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1、advertise的用法和辨析 今天和大家一起学习一下advertise的用法,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。词汇精选:advertise的用法和辨析一、详细释义:v.登广告,做广告,做宣传 I,T例句:It pays to advertise.做广告是会有回报的。例句:We decided to advertise our new product我们决定为我们的新产品做广告。通告,通知,宣扬 T例句:Please dont advertise the fact that he has AIDS.你不要到处宣扬他得了爱滋。例句:There is no need to adve

2、rtise the fact that you are a single woman.没有必要张扬你是一个单身女性。显示,使突出 T例句:His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose.他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。例句:He began deliberately advertising his willingness to make concessions.他开始故意渲染他愿意让步。二、词义辨析:announce,declare,proclaim,pronounce,advertise,broadcast,publi

3、sh这些动词均含“宣布,公开”之意。 announce多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。 declare侧重正式就某事清楚明白地宣布。 proclaim指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。 pronounce词义与announce,declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。 advertise指通过文字和图像资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。 broadcast专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。 publish专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情。三、参考例句:Are lawyers allowed to ad

4、vertise?准许律师做广告 吗 ?We can advertise on the Internet.我们可以在网上登广告。We decided to advertise our new product.我们决定为我们的新产品做广告。I shall advertise for someone to go with me.我将登广告寻人和我同去。Please dont advertise the fact that he has AIDS.你不要到处宣扬他得了爱滋。We should advertise for someone to do it.我必须登广告招聘一位新秘书。I shall ad

5、vertise for someone to go with me.我将登广告寻人和我同去。Mary, I want to advertise for a new junjor secretary.玛丽,我想登广告招聘一名初级秘书。The players can advertise baked beans, but not rugby boots.球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。Why dont you advertise for your lost dog?你的狗丢了,为什么不登个广告?【每日单词】advertise Happy New Year to everyone!Adve

6、rtiseHappy New Year to everyone!advertise英 ?dv?ta?z 美 ?dv?rta?z TEM8/GRE/CET6/考研(现在分词 advertising过去式/过去分词 advertised单三advertises)V. (英英释义) tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it(为)做广告;登广告eg:1.If you want to attract more customers, try advert

7、ising in the local paper.如果你要吸引更多顾客,就试试在当地报纸登广告。2.The players can advertise baked beans, but not rugby boots球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。3. It pays to advertise. 做广告是值得的。4.Every company can advertise its products by means of newspapers, magazines, television.每家公司都可以通过报纸、杂志、电视等为自己的产品做广告宣传。5.Advertise esp. b

8、y posters or placards. 用海报或者布告来做广告进行宣传。6.The company has several thousand Adwords partners whoadvertise both in China and on other Google domains.该公司的adwords服务拥有数千名合作伙伴,他们既在中国也在使用其它顶级域名的谷歌网站上做广告。B. make publicity for做宣传eg:7.It was in a shopping center to advertise for our restaurant.这是为了在购物中心给我们的餐厅做

9、宣传。8.If a Chinese producer of buttons wanted to export to SouthKorea, it could advertise on the site.如果一家中国生产商想把自己的纽扣出口到韩国,它也可以在这个网站上做宣传广告。9.Every company can advertise its products by means of newspapers, magazines, television, etc.每家公司都可以通过报纸、杂志、电视等为自己的产品做广告宣传。10.Calvin Klein hired starlet Brooke

10、Shields to advertise his designer jean wear.卡尔文克莱因雇用童星波姬小丝替他所设计的牛仔裤做广告宣传。11.However, although most of the current status of 4S storesspend a lot of money to advertise, most cars still in the 4Sshopprice war as the only means of marketing to the cycle of further deterioration in the competitive envir

11、onment. 然而,目前的现状尽管大部分4S店花费了大量的资金做广告宣传,多数汽车4S店还停留在以打价格战为唯一营销手段的循环之中,进一步恶化了竞争环境。12.Supermarket advertise a lot and offer specials because they want you to buy a lot.超市做很多广告宣传,提供很多“特价商品”,因为他们想你买更多的东西。每周范文 | 雅思写作Task2:媒体广告类解析!参考范文Today, many people are becoming convinced that advertising is more concern

12、ed with encouraging bulk purchases than with encouraging the production of quality goods through competition.Advertising can be viewed from two standpoints. One is that it is primarily concerned with getting people to purchase items that they would not otherwise buy. The other is that it continues t

13、o inform consumers, thereby promoting competition between producers and service providers. I believe that the truth lies somewhere between the two.Many kinds of advertising nowadays clearly encourage large purchases, in particular through offering consumers such deals as “two for the price of one ”,

14、 offering large containers at a lower cost, or through offering substantial discounts for purchasing several of the same products at once.Such items could include everyday household goods, washing powder for example,or items that are regularly consumed more than one at a time, such as cans of drinks

15、. In fact , many enterprises successfully specialise in supplying goods in bulk to consumers.The idea is that people will consume more quickly if they have many of the items at home rather than having to go out and buy the items individually every time they need it.On the other hand, some products a

16、re naturally not available for bulk purchase. This is especially true of items that are particularly expensive or items that a person is unlikely to change for new ones in a relatively short period of time,for example cars and houses. Advertisements for such products are more likely to stress the qu

17、ality of the product than its price,since most people will not simply go for the cheapest one, but for one that meets their expectations in other ways.To conclude, I believe that advertisers should take the market for their products into consideration when advertising and decide accordingly whether

18、they wish to focus on selling in bulk or on competing on the basis of the quality of their products.参考译文如今,许多人都越来越确信广告更加鼓励大批量购买,而不是鼓励通过竞争生产优质的产品。我们可以从两个方面来看广告(的作用)。首先,广告主要是鼓动人们去购买他们本人不会购买的东西。其次,广告不断告知消费者,并以此加剧制造商及服务商之间的竞争。我相信道理就在这两者之间。现今,许多广告都鼓励大量购买,尤其是向消费者提供“买一赠一”、多买少算或是多买同种产品大幅度打折的服务。这样的商品包括洗衣粉等日常


20、词汇:ad/advert/advertising/advertisement/advertise的具体用法。题库中相关的题目有:The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising but not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?【思路点拨】此题讨论“广告的影响”,角度具体为“广告对日用消费品的销量的影响有多大

21、”。考题要求:日用消费品的高销量反映的是广告对人们的影响力,而不是社会的真实需求。你同意吗?支持理由:广告鼓励人们大量购买(buy in quantity);广告雇佣明星代言(employ pop stars/celebrities to advertise their products), 其粉丝可能会买不一定需要的产品。反对理由:成年消费者一般能够很好地判断自己是否有需求(Adult consumers generally have strong judgment as to what they need or dont need);人们的可支配收入(disposable income)在一定程度上限制他们只能购买需要的东西,不见得是广告上的东西,比如Audi R8的广告很吸引人(charming),但是观众不一定都会买advertise的用法和辨析


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