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1、2020年托福口语考试高分经验分享 2020年托福口语考试高分经验分享,让我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2020年托福口语考试高分经验分享心理因素很多人之所以口语说不好,首先和自己不敢说,不想说很有关系。很多人报怨:“对者计算机说,怎么说的出来啊。对着人说都不敢。”其实很多学生的发音不错,但是却一直不肯开口,最后口语一点提高都没有。不要畏惧,要勇敢的说出来,这是最基本的要求。如果连说都不敢说,如何练习,如何考试?对于这个问题,考生应该做的是:1、先自言自语,培养感觉,这段时期自己听自己的,纠正发音。常见的如th的发音。think和sink之类。2、或者,找个安静的地方,拿本


3、考一下即可。不要死记硬背。事实证明,上了考场以后,99%的人,张口就是,in this set of material(朗文上的),令人听觉疲劳。一定要发展出自己的东西。全都一样,是拿不了高分的。实战演练关于这个,没什么话说,心理阴影没有了,素材和思路都有了,剩下的就是融会贯通。这一点要求很多的练习。是进一步树立自信,提高水平的关键时期。要点就是一句话,练习,练习,再练习!录音机和电脑我首推电脑,毕竟要在计算机上考试。可以选用一些模拟软件,给自己限时,划出一段反复听(纠正发音和语法错误时非常好用)。关于演练,建议如下:1、按照教材里的安排,成套成套的来。一个都别落下。发现哪个反面特别弱,再有目

4、标的强化。2、一定要反复听自己的录音,纠正错误,纠正发音,再看看是不是还有可以提高的地方,哪里可以重新组织,哪里的词可以换掉。一套题可以反复练习。考场实战果1、稿纸的利用:稿纸限量只给三张,要节约着用。纸是24开的,双面。建议利用间隙提前打好格式。(前两个除外)对于中间两个,纸一到手,就在上面平行分开写上reading 和 listening.对于后两个,先写上listening,在底下平行写上man 和 woman.记得时候分开。方便,省时间。2、读取延迟的利用:读取是有延迟的。一次大概12秒,可以好好利用。还有,朗读题目的时间远远大于你读题需要的时间。利用这些时间,你的准备时间会大大延长。

5、3、举例:阅读+听力部分先读完再记!别因为记笔记导致*没读完,落掉了重要信息。*大部分都非常简单。重点就只有34句。1句主体。23句支持观点。这个用自己的话总结就行了。如果时间不够,利用结尾的读取时间,和听力开始时的简介部分补充。但不要花太多时间,以免影响听力。如果你之前阅读笔记做得好。听力刚开始的时候,把“now listen to ” 的信息记住。这部分是对听力部分的总结 ,带着主题去听,听他的态度是反对还是赞成。效果会很好。当然,还是边听边总结,把关键的记下来。之后花上3秒钟把题看一看。剩下的将近10秒时间完善笔记,开始构思。等他开始让你准备时,你的腹稿就应该已经打好了。再完善即可。托福


7、!口语模板题目:Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while doing their homework.立场:不同意理由:做作业的时候干别的很难集中精力,必定会影响效率【段落示例】1 Firstly, it is impossible for students to concentrate on their homework while doing something else at the same time. 2 This is because homewo

8、rk usually demands a relatively quiet place and full concentration from the student. 3 Conversely, if a student is doing homework and listening to music or surfing online as well, his or her attention will be torn apart, and the efficiency of finishing homework will be inevitably affected. 4 A good

9、case in point is my own experience. 5 When I am working on a mission such as preparing a presentation, I have to devote all my attention to it and cannot afford any slight disturbance. 6 If I randomly refresh my Weibo or Wechat on cell phone, my job would be bound to last for a longer time.1 主题句:It

10、is + adj. + for sb. to do A.2 正面说理:This is because.3 反面说理:Conversely.4 引出例子:A good case in point is Xs experience.5-6 阐述例子: Content of the example【模板总结】It is important or beneficial for sb. to do A in order to X. This is because A 对于 X 的重要性或者好处。Conversely, 如果不做 A 对于 X 的坏处。A good case in point is Eg1

