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1、what colour What colour is it? 执教者:洛南县西街小学 赵雪妮 教学内容: 词汇:red、yellow、blue、green、purple、black 词汇:What colour is it ? Its. I like. is your favourite colour. 教学目标: 1、知识目标: 学习怎样英语表达事物的颜色,掌握相关的单词:red /yellow/blue/green/purple/black和句型,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定的交际任务。 2、情感目标: 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养

2、学生的协作精神和竞争意识。 3、能力目标: 培养学生的观察能力,想象能力、动手操作能力,提高学生感受美欣赏美的水平,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。 教学重点: 创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识来表达事物的颜色及自己最喜欢的颜色。 教学难点: 激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验语言,主动学习事物颜色的表达法。 教学用具: 单词卡片,小红星,录音机 学具准备: 彩笔,白纸,课本 学生情况分析: 学生的年龄在九到十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。由于学生学英语不久,有可能还不敢说话,学得不好,课堂上要以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的

3、兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说,积极参与。 教学过程: 一. Warm-up 1.师生问候:Good morning? Nice to meet you! What is your name? 2.Do you like sing? Let us sing a song: 设计意图:朋友式的问好,拉近了师生间的距离,增加了老师的亲和力。同时歌曲的运用有利于营造轻松愉快的英语学习氛围,促进学生尽快进入学习状态。 二.播放图片,感知颜色。 T:Are you happy?Now,look,It is an unbrella. Is it beautiful? Yes .There are mang beau

4、tiful colours. Today,we are going to learn lesson 11:What colour is it? (板书课题) 设计意图:采用学生感兴趣的动画来吸引他们主动参与教学活动,快速的进入最佳学习状态,同时,为单词和句型的学习做好铺垫。 三.呈现新知 1.教学red/yellow/blue/green T:Look at the umbrella,what colour is it?It is red.Follow me:red ,red ,It is red. S:Red T:/e/ ,red S:Red . T:What colour is it? S

5、:It is red. T:Look.I like yellow.(板书)It is yellow.Follow me:yellow, yellow,yellow. S:Yellow. T:What colour is it? S:It is yellow. T:Do you like yellow? S:Yes,I like yellow./No, I like red. T:Now,They are blue and green.(板书)Follow me :blue ,blue, blue. S:Blue. T:What colour is it? S:It is blue. T:I l

6、ike blue ,too. What about you? S:I like blue/red/yellow. T:It is green.Read after me:green, green, green. S:Green,It is green. T:Now,Let us read it.(教读) T:Read it quikly.(学生快速认读) 设计意图:引导学生观看多媒体动画,积极思考,自主学习单词和句型,激发学生说的兴趣,通过教师的点拨指导,启发学生群体互动,给学生一个容易接受,乐于学习的良好氛围。通过学生研究性学习,突破本课教学难点。 T:Let us have a rest,

7、play a game,Ok?Guess, What colour is it?(出示课件,看图猜颜色) T: Ask and answer one by one in your group. What colour is it? It is(小组内练习) T:I like blue and yellow very much,What about you? S: I like blue/red. 设计意图:这一环节是师生交流这一阶段学习成果的过程,同时进行颜色竞猜,引起学生的共鸣,激发学生积极参与的欲望,使学生在乐中玩,玩中练,巩固了本课单词,并为后面的教学做好铺垫。 2.教学单词:black

8、/white/orange/ purple .(拓展教学,巩固运用。) T:Now,look,Our desks is black,The classrooms wall is white.(板书)black/white T:Read after me:black,black . S:Black, black. T: White white.It is white. S: White white,Its white T:My T-shirt is white.My pencil is white.My hat is white. S1;My pen is white. S2:My ball i

9、s white. T:Now,Its orange.Read it :orange. S:Orange. T:Its purple, purple ,purple, S:Purple. T:Purple is my favourite colour.Read after me: favourite favourite.My favourite colour. S:Favourite, favourite,My favourite colour. (指名读,开火车说) T:Purple is my favourite colour,Whats your favourite colour? S1:

10、Red is my favourite colour. S2:Blue is my favourite colour. T;My favourite colour is purple,Do you like purple? S:Yes/No. T:My favourite colour is Say it one by one in your group. 设计意图:本阶段是对单词教学的拓展,在熟悉的环境下,继续进行单词教学,同时,引出本课重点句型: is my faourite colour.并轻松突破。 四操练巩固,能力提高。 T:Look,There are mang car on th

11、e picture ,What colour is it ? S:Its red. T:Yes,Good.Who can come here and ask everyone? What colour is it ? Its is my favourite colour. T:This is our new friend,Linda . (教师扮作Linda)Hello,My name is Linda,My T-shirt is blue.Blue is my favourite colour. T:Who can come here intreduce? S:(上台介绍) 设计意图:通过真

12、实的语言环境,生生之间自然谈话,将所学知识进行实际应用。在表演中开展竞争,激起学生的好胜心里,使他们在玩中学,乐中学。 六、课堂小结及作业。 T:How mang stars do your group have?Lets count. T:The trip for colour is over.Lets think about what weve learn. T:Homework:Draw a picture with this colour. T:Are you happy? T:Its time to say good-bye.Lets finish our class.Bye-bye

