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1、一年级起新四年级上510单元重点单词及句子Module 4 1. invent nvent发明 2. paper pep 纸 3. importantmpt()nt 重要的 4. printprnt印刷 5. printingprnt印刷术 6. invent -inventednventd( invent的过去Module 4短语 1. Chinese people 中国人、华夏儿女 2. important things重要的东西 3. invent many important things发明重要的东西 4. invent paper发明纸 5. invent printing发明印刷

2、术 6. print books and newspapers印刷书和报纸 7. print our class newspaper印刷我们班的班报 8. between the chairs 在椅子之间 9. beside the house在房子旁边 主要句型 1. You are so clever! 你真聪明! 式) 7. print-printed prntd (print的过去式) 8. bicyclebaskl自行车 9. week wi:k 一星期,周 10. ago 以前 10. in front of the cat在猫面前 11. the man beside the b

3、icycle在自行车旁边的人 12. invent this bicycle发明这辆自行车 13. from the UK 来自英国 14. between the two cars 在两辆小汽车之间 15. invent these cars 发明这些小汽车 16. from the US 来处美国 17. between the ruler and the pen 在尺和钢笔之间 18. a week ago 一周前 2. Chinese people invented many important things. 中国人发明了许多重要的东西。 3. Chinese people are

4、very clever. 中国人是很聪明的 4. Chinese people invented paper.中国人发明了纸。 5. Chinese people invented printing.中国人发明了印刷术。 6. We print books and newspapers. 我们印刷书和报纸。 7. I printed our class newspaper yesterday. 昨天我印了我们的班报。 8. Look, its between the chairs. 看,它在椅子之间 9. Look at the mouse. Its beside the house. 看这只

5、老鼠。它在房子旁边。 10. Look at the man beside the bicycle.看看那个在自行车旁边的那个人。 11. He invented this bicycle.他发明了这辆自行车。 12. He was from the UK. 他来自于英国。 13. Look at the man between the two cars. 看在两辆汽车中间的那个人。 14. He invented these cars. 他发了这些汽车。 15. He was from the US. 他来自于美国。 16. Who was in front of you last Mond

6、ay? 上周一谁在你前面? 17. Chinese people invented paper for us. 中国人为我们发明了纸。 18. What a good idea!多么好的主意啊! Module 5 1. trip trp 旅行/出行 10. at first起初/开始时 2. fiftyfft 五十 11. fall over摔倒 3. minutemnt 分钟 12. hurt ht 受伤(hurt) 4. toptp 顶部/顶端 13. a lot在很大程度上 5. mountainmantn mantn 山 14. able eb()l聪明能干的 6. candies糖果

7、 15. be able to能够 7. plant plnt 植物 16. skatesket 滑冰 8. go on a trip去旅行 17. the Great Wall长城 9. ice as 冰 18. go out出去19. go-wentwent 去 20. see-saws看见 21. take-tooktk需要花费 22. eat-ateet吃 23. have- hadhd享受 24. buy-boughtbt 买 25. wear-worew(r) 穿/戴 26. fall-fellfel掉下/摔倒/落下 27. fall over-fell over摔倒 28. le

8、arn-learnt lnt 学习 29. skatesket -skatedsket d 滑冰 30. climbklam-climbedklamd 爬 短语 1. go to the river去河边 2. go to the party去参加聚会 3. a school trip 一次学校郊游 4. go on a school trip参加学校的郊游 5. go to the Great Wall 去长城 6. climb to the top爬到顶上 7. see lots of mountains看到很多山 8. eat candies吃(一些)糖 9. see some beau

9、tiful plants. 看到一些美丽的植物 10. had a good time度过了美好的时光 11. buy you a present/ (=buy a present for you) 给你买了一个礼物 12. a picture of the Great Wall一张长城的图片 13. go skating 去滑冰 14. wear warm clothes穿着暖和的衣服 15. at first首先/开始时 16. fall over摔跟头 17. hurt a lot疼得很厉害/伤得重 18. learn to skate学习滑冰 19. have a lovely day

10、度过愉快的一天/度过了美好的时光 20. climb up the Great Wall爬上长城 21. in the river在河里 22. bring some photos of your holiday带一些你的假期的照片 23. go to the sea去海边;出海 24. last summer去年夏天 25. see some fish看到一些鱼 26. eat many things吃很多东西 主要句型 1. I went to the river, and saw your sister. 我去了河边,看见了你的妹妹 2. I went to the party, and

