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1、WouldYouLikeSomeSoup教学设计一、教学目标 1、语言知识 掌握词汇:noodles, dumplings, soup, rice 短语及句型:Would you like some ? Yes, please./No, thanks. 2、语言技能 能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇。 能在实际生活中灵活运用所学功能句:Would you like some?并能作出相应回答。 3、情感态度 通过多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的主动性,养成大胆说英语的习惯。 二、教学重点:有关食物的词汇 三、教学难点:能正确运用句型:Would you like som

2、e ? Yes, please./No, thanks. 四、教学准备录音机和磁带、单词卡片、多媒体课件 五、教学步骤 1、热身复习 Lets Chant: “Are you hungry?” 1 Play game. Review。 2、教授新知 T: Boys and girls! 现在,老师想给大家一个惊喜!你们想不想啊? Ss: Yes! T: (老师戴上厨师帽,穿上围裙)Ha! Ha! Ha! Am I a teacher? No. No. No. I am a cook. T:今天,我给大家准备了很多好吃的、好喝的东西。 Are you hungry? Ss: Yes! T:现在,

3、我要上菜了。 OK? Ss: OK! T: 我的第一道菜! Aha! Whats this? Ss: Fish! (复习“fish”) T: Yes! Hmm Its delicious! Step II New Concepts (1)noodles T: Look!What are these?They are noodles.Do you like noodles? Ss: Yes! T: Follow me,please,Noodles! S1: Noodles! T: Noodle,noodles是面条,面条noodles细又长! Students practice to say.

4、(2)dumplings T:我的第三道菜!What are these?They are dumplings. Ss: Dumplings! T:Do you like dumplings? Ss:Yes! 2 T: Dumplings,dumplings是饺子,饺子dumplings真好吃! (3)soup,rice T: 你们还想吃什么? Ss: 我们想喝汤。 T:OK!Its soup.Soup,soup就是汤,美味soup香又香! T: 你们猜猜最后该上什么了? Ss:米饭! T:谁知道 “米饭”用英语怎么说?!Rice,rice是米饭,米饭rice香喷喷! (4)Chant T:

5、Well! Boys and girls! Let,s chant together! T: Noodles noodles是面条,面条noodles细又长。 Soup, soup 就是汤, 美味soup 香又香! Dumplings, dumplings是饺子,饺子dumplings真好吃! Rice, rice 是米饭,米饭rice 香喷喷! (5)Would you like ? T:OK!Please look at the screen. “ Would you like some ? ” 可以用来询问别人想吃点什么或想喝点什么。Understand? Ss:Yes! T:Would

6、 you like some ? 3 Ss:Would you like some ? Ss:Would you like some pop? Ss:Would you like some milk? practise T:What else do you want? Lets play a game. Boys and girls! S1:Would you like some soup? T:Yes! T:将“汤”的图片贴在Would you like some? 的后面。 S2:Would you like some rice? S3:Would you like some dumpli

7、ngs? S4:Would you like some noodles? T: T:If you like, you can say: “ Yes! Please!” If you dont like, you can say: “ No! Thanks!” Understand? Ss:Yes! Yes, please! No, thanks! 3、Game T:Would you like some soup? S1:Yes,please! T:Would you like some rice? S2:No,thanks!直到把所学新词都贴在黑板上,老师领读。 4 Listen to the tape. 小结:节课你学会了什么?有什么收获? Make a dialogue. 四人一组,用新学的单词和句型编对话,做练习。 六、本节课结束。布置家庭作业。 板书: Lesson 14:Would You Like Some Soup? Would you like ? dumplings Yes,please./No,thanks. soup rice 5 noodles


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