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1、admit的用法和辨析 今天给大家带来了admit的用法和辨析,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。admit的用法和辨析一、详细释义:v.承认,供认 I,T例句:I mustered the courage to admit my mistake.我鼓起勇气承认错误。例句:He refused to admit to breaking the window.他拒绝承认打破窗户。例句:Did he admit breaking the window?他承认了窗子是他打破的吗?准许进入 I,T例句:Embassy security personnel refused to admi

2、t him or his wife.使馆保安人员不允许他和夫人进入。例句:Journalists are rarely admitted to the region.新闻记者很少获准进入该地区。准许加入,接纳,招收 I,T例句:Most colleges admit students on the basis of their Entrance Examination records.大多数高等院校根据学生的入学考试成绩录取学生。例句:He was admitted into the school .他已被准许入学。接收(入院),收治 I,T例句:She was admitted to hos

3、pital with a soaring temperature.她因发高烧被送进医院。例句:He was admitted yesterday for treatment of blood clots in his lungs.他昨天入院治疗肺部的血块。二、词义辨析:accept,receive,admit,take这些动词均有“接受、接纳”之意。 accept强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受。 receive着重仅仅接到或收到这一支轮船或事实,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思。 admit作“接受”讲时,强调准许或批准。 take与receive同意,是receive的日常

4、用法,侧重不带主观意愿地收下或接受。三、词义辨析:acknowledge,admit,confess,recognize,concede这些动词均含“承认”之意。 acknowledge通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。 admit强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。 confess语气较强,着重承认自己意识到的错误或罪行,含坦白忏悔的意味。 recognize作“承认”解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。 concede指在事实与证据面前勉强或不得不承认。四、参考例句:Admit Mistakes And Weaknesses.承认失误和

5、弱点。We cant admit fault.我们不能承认错误。We should admit our weaknesses.我们都应该承认自己的弱点。Did he admit breaking the window?他承认了窗子是他打破的吗?Bournemouth, you have to admit, has style.你不得不承认伯恩茅斯是个很有格调的地方。The facts admit of no other explanation.事实不容作其他解释。I admit that you have a point.我承认你有理。I must admit that maps obsess

6、 me.我得承认我对地图十分着迷。He screwed her to admit it.他逼迫她承认。I must admit I like looking feminine.我得承认我喜欢看起来淑女一些。admit的短语用法高考英语词汇详解:admit的短语用法1 . admit of 容许有,有的余地,有的可能。如:The matter admits of no delay. 此事刻不容缓。The word admits of no other meaning in the case. 该词在此例中不可能有其它的意义。2 . admit to 承认。如:He admitted to the

7、 murder. 他供认了谋杀罪。He admitted to having taken the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱。注:由于 admit 表示“承认”可用作及物动词或不及物动词,所以上面各例中的介词 to 有时也可省略 。3 . admitto 允许进入,使能进入。如:They admitted him to into their organization. 他们接受他参加了他们的组织。How many students have been admitted into the school this year? 今年这所学校有多少学生入学?试比较:He was admitted

8、to the Party. 他被吸收入党。He was admitted as a Party member. 他被接纳为党员。文览汇意|admit、confess、concede的区别与用法每日词汇:1.Mr. Patten partly _this point in recognizing that new settlements can offer “exciting opportunities for imaginative, high-quality design. ”A.admits B.concedesC. confesses正确答案:B解析: 这三个词都有“承认”的意思,但只有

9、concede可与point搭配,表示承认某一观点的意思,故答案选B。该句译文为:派藤先生在一定程度上承认了这一点,因为他意识到,新的定居点可以为“富有想象力的高质量设计”提供令人兴奋的机会。详细解析Admitadmit意为“承认”,强调 非常勉强地承认某一事实 。常见句型:admit(that) 承认+从句admit to sb.(that) 向某人承认admit(to)doing sth.承认做过常见搭配:freely/openly/frankly etc. admit 直率地公开坦白承认例句:Boyce admitted murdering Thomas Boe-decker and a

10、ttempting to murder his wife, daughter and son.译文:博伊斯承认谋杀了托马斯博德克尔,并试图谋杀 他的妻子、女儿和儿子。Critics generally agreed it was funny, but some admitted to feeling uneasy about laughing at Frank Spencer as his world collapsed around him.译文:评论家们都认为这很有趣,但也有一些人承认,当弗兰克斯宾塞周遭世界崩塌时,嘲笑他会使他们感到不安。Confess.onfess为正式用语,指 承认所

11、犯的罪行或错误 也可指 坦白令人感到羞愧或窘迫的事 ,常含有“忏悔”之意。常见搭配:及物动词:confess failurefearlove不及物动词:confess to(doing)sth. 承认做过 confess (that)承认+从句例句:The case was solved when Downey finally walked in to a police station earlier this year and confessed to the killing.译文:今年早些时候,唐尼终于走进了警察局,承认了自己杀人的罪行,案件才得以侦破。I must confess all

12、 my mistakes to you!译文:我必须向你坦白我犯下的所有错误!Concede.oncede强调在大量证据前 不得不承认事物的真实性、合乎逻辑性 :也可指 承认比赛、选举等失败 ,即“认输”。常见搭配:concede pointdefeatpossibility argumentconcede (that)承认+从句例句:In private,officials concede that Mr. Gonzalezs measures are a high-risk gamble.译文:私下里,官员承认,冈萨雷斯先生的措施是一个高风险的赌博。每日语法All the followin