11、 saw a monkey. 我去了聚会,看到了一只猴子。 3. Did you go on a school trip yesterday? 你昨天参加学校的郊游吗? 4. We went to the Great Wall. 我们去了长城/去爬长城。 5. It took us fifty minutes to climb to the top. 我们花了50分钟爬到顶峰。 6. We saw lots of mountains.我们看到了很多山。 7. We ate candies.我们吃了(一些)糖。 8. We saw some beautiful plants. 我们看到一些美丽的

12、植物 9. We had a good time.我们度过了美好的时光。 10. We bought you a present.我们给你买了一个礼物。 11. Its a picture of the Great Wall. 它是一幅长城的照片。 12. Yesterday, we went on a school trip.昨天,我们举行了一次校外活动。 13. We went ice-skating. 我们去滑冰。 14. I wore warm clothes-trousers and a sweater. 我们穿着暖和的衣服裤子和毛衣。 15. First, I fell over.

13、 起初,我摔了跟头。 16. Then, I learnt to skate. 然后,我学会了滑冰。 17. I didnt fall over again! 我不再摔跟头了。 Module 6 17. run away逃跑;跑开 1. become bkm变成 18. take away带走/拿走/取走 2. gold gld 金子 3. ago g以前 19. naughty nt (形)顽皮的/淘气4. long ago很久以前 的 5. magicmdk有魔力的 6. paintbrush pentbr 画笔 7. woman wmn妇女/女性 8. womenwmn 9. becom

14、e-becamebkem 10. realril真实的 11. bad坏的/不好的 12. awaywe离开/离去 13. leave-leaves树叶 14. onlynl只/仅仅 15. painting画/绘画作品 16. angrygr生气的 20. take-tooktk拿走 21. make-mademed制作 22. say-saidsed 说 23. break- brokebrk 弄坏/打破/折断 24. run -ran rn 跑 25. food fud 食物 26. come back回来 27. Georgy dd 乔治 28. Porgy(英 pg 美 pdi 波治

15、 29. Georgy Porgy乔治.波治 Module 6短语 1. help people 帮助别人 help him 2. have a paintbrush 有一支画笔 3. magic paintbrush神笔/魔法画笔、魔力的画笔 4. paint food 画食物 5. take Ma Liangs magic paintbrush抢走了马良的神笔 6. paint gold with the magic paintbrush用这支神笔画金子 7. take Ma Liang away 把马良带走了 8. go to sea 出海 9. go to sea in his shi

16、p 乘船出海 10. come back回来 11. a naughty boy一个淘气的男孩 12. come out to play出来玩 主要句型 1. I had noodles for breakfast yesterday.我昨天早餐吃了面条。 2. You had fish for breakfast yesterday.你昨天早餐吃了鱼、 3. I had fish for dinner.我晚餐吃了鱼。 4. Long, long ago, there was a good boy.很久以前,有一个好男孩子。 5. His name was Ma liang. 他的名字叫马良。

17、 6. He helped people.他帮助人们。 7. He had a magic paintbrush.他有一支有魔力的画笔。 8. This old woman didnt have food.这个老婆婆没有食物。 9. So Ma Liang painted food. Then the food became real.因此马良画了食物。然后食物就变成真的了。 10. There was a bad man. 有一个坏人。 11. He took Ma Liangs magic paintbrush.他拿走了马良的神笔。 12. The bad man didnt have g

18、old.这个坏蛋没有金子。 13. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush.因此他用这去神笔画了金子。 14. But it didnt become gold.他是它没有变成金子。 15. It became a snake.它变成了一条蛇。 16. The bad man was angry. 他带走了马良。 17. The magic paintbrush didnt help him. 这支神笔没有帮他。 18. It only helped Ma Liang.它只帮助马良。 19. He took Ma Liang away.他带走了

19、马良。 Module 7 1. dolldl娃娃 2. mattermt事情 3. loseluz丢失 4. loselostlst; 5. find fandfound fand发现 6. key ki钥匙 7. look for寻找 8. favourite fev()rt 特别受喜爱的 短语 1. lost my hat丢了我的帽子 2. on your head在你的头上 3. lost my favourite doll丢了我最喜欢的娃娃 4. see Amys doll看见了艾米的娃娃 5. take Amys doll拿了艾米的娃 6. find(found) Amys doll

20、找到了艾米的娃娃 7. take my milk拿了我的牛奶 8. take my milk away拿走了我的牛奶 9. lost my key丢了钥匙 10. look for寻找 13. at the Lost and Found在失物招领11. in your bag在你的包里 处 12. come back 回来 主要句型 1. Whats the matter,Mum?怎么了,妈妈? 2. I lost my hat. Do you see it? 我的帽子丢了。你看见了吗? 3. Its on your head! 它在你的头上。 4. I cant find it.我找不到它了

