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1、七上单复数句子互相转化单数句变复数句 单数句变复数句精炼 一 将下列单数句变为复数句 1 This is a book . 2 Is that a pen? 3 She is a girl . 4 I like her. 5 The book is mine. 6 This is her pen. 7 I am a teacher. 8 He is a boy student . 9 She is a woman worker. 10 He likes his bike. 二 将下列复数句变为单数句 1 What are these? 2 They like their bikes. 3 Th

2、ese are my books . 4 These arebooks . 5 Are thosepens? 6 They are girls . 7 We like them. 8 These arebooks . 9 Are thosepens? 10They like my bikes. 三 将下列名词变为复数形式 单数句变复数句精炼答案 一 将下列单数句变为复数句 1 These arebooks . 2 Are thosepens? 3 They are girls . 4 We like them. 5 The books are ours. 6 These are their p

3、ens. 7 We are teachers. 8 They areboy students. 9 They arewomen workers. 10 They like their bikes. 二 将下列复数句变为单数句 1 What is this? 2 He likes his bike 3 This is my book . 4 This is a book . 5 Is that a pen? 6 She is a girl . 7 I like her. 8 This is a book . 9 Is that a pen? 10 He likes my bike. 三 将下列名

4、词变为复数形式 map egg apple orange pen box bus girl boy baby knife photo tomato man woman milk water desk table bike 单复数句子互相转化 1. This is a girl. 2. Those are pencil cases. 3. Those arent my brothers. 4. These are my friends. 5. Those photos are great. 6. Those are Daves pictures. 7. Those are pencils. 8.

5、 Thank you for your nice photo.(变为同义句) 单复数句子互相转化 1.This is my friend.(变为复数) 2.He is my brother.(变为复数) 3.Is this his daughter?(变为复数) 4. Those are sisters.(变为单数) 5. Are these your sons?(变为单数) 6. Tom和JIm的房间(各自的_; 共同的_) I.写出下列名词的复数形式。 1. desk 2. eraser 3. friend _ 4. boy _ 5. box _boxes_ 6. class _ 7. w

6、atch _ 8. wish _ 9. leaf _ 10. family _ 11. wife _ 12. dictionary _ 13. man _ 14. woman _ 15. child _ 16. foot _ II. 句式转换。 1. Thats my sister. (改为复数形式) _ are my _ . 2. This is an egg. (改为复数形式) _ _ eggs. 3. Those are her cousins. (改为单数形式) _ _ her _ . 4. These are his brothers. (改为单数形式) _ _ his _ . 5.

7、 His brother is a worker. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ brother a worker ? 6. These are your brothers. (改为否定句) _ _ your brothers. 7. She is my aunt. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ aunt? 8. His keys are on the sofa. (改为一般疑问句并作简短肯定、否定回答) _ _ keys on the sofa? Yes,_ _ . _, they _. 9. Her backpack is on the bed. (画线提问) _ _ her back

8、pack? 10. The baseballs are under the sofa. (画线提问) _ _ _ _ I.选用恰当的代词填空。 1. _ have a ruler. But _ ruler is short. Can you give _ a long ruler? (I, me, my) 2. _ are a good boy. Whats _ name? (you, your) 3. _ is a teacher. _ name is Wang Li. (she, her) 4. David is an American boy. _ is twelve. _ Englis

9、h is not good. Please help _ . (he, him, his) 5. This is _ school. _ study English here. Do you want to join _ ? (we, us, our) 6. Look at _ ! _ are from England. _ names are Lucy and Lily. (they, them, their ) 综合: 7. _ have a good friend. _ name is Tom. _ parents work in China. _ are teachers. Look,

10、 this is _ photo. How happy _ are! 8. Thank _ for helping _ , Dale. I can do _ homework now. Let _ go to a movie. _ think _ is a funny movie. IV.用动词be (am, is, are)填空。 1. She _ a teacher. Her name _ Mary. 2. I _ a boy. My name _ Li Ming. 3. Who _ this girl? She _ Li Mei. 4. How old _ you? I _ eleven

11、. 5. What _ this? It _ a bird. Its name _ Polly. 6. David _ a student. His sister _ a student, too. 7. These books _ blue. They _ English books. 8. Li Lei _ at school today. He _ drawing a picture now. 9. Amy and Kay _ here. They _ not at home. 10. _ you teachers? No, we _ not. We _ students. 11. My favorite color _ blue. 12. Toms brother _ not in the room.


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