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1、七年级英语科集体备课教案七年级英语科第一单元第五课教学设计 武功乡(镇)后稷初中学校七年级英语备课组 课题 科目 Lesson 5 planning a trip English 课型 New lesson 通过本课学习继续掌握一周七天的读法与写法,重点掌教材简析 握本课中出现的一些英语常见短语及其应用,学会如何计划自己的旅行,学会征求别人的意见和建议。 本学区的学生基础比较差,在讲课时,尽量用一些比较简单的口语进行教学,学生的听力能力也表现一般,所学情分析 以在整体感知课文时,老师可以提示学生完成这一项内容。 目标语言 a. 掌握词汇 Sunday Thursday Friday Satur

2、day plan make need home week 教学目标 (知识与技能、方法与过程、情感态度与价值观) Monday Tuesday Wednesday b. 认知词汇及短语 stay wall the Great Wall whole parent tell interesting place change shop museum Palace Museum back c. 句型 They stay with Li Mings family for two days. I made a plan for . What do you think of ? Ability goal 能

3、力目标 Enable students to make a plan for their trip. Learning ability goal 学能目标 Help the students learn how to make plan for their activities. Get the students to learn the expressions of the weekdays. Make sure the students understand the following sentences and phrases. They stay with Li Mings famil

4、y for two days. / I made a plan for. / What do you think of.? / 教学重点 教学难点 write to, make / change a plan / Heres what we want to do. 激发学生学习英语的学习兴趣。 培养学生的自主、合作的学习能力。 教学理念 能够独立完成一项任务的能力 教学准备 录音机 教学课时 一课时 教学过程 活动板块 师生互动内容 设计意图 随机反思 T: Hello, everyone. Its time to have our class. S: Hello, Mr. /Mrs. /Mi

5、ss T: What day is it today? S: Its T: From next week, every 一、 设置情境 ,引入新课 one of you should give a duty report. You should tell us the date and prepare a short story or something in English. It will take about two or three minutes. Talking questions: n 培养学生 的英语学 习兴趣 about these Do you like to make p

6、lans for your life? Why or why not? n Is there an interesting place in your town or city? What is it? n What dose Li Ming change in the plane? The new words Listening Listen to the tape and answer questions. 二、 整 体 感 知 T: Li Ming likes to make a plan. He made a plan for his trip. Listen to the tape

7、carefully and answer the following questions: 1、 When do Danny and Jenny arrive in 训练学生 的听力 水平 the given Shijiazhuang? 2、 When will Danny write to his parents? 3、 What do they plan to do on Tuesday ? Then ask the students to listen and repeat after the tape. Practice Get the students to talk about L

8、i Mings plan. T: Please look through Li Mings plan ,then ask and answer in turns with your 三、 合 作 探 究 partners about it. Lets see who know it best. Sample dialogue: S1: What do they do on Monday? S2: They leave Shijiazhuang and arrive in Beijing. When do they go to the Palace Museum? S1: On Wednesda

9、y. 四、 课 培养学生 的合作探 究能力 通过本课学习我们要熟练掌握下列短语及句子:堂 小 结 1、I made a plan for. 2、They stay with Li Mings family for two days. 3、What do you think of .? 4、I want to . 会简单的写一个计划。 用适当的介词填空. 1.Danny and Jenny arrive _Shijiazhuang _Friday ,January 29. 课 堂 练 习 2.Li Ming made a plan _their trip to Beijing . 3. What

10、 do you think _the plan ? 4. We can write _my parents on Thursday evening . 5. They are going there _train . Lesson five Planning a trip 板书设计 1、new words 2、sentences 3、the plan 教学反思 七年级英语科第一单元第六课教学设计 武功乡(镇)后稷初中学校七年级英语备课组 课题 科目 教材 点复习this ,that ,these ,those的用法,及谈论数量,提简析 供帮助的表达方式。 学情分析 教学目标 They have

11、 known something about English.So this lesson is not hard for them. 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 掌握词汇 clothes jacket more favorite near now b. 认知词汇及短语 (知识与技能、pack suitcase sure forget bear teddy bear 方法与过程、情感态度与价chant knee toe 值观) Lesson 6 Li Ming Packs His Suitcase 课型 New lesson English 通过学习Jenny和Li

12、Ming做旅行准备的对话,重c. 句型 How many do you have? You need more . Do you want ? Im packing with May I help you? Sure. / No, thanks. Do you want ? Yes, please. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to learn the reference pronouns. Review the vocabulary of clothes. Learning ability goal 学能目标 Help the students le

