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1、2020新托福阅读背景知识精选篇 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理新托福阅读背景知识汇总,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新托福阅读背景知识:大苹果纽约大苹果纽约纽约,世界最大的城市,在这里,摩天大厦林立,有著名的第五大道(Fifth Avenue俗称第五街)、对世界经济极具影响力的华尔街Wall Street,以及艺术家们响往的格林威治村Greenwich Village。帝国大厦EmpireStateBuilding长时期来象征著纽约摩天大楼的高达102层超高层大厦。顶层高度达1,250英尺(381公尺)。在第86楼上有一展望台,气候晴朗时,可以眺望周围50英里以内的景色。洛克斐勒

2、中心Rockefeller Center呈现美国典型的一面,在都市建筑学方面也颇饶兴趣的商业与娱乐中心。自第49街与第50街之间,通过第五街的Promenade Gardens内,四季花草茂盛,美丽如图画,公园四周是具有代表性意义的大厦,诸如Paulding、RadioCityMusicHall,CenterTheatre等。NBC与ABC的制作室就是RCA大厦的第70楼。自由女神StatueofLiberty世界著名的自由女神像,位于纽约湾的利勃坦岛上,像高约46公尺。自由女神像内部中空,可搭电梯直达神像头部。此外,还有新设的移民博物馆Immigration Museum。联合国theUni

3、tedNations纽约的历史系由曼顿产生,而现代世界史则与联合国密切相关。自第42街起直到第48街上,在广达18英亩的地基上,就兴建着著名的联合国大厦。联合国容许观光客依到达先后次序入内参观会议情形。中国城Chinatown中国城已具有百年以上的历史,城内居住的华裔第二代约有六千人。中国城位于Chatham Square的西边一部份,城中主要街道为Mott。城内有中国博物馆。大都会美术馆TheMetropolitanMuseumofArt乃是世界最大美术馆之一。自由代东方到现代,有关美术史的重要事项,一一呈现眼前。内中有一美国馆,可由馆中陈列品窥知初期美国人的生活状况。华尔街Wall Str



6、街道按阿拉伯字母的顺序排列,共22条街;东西向的街道按英文字母顺序排列,也有22条街。在东西向和南北向街道之间,穿插着一些以州的名字或以政治词汇命名的街道,这些街道分别呈东南一西北走向和东北一西南走向。街道交汇处和十字街口,形成了许多圆形小广场,广场全部被绿荫花草覆盖,广场内有历史人物铜像和喷泉。新托福阅读背景知识:牛仔城达拉斯牛仔城达拉斯达拉斯曾经以经常在美国西部电影中出现而闻名,近年来,因为肯尼迪总统在该城被刺遇害而更成为妇孺皆知的地方。但是,市区内很少有吸引观光客的去处。过去,达拉斯靠着棉花贸易和石油工业而繁荣,近来则正在发展电子工业和航空产业。勃勒杨小屋Bryan Cabin它是拓荒者

7、约翰勃勒扬于1841年沿着托里尼坦河建造的小木屋,也是达拉斯最早的建筑物。美丽公园Airpark美国规模最大的德州展览会,每年十月就在那里举行,Hallo State是园内最著名的美丽建筑物,它是为了纪念德州独立一百周年而于1936年兴建的。园内还有CottonBowlStskium(棉花馆)、Garden Center(植物园)、MuseumofTexasHistory(德州历史博物馆),以及水族馆、美术馆等。达拉斯剧场中心DallasTheaterCenter这是已故名建筑师法兰克洛特莱脱精心设计的剧场,被称之为演剧的圣堂。他终其一生,潜心设计的剧场,也只这一所而已。肯尼迪总统纪念碑Mem


9、市之一。华盛顿纪念碑WashingtonMomument为纪念第一任美国总统乔治华盛顿而兴建,塔高55英尺,内部中空,有电梯可直达塔顶展望台。杰佛逊纪念堂Jefferson Memorial纪念起草独立宣言与权利章典的作者杰佛逊而兴建于EastPotomacPark内,可眺望泰达湾的地点。整个建筑物呈圆柱状,象征杰佛逊总统完整的人格,纪念堂内铸有杰佛逊总统铜像。林肯纪念堂LincoinMemorial为纪念美国南北战争时期的林肯总统而兴建,林肯总统维护了美国的统一和解放了南方的黑奴,这一伟大的历史功绩,为今日美国的繁荣昌盛奠定了牢固的基础。白宫TheWhiteHouse美国总统宫邸。于1792

