the cadets

21、 were glumly indifferent soldiers, but I was no good at all. Once General Littlefield, who was commandant of the cadet corps, popped up in front of me during regimental drill and snapped, You are the main trouble with the university!” I think he meant that my type was the main trouble with the unive

22、rsity but he may have meant me individually. 译文:作为一个士兵,我一无是处。大部分学生都是一些沉闷又平庸的士兵,而我之于他们则更糟糕,根本一点好也谈不上。有一次,在我们进行团训时,军训团的总司令利特尔菲德将军冷不防出现在我眼前,厉声说道:“你就是这大学里主要的祸害!” 我以为他指的是我这样的人是大学里主要的祸害,但他也有可能是针对我个人说的。 原文:I was mediocre at drill, certainlythat is, until my senior year. By that time I had drilled longer th

23、an anybody else in the Western Conference, having failed at military at the end of each preceding year so that I had to do it all over again. I was the only senior still in uniform. The uniform which, when new, had made me look like an interurban railway conductor, now that it had become faded and t

24、oo tight made me look like Bert Williams in his bellboy act. This had a definitely bad effect on my morale. Even so, I had become by sheer practice little short of wonderful at squad maneuvers. 译文:无可否认,在大四之前我在军训中都是平平无奇的。因为我在这之前的每一年年底都没有通过军训,我必须又重新军训多一次。这样直到大四时,我受训的时间就比西部大学联盟里的任何一个人都要长。我还是唯一一个依然穿着军训服

25、的大四学生。当军训服还新的时候,我穿起来就像往回于城市铁路上的售票员;当它已经褪色并且变窄时,我穿起来就像伯特.威廉斯在戏里饰演的侍应生。这确实对我的士气造成很不好的影响。尽管是这样,在如此多的分队军事演习里,仅仅是训练就让我变得近乎完美了。 原文:If I went through anguish in botany and economics-For different reasons- gymnasium work was even worse. I dont even like to think about it. They wouldnt let you play games or

26、join in the exercises with your glasses on and I couldnt see with mine off. I bumped into professors, horizontal bars, agricultural students, and swinging iron rings. Not being able to see,I could take it but I couldnt dish it out. 译文:如果说我在生物学和经济学上苦不堪言,那么由于种种原因,体育课更加令我痛不欲生对于我而言,那简直不堪回首 他们不会让你参与各项游戏和

27、锻炼,然而一摘下它,我两眼一片模糊我无意间撞到了教授的身体上,平衡杆上,农业院的学生上,还撞到了摇摆不定的铁环由于看不见,我听着他们的抱怨,但始终接受不了他们的抨击 Anguish :severe pain, mental suffering or unhappiness. 剧痛,极度痛苦 Eg. She vented the anguish of her heart in bitter tears. 她痛哭流涕以排遣心中的苦恼. 原文:Another thing I didnt like about gymnasium work was that they made your strip t

28、he day you registered. It is impossible for me to be happy when I am stripped and being asked a lot of questions. Still, I did better than a lanky agricultural student who was cross-examined just before I was. They asked each student what college he was in-that is, whether Arts, Engineering, Commerc

29、e, or Agriculture. What college are you in? the instructor snapped at the youth in front of me. Ohio State University, he said promptly. 译文:让我讨厌体育课的另一个原因是在登记时,他们会让你脱光衣服当我一丝不挂地被询问一连串问题时,心情爽朗对于我来说已经是不可能的事情了然而,我做得比我前面接受盘问的农业院学生好他们分别被问及所在学院,换句话说,是艺术学院,工程学院,商学院还是农业学院“哪个学院的?”指导员对着我前面的年轻人极其不耐烦地询问“俄亥俄州立大学”,他冲口而出


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