11、s experience. 2-3 句阐述例子。The story of Eg1 perfectly illustrates the importance of A.这里把 impossible 变成了 important or beneficial 因为大部分题目我们都是支持的。既然支持,原因自然是 A 很好或者 A 很重要,自然这两个词就变得非常通用。最后又加了一个对于例子的总结,我们需要做的就是写清楚 A 对于 X 的好处是啥,不做 A 的坏处是啥,以及补充例子的具体内容。当然了,这只是一个非常理想的情况,如果由于某些原因不能保证正反说理和例子同时存在,可以酌情去掉。比如没有例子可以只有

12、正反说理,只不过各说 2-3 句即可。类似的,如果没有反面说理,可以例子或者正面的说理多说一句。极端情况下,主题句和说理都不会写,那直接上例子呗。【模板应用示例】Agree or disagree, it is better for children to choose the jobs of their parents.It is important for us to choose a job that suits our interests in order to distinguish ourselves in a particular field. This is because n

13、ot only could we have much higher work efficiency by devoting ourselves to a job that interests us,but also we are more likely to come up with innovative ideas. Conversely, following in the footsteps of our parents without thinking of what fascinates us is likely to lead us to nothing but mediocre l

14、ife.A good case in point is Kobe, a shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. He is one of the most influential basketball players in the history of NBA, not solely for his success in leading the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships, but for

15、 his courage to choose a career that he is obsessed with. The story of Kobe perfectly illustrates the importance of personal interest in ones career development.【重点句式】Not only could we , but also we are more likely to ., not solely for A, but for B.【重点表达】devote A to Bsuit ones interest | interest sb

16、 | fascinate sb | be obsessed withcome up withwithout thinking offollowing in the footstep of sb【模板替换】主题句No one would deny the fact that the importance of A to X should never be overlooked.The fact that A is of vital importance to X is hardly a surprise.There is no denying that A is conducive to X o

17、r A is closely bound up with X.On no account should we underestimate the importance of A to X.By no means are we supposed to close our eyes to the importance of A to X.It is A that plays an essential part in X.What we have to admit is that A is a major contributor to X.正面说理因One of the most obvious r

18、easons of this point is that .What may explain this point is that .The reason is that .Of the various reasons attempting to account for this point, the most likely one is that .It is generally believed that X results from A.果That is the reason why ., as a result of which ., which may explain why .反面

19、说理On the contrary | In contrast | Conversely | On the other hand引出例子To illustrate, we may refer to the example of A.A is a good demonstration of this point.For relevant examples, we just need to turn to A.There is no better illustration of this point than the example of A.There are myriads of exampl

20、es in our lives that can be used here to substantiate this point, one of which is .X.If anyone needs convincing that, here is the proof.If anyone looks for further evidence that , they should look at .Those seeking more conviction that can now turn to .Examples of this point abounds in our lives, on

21、e of which is . can be cited here as an example of this point.总结例子The story of Eg. perfectly illustrates the importance of A to X.It can be seen from the story of Eg. that A is an indispensable ingredient of X.Without A, Eg. could have never done X.Needless to say, Egs story indicates that X is larg

22、ely a result of A.Had Eg. not done A, Eg. would have never done X托福考试词汇怎样准备词汇准备托福考试备考第一个阶段是单词的初级,我觉得需要1个月时间左右。大家可以参考书里面的方法,对照自己的词汇书制订复习方案,有的同学能够14 天就突破了词汇书,也有人反映难度较大,但是无论如何,1个月内完成初记是必须的,因为这样就能更早进入做题状态,也就是进入准备托福单词的第二阶段。第二个阶段是通过做题、泛读巩固初记的托福词汇,加深对于托福词汇的精细理解。大家只要做一些真题或者模拟题就应该知道,单词从词汇书中剥离出来之后到了相应的阅读段落中容易





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