10、年10月由华盛华总统亲临奠基,但华盛顿总统未能目睹其完成即进行逝世,因此,最先使用此一官邸的乃是美国第二任总统约翰亚当斯。白宫东侧一部分建筑可供人们参观。史密苏尼博物馆Smithsonian Institution1864年根据英国化学家James Smithsonian的意见而建造的。史密苏尼博物馆是一总称,内中包括了航空太空馆、美术工艺馆、历史技术博物馆、自然历史博物馆等建筑物。拉埃脱兄弟试乘的第一架飞机Kitty Hawk就陈列在馆内。国会The Capitol美国参、众两院构成的国会就在这里举行会议。国会内天花板与墙壁上绘满了以建国史为题材的壁画。可自由前往参观,也可参加有向导作说明的

11、观光团。国会图书馆LibraryofCongress是一幢文艺复兴时代式的建筑物,圆形天花板由各式玻璃镶成的,二千扇玻璃窗制造出极好的采光效果,国会图书馆乃是世界最大的图书馆。林肯总统在格的斯堡发表的著名演说的草稿,就保存在馆内。新托福阅读背景知识:麦克米兰计划The McMillan PlanAs the city approached its centennial; there was a call to develop a comprehensive park system for the city. As early as 1898, a committee was formed to

12、 meet with President William McKinley to propose the erection of a monument to commemorate the centennial of the city. A joint committee formed by Congress held its first meeting in February 1900 with Senator James McMillan of Michigan as chairman, and Charles Moore as secretary. At the same time, p

13、lans were put forward for the development of a Mall which would include the newly reclaimed Potomac Flats. As the bureaucracy planned for the centennial, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) joined the fray. AIA leaders envisioned the nations capital as the perfect place for the group to expre

14、ss the ideals of the City Beautiful movement promoted by the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The architect of this pivotal fair designed Beaux Arts Classical architecture in a grand and ordered civic space.When the Senate Commission was formed in 1901 to explore and plan the design of t

15、he city, the project then encompassed the historic core. The illustrious committee was comprised of Daniel Burnham, a visionary of the Worlds Columbian Exposition, as well as landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., architect Charles F.McKim, and sculptor Augustus St. Gardens.Foremost in the

16、minds of these men was the amazing foresight and genius of Pierre LEnfant. The committee lamented the fragmented Mall marred by a railroad station and focused upon restoring it to the uninterrupted greensward envisioned by LEnfant. In total, the forward-looking plans made by the McMillan Commission

17、called for: re-landscaping the ceremonial core, consisting of the Capitol Grounds and Mall, including new extensions west and south of the Washington Monument; consolidating city railways and alleviating at-grade crossings; clearing slums; designing a coordinated municipal office complex in the tria

18、ngle formed by Pennsylvanian Avenue, 15th Street, and the Mall, and establishing a comprehensive recreation and park system that would preserve the ring of Civil War fortifications around the city.To protect the new goals introduced by the McMillan study, the AIA appealed to President Theodore Roose

19、velt to form a fine arts commission. Established by Congress in 1910 during the Taft Administration, the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) was created as a consulting organization to the government on the design of bridges, parks, paintings, and other artistic matters; an executive order later that year

20、 added the design review of all public buildings.Influenced by the designs of several European cities and 18th century gardens such as Frances Palace of Versailles, the plan of Washington, DC was symbolic and innovative for the new nation. Only limited changes were made to the historic city-bounded

21、by Florida Avenue on the north and the waterways on the east, west and south-until after the Civil War. The foremost manipulation of LEnfant plan began in the 19th century, and was codified in 1901 when the McMillan Commission directed urban improvements that resulted in the most elegant example of

22、City Beautiful tenets in the nation. LEnfant plan was magnified and expanded during the early decades of the 20th century with the reclamation of land for waterfront parks, parkways, an improved Mall and new monuments and vistas. Two hundred years since its design, the integrity of the plan of Washington is largely unimpaired-boasting a legal enforced height restriction, landscaped parks, wide avenues, and open space allowing intended vistas. Constant vigilance is needed by the agencies responsible for design review, it their charge to continue the vision of LEnfant.


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