13、 设计意图:作业是课堂教学的延伸,是巩固教学的手段。本课作业贴近学生生活,也对学生进行了美育教育。 教学反思。 1. 活动内容新颖生动,让学生学得新鲜,学得愉快。 在教学中教师采用多种形式来组织教学,真正贯彻了“在学中乐,在乐中学”的教学理念。课件What colour ,通过小组竞赛等活动结合学生实际,合情合理,符合小学生好探究,喜猜想,爱比拼的心理特点,活跃了课堂气氛,极大调动了学生的学习积极性。 2. 环节设计层层推进,让学生学得自然,学得轻松。 在活动设计中教师考虑到先易后难,先紧扣教材内容后有所拓展拔高,先以简单的单词呈现做铺垫,后灌输句型操练及适当的拓展原则,让学生在不知不觉,潜移

14、默化中感知教材,自然而然地从单词的认知过渡到对句型的掌握。课件中通过不同的形式来呈现单词,从不同的感官有效地刺激学生,让学生学得自然,轻松。 3. 学中渗透情感教育,让学生学得真实,学得有意义。 教学中教师在相应的环节中适时渗透情感教育,如在小组比赛中培养学生良好的竞争意识,在情境呈现中给学生呈现优美和谐的自然风光图,传递给学生和谐美,自然美的信息。在最后的小组合作活动中又培养了团结协作的精神,让学生在学好英语的同时,也提高了各中素质。 What are these? 洛南县西街小学 赵雪妮 设计理念: 1设境引趣。兴趣是最好的老师,在兴趣浓厚,心情愉悦的状态下,孩子的学习潜力是巨大的。在本课

15、的开头,一首欢快的歌曲Happy new year创设了轻松愉快的课堂环境;优美的背景图吸引了学生的注意力,引发了学生的学习兴趣。 2活动激趣。教师要从学生心理特征出发,在课堂上充分运用各种手段,设计形式多样、富有趣味的活动引导学生积极参与,达到寓教于乐的目的。在新授过程中,教师创设了“参观农场”、“图中寻物”、“介绍农场”等活动形式激发和持续学生的学习兴趣,让学生想说、敢说、会说,让每个学习都能在活动中发展。 3拓展延趣。英语教学中,学生不是简单地接受文本内容,教师要善于抓住教材的拓展空间,在已知内容的基础上,对教材做合理的续想,从而开拓学生思维,产生更有新意,更独特的语言。在活动的尾部,教

16、师鼓励学生自己创编儿歌,延续了学生的学习兴趣,使学生积极主动地参与到语言内化的实践活动中来,从而使学生潜移默化地获得知识与信息,发展学生的英语能力,启迪学生的创新潜能。 教学目标: 1掌握动物单词“cow、bird、frog”的发音及复数形式,能区分these和those的含义,并学习用句型“What are these/those?”“They are”来进行介绍。 2通过活动的展开,培养学生对英语活动的兴趣,激发学生参加英语活动的愿望。 教学准备: 1小鸟、青蛙、奶牛图片。 2录音机、磁带。 教学过程: 一、Warm up/Revision(热身/复习) 1. 师生问候:Good morn

17、ing!Whats your name?Nice to meet you! 2. 教师出示图片复习单词,巩固单词:What is this/that? 二、 Presentation(呈现新知) 1. 创设情景,教学单词:cow /frog /bird T:Today,Lets go to the farm and have a look.(简笔画出示农场) T:Wow,It s a small farm,but its beautiful.Look,Whats this?(出示奶牛图片)。Its a cow.cow ,cow, cow. S:Cow. T:What are these?The

18、y are cows.Read after me:What are these?these(这些) S:What are these? T:They are cows. S: They are cows. T:Say it one by one. T:Now,look,Its a river.The frog is in the river.Read after me:frog, frog, frog. S:Frog.(指名读,开火车读) T:Now,They are coming ,too.What are these? S:They are frogs. T:Boys ask girls,

19、One, two, go S1:What are these? S2:They are frogs. T:Now,How noisy!Look,Whats that?Its a bird.Follow me:bird, bird, bird. S:Bird.(指名读) T:Wow,How beautful!Five birds are coming.How mang birds?Lets count:One, two, three, four, five birds.Follow me:birds. S:Birds. T:What are those?Those,those那些 S:What

20、are those? T:They are frogs. S:They are frogs. 2. 利用单词卡片,操练单词。 快速认读。 Geuss:将单词卡片背对学生,猜:What are these? 让学生将图片和单词卡片对应贴在黑板上。 请学生上黑板介绍图片进行问答练习。 三、Practice(操练提高) 1. T:Today,Mr.cow and Miss bird have a question? Whos right?Whos wrong?Now,Mr.cow says:These are apples.Those are pears.Miss bird says:These a

21、re pears .Those are apples.Whos right? S:All right. T:Good,Now,I have two bags.Do you want to know,Whats this in it ? S:Yes. T: Can you ask me ?What are these or what are those?Who can try? T:Hello!xx S:Hello!Teacher!What are these? T:They are books. S:What are those? T:They are cakes . T:Good.Now .If you have two bags ,too.Ask it with your deskmates. S:同桌互相问答。 T:Ok,Who want to try?Please come here.(请同学上台表演) 四.Assessment. 1.对学生课堂表现进行评价。 2.回顾本课主要内容。 3.课后同学间进行对话表演。


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