21、。 5. Sam, did you take Amys doll? No, I didnt.山姆,你拿艾米的娃娃了吗?不,我没拿。 6. Did you see Amys doll? No, I didnt. 你看见艾米的娃娃了吗?不,我没看见。 7. Whos crying? 谁正在哭? 8. Where is it? 它在哪儿? 9. You found Amys doll. 你找到了艾米的娃娃。 10. Did you see my black bike? Yes, I did.你看到了我的黑自行车了吗? 11. Did you take my blue bag? No, I didnt

22、. 你拿我的蓝的我包了吗? 12. Did you take my milk? No, I didnt. 你拿我的牛奶了吗? 13. Bob, you took my milk away! 鲍勃,你拿走了我的牛奶。 14. Did you look for it in your bag?你在你的包里找它了吗? 15. It isnt there.它不在那里。 16. Bob took it away. 鲍勃拿走了它。 17. Did you go to the park last Sunday? 上个周日你去公园了吗? 18. There is a book and two pens in t

23、he bag.在包里有一本书和两只钢笔、 19. Is this your bag?这是你的包吗? Module 8 1. when wen 什么时候 赛 2. competitionkmpt()n比赛/竞3. gold gld 金制的 5. fluteflut (名)长笛 4. cupkp (名)奖杯/杯子 6. practiseprkts (动)练习 7. look看上去 8. a lot经常/长时间地 9. lastlst刚过去的 10.last Wednesday上周三 e-camekem来 短语 1. at the zoo在动物园 2. went to the zoo去了动物园 3.

24、 under the tree在树下 4. English children英国孩子们 5. came to China来中国了 6. last week上个星期 7. music competition音乐大赛 8. last Wednesday上星期三 12. win-wonwn赢得 13. take-tooktk拍照 14. dodid dd 做;干9. come for the music competition为这次音乐大赛而来 10. last Wednesday上周三 11. won a gold cup赢得金杯 12. practice more 多多练习 13. play t

25、he flute吹笛子 14. win a competition 赢得比赛 15. came to see me来看我了 16. came last Sunday上周日来了 17. took a picture of you给你拍了一张照片 18. look tired看上去很累 19. go out出去 20. stayed at home呆在了家里 21. practiced a lot练习了很多 22. play too late玩、弹得太晚 23. last weekend上周末 主要句型 1. What did you do?你做什么了? 2. At the zoo, what d

26、id you see? 在动物园,你看到了什么? 3. I saw a pig under the tree.我看见了一只猪在树下。 4. Some English children came to China last week.上周一些英国孩子们来中国了。 5. Did they come for the music competition?他们是为了音乐比赛而来的吗? 6. When did they come?他们何时来的? 7. They came last Wednesday.他们上周三来的。 8. Look, this girl won the gold cup. 看,这个女孩赢

27、得了金杯。 9. What did she play?她演奏了什么? 10. She played the flute.她演奏了笛子。 11. I can play the flute, too!我也会吹笛子。 12. So practice more.所以要多练习。 13. Then you will win a competition, too.那么你也将赢得比赛。 14. My cousin came to see me.我表哥来看我了。 15. When did he come?他什么时候来的? 16. He came last Sunday.他上周日来的。 17. What did

28、you do?你们干什么了? 18. Where did you go last Sunday?上周日你去哪了? 19. I went to the zoo.我去动物园了。 20. Oh, I know. I took a picture of you.噢,我知道了。我给你拍了一张照片。 21. Amy, you look tired. 艾米,你年起来累了。 22. Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去哪了? 23. I didnt go out.我没出去。 24. I stayed at home.我呆在家里了。 25. I practiced a lot.我练习

29、了很多的。 26. Dont play too late!别玩、练的太晚。 27. I went skating.我去滑冰了。 Module 9 1. happenhp()n (动)发生 2. fall off从跌落 3. bike ride骑自行车 4. thirstyst (形)口渴的 5. waterwt 水 6. watermelonwtmeln(名)西瓜 12.fingerfg (名)手指 13.hungryhgr (形)饥饿的 14.sandsnd (名)沙/沙地 15.put-putpt放 16. cut-cutkt落下 7. carrykr拿、搬 8. bump bmp (动)