13、g sentences have an appositive(同位语) EXCEPT:A. Only one problem still remains- the foodB. She bought herself a pair of new shoesC. My friends all understand and support meD. She liked her current job, teaching English正确答案:B解析:A选项the food补充说明主语Only one problem;C选项代词all是my friends的同位语;D选项teaching Engli

14、sh补充说明current job。B项含有buy sb. Sth. 双宾语结构,herself 是bought的间接宾语,a pair of shoes是直接宾语,句中没有同位语。Acknowledge and admit 两个表示“承认”单词的区别Helen大家好,欢迎收听BBC 英语教学节目你问我答,我是Helen。如果你在英语学习中和使用中遇到困难和问题,欢迎到这里来寻求帮助和解答。今天我们的问题来自网友Cherry。QuestionHello! I am Cherry, from Shanghai, China. I have a question: What are the dif

15、ferences between acknowledge and admit? Thank you very much!Helen谢谢 Cherry 的提问。她的问题是 acknowledge 和 admit 这两个动词的区别是什么。这两个词都各自有好几种不同的意义,只有它们在含有“承认,确认”的时候,容易混淆,造成我们的费解。首先我们就着重来分析当它们都含有“承认,确认”的意思时的不同。Acknowledge 是承认事情的存在或者发生,但我们不一定能看出承认者的态度到底如何。而 admit 往往带有“不情愿地承认”某件事情的存在或发生,尤其是这是一件不好的件事情。所以当我们听到有人 admi

16、t 什么的时候,第一感觉是他出了问题,所以“承认错误或失误”。还有一点是 acknowledge 是一个正式用语,比 admit 更加正式一点。下面请进入我们的场景体验:场景一:Sarah 开车的时候和另一辆车发生了碰撞。ExamplesSarah acknowledges that her car was involved in the crash.Sarah 确认她撞车了。Sarah admits that her car was involved in the crash.Sarah 承认她撞车了。Helen虽然都是撞车,第一句话中使用 acknowledge ,表示是 Sarah 承认

17、撞车的事实,但是她并不认为撞车是由她造成的;而在第二个例句中, admits 就带有 Sarah 承认自己可能是有错一方的意思。公司,尤其是保险公司或律师的信函中是从来不会用 admit ,只能看到 acknowledge。Helen场景二:小李和小王都喜欢打乒乓球。Xiao Li acknowledges that Xiao Wang is very good at Ping-Pong.小李确认小王打乒乓球打得很好。Xiao Li admits that Xiao Wang is very good at Ping-Pong.小李承认小王乒乓球打得特别好。Helen这两句话都在说小王打球比小

18、李好,但第一个例句对于小李来说认为小王打球比他好并没有对小李造成任何不舒服的感觉; 而第二句则不同,承认小王比自己打得好,对于小李来说是“不得不”承认的事实,而且这事实给小李造成不舒服的感觉,例如也许对小李的自信心有一点影响等。Helen场景三:篮球比赛,A 队输了。Team A acknowledged their defeat.A 队接受输了的事实。(但是他们可能并不服输。)Team A admitted their defeat.A 队承认他们输了。(不情愿或是不得不承认。)Helen以上三个场景例子应该很好地解释了 acknowledge 和 admit 在英语运用中最主要的区别。现在

19、让我们来简单看看这两个词各自所包含的其它含义。HelenAcknowledge 是一个正式用语,它的另一个常用的含义是表示“确认收到”,比如信函、邮件、投诉等等。主要用在书面语中。ExamplesI acknowledge the receipt of your letter.我确认收到了你的来信。The insurance company acknowledged my complaint.保险公司确认已经收到了我的投诉。HelenAcknowledge 也可以表示“感谢”,尤其是对某人做出的贡献或帮助表示认可和感激。ExamplesThe manager acknowledged my i

20、nput in the project.领导认可了我在项目中所做的贡献。The community acknowledges the contribution Mr Bart made towards the youth programme.社区对 Bart 先生就青少年活动所做出的贡献表示感谢。HelenAcknowledge 还可以表示“打个招呼”。ExamplesSarah acknowledged me with a quick nod.Sarah 向我点了点头,表示她已经看到了我。Helen再让我们在来看看 admit 的一些含义。Admit 常常被用到表示“允许入场”。Exampl

21、esOne ticket admits two people to the museum.一张票允许两人进博物馆参观。HelenAdmit 还可以表示“进医院”或者是“招生入学”。ExamplesHe was admitted to the fracture clinic with a broken arm.他的手臂骨折被送进骨科了。The school admits twelve children into its reception class every year.学校的预备班每年招收十二名学生。HelenAdmit 还可以表示加入某个机构或组织。ExampleChina was admitted to the WTO in 2001.中国2001年加入了 WTO,世界贸易组织。Helen好了,我们对 acknowledge 和 admit 这两个词在都含有 “承认,确认”意思时的区别做了详细的解释,也简单介绍这两个词的其它含义,希望我们的节目对您的英语学习和使用能有一定的帮助。感谢您的收听,同时再次感谢 Cherry 的提问。admit的用法和辨析


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