13、arn the reference pronouns well. 教学重点 The usage of more and the following sentences patterns: How manydo you have? / You need more./ Do you want? / Im packingwith. May I help you? Sure. /No, thanks. Do you want? Yes, please. / This that these those 教学难点 教 学 理 念 教学准备 教学课时 1. this,that,these,those 2.T

14、he usage of Demons treatise Pronouns 使学生能够正确的运用 Do you want ?Yes, please./ No, thanks.进行交际。 培养学生乐于助人的意识,体验在帮助别人的过程中所收获的快乐。 要求学生培养自己的自理能力,自己的事情自己做。 Audiotape and some pictures.衣服卡片等 One 教学过程 活动板块 师生互动内容 设计意图 采用chant 来热身,激活学生已有知识,有效的复习指示代词。“Free Talk”是对本课话题的一个准备活动,通过学生自己从老师那里选择喜欢的礼物,将知识于生活相联系,师生交流更加真实

15、,自然。 预测过程会使学生通过,想象在头脑中随机反思 教师出示服装类图片,利用图片上的服装,如:hat, sweater, gloves, coat, socks, 一、 trousers 进行操练. 教学新单词clothes, jacket. 设置情境 , How many hats do you have? Two. 引入新课 How many coats do you have? One. How many jackets do you have? Three. 二、 操练句型 A: How many apples do you have? 整 体 感 知 三、 合 作 探 究 四、 课

16、 堂 小 结 五、课外拓展 板书设计 B: I have three. A: How many pens do you have? B: One. A: You need more pens, too! 构建相关情节,融合多角度的思维来使自己的预测成功,同时学生验证自己预测正确后,会产生进一步学习的欲望。 1.师生对话提供范例。 T: I want to go to Kunming.(CAI show the picture of Kunming). Is Kuming beautiful? I want to pack my suitcase .Can you help me The mon

17、ths are difficult for students to remember. So in class let the students practice more. The teacher can arrange different activities in order to keep the class interesting. Ask the students to prepare many pictures about different seasons. 学生通过朗读再次理解语言材料,进行有效的输入,同时老师指导学生朗读,培养朗读技巧。 总结本课重点短语和句型。 Lesso

18、n 6 Li Ming Packs His Suitcase .New Words .Key sentences 教学反思 七年级英语科第一单元第七课教学设计 武功乡(镇)后稷初中学校七年级英语备课组 课题 Lesson7 At the Train Stain 课型 新课 科目 教材简析 英语 通过本课学习购票的表达方式及劝阻他人不做某事的表达法,同时要求学生学会书面讲述令自己兴奋的一次经历 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 掌握词汇及短语 may go go shopping to mom on trip the city of too and please far fr

19、om kilometer okay hard great eat ask leave of so but busy only square Tiananmen Square restaurant question sorry 教学目标 (知识与技能、方法与过程、情感态度与价值观) b. 句型 May I ? Yes, you may. /No, you may not. too to 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to learn about asking for permission and show intentions. 3. Learnin

20、g ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to ask for permission and show intentions. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 Teach the student to learn the following expressions: May I? Yes, you may. /No, you may not. too to / be far from / go on a trip Help the students understand the

21、following expressions: Please do! Please dont run or jump. 教学重、难点 How much for a ticket on the T58 from to ? Forty-two yuan each. Trains are so fun. 教学理念 1、 通过本课的学习,使学生能体会英语学习中的乐趣。 2、 使学生学会用恰当的方式表达自己的意愿。 3、 提高学生的英语表达水平,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学准备 教学课时 Audiotape, pictures and tickets. 1课时 教学过程 活动板块 Help 师生互动内容

22、 the students to 设计意图 随机反思 understand these words: everyone / ticket / station / hard / soft / money in the following dialogue. T: Everyone sings well. As we know, Li Ming will 通过提问培go on a trip to Beijing. 养学生学习How does he want to go 本课的兴一、设置情there? 趣,初步了境 ,引入新S: He wants to go by train. 解在准备旅课 T:

23、Thats right. He wants to 游时用到的take a train. He needs to 英语表达方go to the train station to 式。 take a train. (Show a picture of a train station.) Train station. Train station ticket hard seat soft seat S: Train station. T: He needs to buy tickets. (Show a train ticket.) Ticket. S: Ticket. T: This ticket

24、 is cheap. It is for a hard seat. (Pretend to sit down.) I am sitting on a hard seat. Hard. A hard seat. S: Hard. A hard seat. T: This ticket costs more money. It is expensive. It is for a soft seat. (Pretend to sit down and feel very comfortable.) Soft. A soft seat. S: Soft. A soft seat. 二、整体感Speak

