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1、wuthering heightsWUTHERING HEIGHTS I. QUIZ: 1. What is inscribed above the entrance of Wuthering Heights? (A) “Hindley Earnshaw, 1729” (B) “1623” (C) “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” (D) “Hareton Earnshaw, 1500” 2. What kind of countryside surrounds Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange? (A)
2、 Moorland (B) Savannah (C) Forest (D) Grassy plains 3. What destination does the young Catherine have in mind when she leaves Thrushcross Grange for the first time? (A) Wuthering Heights (B) The fairy caves at Penistone Crags (C) The nearby village (D) London, where her cousin Linton lives 4. What i
3、s the name of the village near Wuthering Heights? (A) Loch Crag (B) Gimmerton (C) Heatherton (D) Purvey 5. In what region of England was Emily Bront raised? (A) Sussex (B) Gloucestershire (C) Yorkshire (D) Warwickshire 6. Who plans to live at Thrushcross Grange at the end of the novel? (A) Young Cat
4、herine and Hareton (B) Lockwood (C) Heathcliff (D) Young Catherine and Linton Heathcliff 7. Over the course of the novel, which characters claim to see Catherines ghost? (A) Heathcliff, Hareton, young Catherine, and Joseph (B) Edgar Linton and Heathcliff (C) Joseph and Nelly Dean (D) Lockwood and He
5、athcliff 8. On what day do young Catherine and Hareton plan to be married? (A) New Years Day (B) The Ides of March (C) The anniversary of Heathcliffs death (D) Valentines Day 9. Why does young Catherine climb over the garden wall? (A) To escape from the Grange (B) To meet with Linton (C) To retrieve
6、 her hat, which fell off as she stretched for the fruit of a tree (D) To escape her mothers ghost 10. Who raises Hareton during the early years of his life? (A) Hindley (B) Heathcliff (C) Catherine (D) Nelly 11. Who does Lockwood believe would have given young Catherine a fairy tale life, if only sh
7、e would have fallen in love with him? (A) Heathcliff (B) Hareton (C) Linton (D) Lockwood 12. Which of the following characters dies first? (A) Mrs. Earnshaw (B) Mr. Earnshaw (C) Mrs. Linton (D) Edgar Linton 13. Which of the following characters dies last? (A) Mr. Linton (B) Catherine (C) Heathcliff
8、(D) Linton 14. According to Heathcliff, when will Catherines body decompose? (A) When a hundred centuries have passed (B) When Edgar Linton is finally cursed to hell (C) Never (D) When Heathcliff can join her in the earth 15. Where does Lockwood record Nellys story? (A) In a novel (B) In his diary (
9、C) In the margins of his Bible (D) In Catherines diary 16. Which character speaks the words “I am Heathcliff!” (A) Linton Heathcliff (B) Hareton (C) Heathcliff (D) Catherine 17. Which three names does Lockwood find inscribed in the window ledge near his bed at Wuthering Heights? (A) Catherine Earnsh
10、aw, Catherine Linton, and Catherine Heathcliff (B) Catherine Earnshaw, Hindley Earnshaw, and Hareton Earnshaw (C) Isabella Linton, Isabella Heathcliff, and Isabella Earnshaw (D) Nelly, Joseph, and Zillah 18. Where does Earnshaw originally find Heathcliff? (A) London (B) Boston (C) Liverpool (D) Gimm
11、erton 19. Where is Catherine buried? (A) In a churchyard overlooking the moors (B) In the chapel (C) Under a stone wall (D) She is not buried, but cremated, and her ashes are scattered in the Thames. 20. At what age is Linton taken away from Thrushcross Grange by Heathcliff? (A) Four (B) Twenty (C)
12、Eleven (D) Thirteen 21. At what age is Linton reunited with young Catherine? (A) Twenty-two (B) Nineteen (C) Sixteen (D) Forty-three 22. Whom does Hindley force to work as a servant in his home? (A) Joseph (B) Heathcliff (C) Heathcliffs son, Linton (D) Edgar Linton 23. Whom does Heathcliff force to
13、work as a servant in his home? (A) Hindley (B) Catherine (C) Hareton (D) Isabella Linton 24. Where do Catherine and Heathcliff first become close? (A) In the nursery at Wuthering Heights (B) During Catherines visit to Liverpool (C) At Isabella Lintons birthday party (D) On the moors 25. Whom does Ed
14、gar Linton sometimes forbid his daughter to visit? (A) Linton Heathcliff (B) Hareton Earnshaw (C) Isabella Linton (D) The evangelical servant Joseph II. Study Questions 1. Many of the names in Wuthering Heights are strikingly similar. For example, besides the two Catherines, there are a number of Li
15、ntons, Earnshaws, and Heathcliffs whose names vary only slightly. What role do specific names play in Wuthering Heights? 2. Analyze the character of Edgar Linton. Is he a sympathetic figure? How does he compare to Heathcliff? Is Catherine really in love with him? 3. Discuss revenge in Wuthering Heights. In what ways is it connected to love? What is the nature of love in the novel, that it can be so closely connected to vengeance?