30、碰/撞 9. hurt ht受伤 10.kneeni (名)膝盖 11.cut kt (动)切/割 短语 1. fell off the tree从树上摔下来了 2. in the tree在树上 3. went for a bike ride出去骑自行车了 4. buy some water买了一些水 18. riderad- rode rd) (动)骑 19. bump bmp (动)碰/撞-bumpedbmpt 20. carry-carried(carry过去式) 5. bought(buy) a watermelon买了一个西瓜 6. carried the watermelon o

31、n his bike把西瓜放在他的自行车上了 7. fell off his bike从他的自行车上摔下来了 8. bumped my head撞到了我的头 9. took me and the watermelon to the hospital带我和西瓜到医院了 10. fell over摔倒、跌倒 11. jumped on the bed在床上跳 12. fell off the bed从床上摔下来 13. fall on the watermelon摔在西瓜上 14. hurt my knee弄伤了膝盖 15. cut my finger割破了手指 16. in the sand在沙

32、子里、在沙滩上 17. be careful当心 18. Room 101 101房间 主要句型 19. What happened?怎么了? 20. What did you do in the tree?你在树上干什么了? 21. What happened to your head?你的头怎么了? 22. Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.昨天山姆和我出去骑自行车了 23. We were hungry and thirsty.我们又饿又渴。 24. Did you buy some water?你好买一些水了? 25. We bought

33、 a watermelon.我们买了一个西瓜。 26. Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.山姆把西瓜放在他的自行车上了 27. Did you fall off your bike?你从你的自行车上摔下来了? 28. Sam fell off his bike. Sam从他的自行车上摔下来。 29. I bumped my head. 我撞破了头。 30. Then he took me and the watermelon to the hospital.然后他带我和西瓜到医院了。 31. Dont jump on the bed。别在床上跳。 3

34、2. I fell off the bed and bumped my head.我从床上摔下来,撞破了我的头 33. I hurt my knees.我伤了我的膝盖 34. I cut my finger.我割破了我的手指 35. Please go to Room 101. 请到101房间 Module 10 1. early l 早的 2. late let 晚的;迟的 3. every evr 每个/每一 4. during djr 在的期间 5. computer game计算机游戏 6. take服 7. medicine meds()n; medsn药 短语 1. get up

35、very early起床非常早 2. every morning每天早晨 3. get up very late起床非常晚 4. during the day在白天 5. sleep during the day在白天睡觉 6. at the doctors在医生诊所 7. come in进来 8. have got a cold感冒 9. went to bed late很晚才上床 10. take this medicine吃/服用此药物 11. go to bed early早睡觉 12. do some exercise做锻炼、运动 13. drink a lot of water喝大

36、量的水 14. want to be healthy想要健康 15. eat vegetables吃蔬菜 16. every day每天 17. eat some fruit吃一些水果 8. a lot of许多的 9. exercise ekssaz 运动/锻炼 10. healthy hel 健康的/有益于健康的 11. juice dus果汁 12. before bf 在之前 13. after ft 在之后 14. toilet tlt 厕所/盥洗室 15. cold kld 感冒/寒冷的 18. drink lots of water or juice多喝水或果汁 19. play

37、 ball games玩球类游戏 20. wash your hands洗水 21. before you eat在你吃之前 22. wash your hands before you eat在你吃之前洗手 23. go to the toilet去卫生间 24. after you go to the toilet在你去卫生间之后 25. a healthy child一个健康的孩子 26. in our class在我们班 主要句型 1. I get up very early every morning.我每天起床非常早。 2. I get up very late .我起得非常晚。

38、3. I sleep during the day.我在白天睡觉。 4. Whats the matter?怎么了? 5. Ive got a cold.我感冒了。 6. What did you eat yesterday?你昨天吃什么了? 7. I played computer games.我玩电脑游戏了。 8. I went to bed late. Take this medicine.我睡觉很晚。 9. Fruit if healthy.水果是健康的。 10. Vegetables are healthy.蔬菜是健康的。 11. Do you want to be healthy?

39、你想要健康吗? 12. Eat vegetables every day.每天吃蔬菜。 13. Eat some fruit, too.也吃一些水果。 14. Drink lots of water or juice.多喝水或果汁。 15. Do exercise every day.每天做运动、锻炼 16. You can walk, run, swim or play ball games.你可以走,跑步,游泳或玩球类游戏。 17. Always wash your hands before you eat and after you go to the toilet. 总是在你吃之前洗手,在你去卫生间之后洗手。 18. It is good for me.它对我有好处。 19. Seven children in our class eat fruit every day.我们班里的七年孩子每天吃水果。


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