25、ing 知 让学生回答 Lead the students to the 想一想的问new lesson by answering 题,整体感the questions in THINK 知本课内ABOUT IT. 容,从心理T: Do you like to take the 知识结构上train? Why or why not? 做好学习的Affirmative: cheap / safe / 准备,并且enjoy the beautiful scenery 了解旅游的outside 一些常识问Negative: slow / too many 题。 people T: What can

26、you see at the train station? Ticket office / entrance / exit / train-timetable Passenger / policeman and policewoman . 三、合作探Get the students to do 让学生会用 究 LETS DO IT. 英语表达发First get the students to 生在自己身listen to the text and repeat 上的一些令after the tape. And then 人激动的事give them time to talk 情,表达自abo

27、ut their exciting 己的意愿,同时也提高experience. T: Do you sometimes feel 自己的英语excited? What makes 口语水平。 you excited? What do you want to do when you are excited? Talk about it with your partners, please. Let several students tell something that make him or her excited in class. The teacher may read them the

28、 passage Things make me feel excited to help them think about the exciting experience or things make them excited. 四、 课堂 小结 Sum up key phrases and 总结本课学 sentence patterns . Let the 习的心得和students learn how to 失误,课后express their wishes. 加强练习,争取更大的进步。 五、 课 外 拓 展 Let the students go on a 这样做让学 trip. The

29、n write a passage 生学以致about trip. Talk about their 用,提高自thinking. 己的写作能力。 Lesson 7 At the Train Station 板 书 设 计 Its + 时间 What time is it ? = Whats the time ? want to do Here + 谓语+ 主语 倒装句 教 学 反 思 七年级英语科第一单元第八课教学设计 武功乡(镇)后稷初中学校七年级英语备课组 课题 科目 English Lesson 8 课型 Unit Review 本课是冀教版七年级英语下册第一单元单元复习课,本课主要学

30、习了: 1,表示请求许可和意愿的表达方式 Asking for permission(请求许可): May I go on a trip to Beijing? Yes ,you may/No,you may not. Showing Intentions(表达意愿): 教材简析 I want to go to the Great Wall, Lets take a train. 2,询问两地之间距离的方法 Talking about distance(谈论距离): How far is it from China to Canada? Its about 8,500 kilometres.

31、3,数词的读法和写法 教学目标 1.体会英语学习中的兴趣。 (知识与技能、2.培养学生对单元知识的小结习惯。 方法与过程、情感态度与价3培养学生学好英语的信心,乐于用英语交流。 值观) 教学重点 本单元要求掌握的词汇和句型表达法 1.表示示请求许可和意愿的表达方式。. 教学难点 2.询问两地之间距离的方法。 3.询问价格。 通过本单元的小结,是学生加深巩固本单元所学的重点口语,培养学教学理念 生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交际,能体会英语学习中的乐趣。 教学准备 教学课时 A map of China ,train tickets ,two telephones 1课时

32、 教学过程 活动板块 师生互动内容 设计意图 随机反思 通过“buying tickets”对话的练习,让学生巩固本单元的重点句型: 1.请求许可 一、设置情境 ,引入新课 Act out dialogues of “buying tickets” 2.表达意愿 3.询问距离 4.询问价格 学生通过对话练习,能较好地掌握 通过“买票”的对话练习,本单元的重点,增强学习英语的信 培养学生口语表达的能力 心和兴趣 二、整体感知 创设多种英语课堂教Pair work: 学情景,如:买票。商1.buying tickets 三、合作探究 场购物。等培养学生的2.buying something in

33、the 英语口语表达能力。 department store. 一.表示请求许可和意愿的表达方式: Asking for permission(请求许可): May I go on a trip to Beijing? Yes ,you may/No,you may not. Showing Intentions(表达意愿): 四、课堂小结 I want to go to the Great Wall, Lets take a train. 二.询问两地之间距离的方法 Talking about distance(谈论距离): How far is it from China to Canad

34、a? Its about 8,500 kilometres. 三.数词2010000 四.询问价格: How much for a ticket fromto ? 1. Make a survey ,then report before the class. 五、课外拓展 2.practise the dialogue in this unit. 3.sum up what you learned in this unit. 一,表示请求许可和意愿的表达方式: Asking for permission(请求许可): May I go on a trip to Beijing? Yes ,yo

35、u may/No,you may not. Showing Intentions(表达意愿): I want to go to the Great Wall, Lets take a train. 二:询问两地之间距离的方法 板书设计 Talking about distance(谈论距离): How far is it from China to Canada? Its about 8,500 kilometres. 三:数词2010000 四:询问价格: How much for a ticket fromto ? 在复习本单元的内容时,可以让学生用本单元所学的句型编写一段对教学反思 话,对话内容设计到:请求许可,表达意愿,谈论距离,询问价格等本单元涉及到的重点句型


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