七下 Unit1Can you play the guitar 第1课时.docx

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1、七下 Unit1 Can you play the guitar 第1课时Unit1 Can you play the guitar? Period One (生词课) Teaching and learning Goals: 1.Learn the new words of Unit 1.After learning , Ss can read the new words and remember the most words of Unit1. Then Ss can understand the story. 2.By listening to tapes, working in pai

2、rs and asking the teacher for help. 设计意图:学生对本节课的教学目标了解,上课时更有目标性。 Teaching and learning steps : Step 1: Learn to read the new words of Unit 1.(P121) 1. Ask Ss to read the new words of Unit 1 with their partner . Then check the difficult words. 2. Let the students read the difficult words according to

3、 the phonetic symbols and deal with the problems they have in their pronunciation in pairs or groups. 3. Get individual students to read the new words to the class, the others listen. If possible ,the teacher gets the student to correct some pronunciations 4. Play the tape ! Ss listen and repeat ! C

4、orrect their pronunciations. 5. Get the students to read by themselves again, and then ask some students to read in front of class. Make sure most students can read the words correctly. 设计意图:通过学生的自主学习,合作探究,小组互助达到学习新单词的目标,同时借助听录音矫音,能使学生发音更标准。 Step 2 : Learn to remember words on P121. 一. Remember the

5、words by looking at pictures. T: This class we ll discuss what we can do ,what we cant do. First look at the pictures and tell me “what do they do now?” 1. Show pictures to teach new words and remember them by pictures. dance play the violin swim draw play chessspeak English do Chinese kungfu play t

6、he guitar sing play the drums play the piano 二. Remember the phrases by answering the questions. Teacher give an example to ask a student (1) T: What can you do? Ss: I can tell stories(tell a story)/write stories/play the piano/play chess. (2) T: What do you want to do? Ss: I want to join the music/

7、drawing/swimming club. (3) Ask Ss to work in pairs. 设计意图:图片直观形象,七年级的学生更感兴趣,容易借助图片信息记住单词, 通过对话的训练,既巩固所学短语,又对本单元语法目标进行训练,达到语言的运用。 3. Finish up 1a on page 1and page4 T: Open your books on Page 1,finish it . 1a. What can these people do? Match the activities with the people.(P1) 1. sing _e_ 2. swim_g_ 3

8、. dance _d_ 4. draw _b_ 5. play chess _c_ 6. speak English _a_ 7. play the guitar _f_ (Check the answers :Ask Ss to tell the answers) T: Next turn to page 4,finish 1a 1a .Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. (P4) drums_ piano_ guitar_ violin_ (check the answers and lead Ss to look at 1b)

9、 1b.Listen and number the words1-4in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a. drums_2_ piano_3_ guitar_1_ violin_4_ 设计意图:把Section A和B中的1a 和1b 结合本课学习生词,既巩固了所学,又为下节课的学习提前做了铺垫,而且设计的听力内容也考察学生对新单词的了解和掌握情况。 三Remember the phrases by their Chinese. Then check the using of them. 1. My sister _ (擅长)speaking En

10、glish. . Mr Liu is very clever, and he _ his students. . Mothers love their kids and _ them. .Im busy now, and I cant _ _ _ (帮助你做) your homework. (Keys: 1. is good at 2. is good with 3. is good with 4. help you with) 2. GROUPWORK Job Interview Help wanted Are you good with kids? We need help for our

11、 Beidaihe School Trip. Can you help with sports music or computers? Do you want to make friends with kids? Do you have time on the weekend? Come and join us today! Ask like this: A: Can you help kids with swimming? B: Yes, I can. C: Can you.? D: . 设计意图:让学生自查自究短语掌握情况,通过交际练习,引导学生运用本课重点词组有利于同学们的掌握。 四.

12、Remember the words by matching itself with its similar meaning 1. show a. too 2. talk to . b. women and men 3. also c. people can sing and dance 4. people d. teachers can do 5. home e. in the middle of 6. center f. say sth to sb 7. teach g. family 8. musician h. give sth to sb ( keys:1-h/2-f/3-a/4-b

13、/5-g/6-e/7-d/8-c) 设计意图:通过近义词的连接,让学生掌握这些单词,并了解部分单词的区别。 Step 3.Consolidation of words Dictate the English for the Chinese on 英语助学 by themselfves After that ,exchange with each other to check the answers. 设计意图:学生自检,组长再次检查的方式更有利于学生的自学和小组内的互助, Step4: Read the poster and translate Hi, boys and girls! I am

14、 your headteacher, our school has many clubs this term. They are English club, chess club,music club ,drawing club, swimming club and the story telling club. What club do you want to join? If you are good at singing and dancing, and if you like playing the drums, piano, guitar or violin, you can joi

15、n the music club and talk to famous musicians ; We also need some students to help others. If you can speak English well, you can join English club and teach little kids on the weekend, help them with English.Some students are good with old people ,you can come to Old peoples home ,you can make frie

16、nds with them . If you want , you can write to Mr Gao or go to Teachers office today ! Come and show yourself! 设计意图:通过小短文,让学生对本单元整体目标有个认识,涉及到本单元所有单词,学生通过阅读加深了对新学单词的巩固。 Step 5.画思维树 Play chessSing dance , Play the drums, piano,guitaror violin Be good at teach kids help.with help Draw picturesclubs pos

17、ter Speak EnglishSwim Be good with make friends old peoples homeTell stories设计意图:思维树能形象直观地呈现本节课的单词,更进一步地做到对单词的记忆,理解和应用。此图上出现了本单元出现的几乎所有单词,可以借助这个复数上面的文章。 Step 6当堂检测: 选词填空 draw,sing,where,table,guitar,join,volleyball,name,can,what,club 1. Ren Lijuan wants to join a_. 2. Rick likes sports. He plays_. 3

18、._ you play the piano? 4. Bai Jie can dance and _. 5._ club do you want to join? 6. I want to join the art club. Oh, can you _? 翻译句子:根据中文意思补全英文句子,每空一词。 1.Im (在学校游泳俱乐部里)。 2.We need you to sports for English-speaking students. 3. your teachers you? 4.They can you and you can . 5.We need musicians for

19、our (学校 音乐节)。 当堂检测答案: 选词填空:1.club 2.volleyball 3.Can 4.sing 5.what 6.draw 汉译英:1. in the school swimming club 2.help with 3. Can.good with 4.tell.stories.make friends. 5.school music festival Step7:Homework 1. If you cant dictate all the words ,copy three times. 2. Preview SectionA 亮点: 1. 通过不同形式让学生学习,记住并运用单词,让单词放在具体语境中运用,达到学以致用目的,争取课堂上能让更多的学生掌握所学,减轻课下学习的负担。 2. 积极调动每个学生的学习热情,参与课堂,体验学习的乐趣,感受成功带来的自信。 3.思维树和短文有机结合,对所学单词从整体上达到巩固效果 ! 使用建议:个别短语容易混淆,有些单词用法比较多,可以选择性的让学生记住!同时,要充分调动组内互助的热情,培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的习惯!


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