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1、cut的用法和辨析 你知道cut的用法吗?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。一刀切下:cut的用法和辨析Jimmy was cutting every link between himself and the robbery.but it had nothing to do with me.I gave Jimmy the tip and he gave me some Christmas money.Goodfellas吉米正在切断自己和抢劫之间的每一个环节.但它与我无关。我给了吉米的提示,他给了我一些圣诞钱。好家伙一、关于cut,你应该知道的用法有adj.1.割下的;割开的B

2、lood poured from the cut vein.血从割开的静脉中流出。2.雕过的Do you fond of fine cut glass?你喜欢彩雕玻璃吗?3.缩减的n.1.切口;伤口 CShe has got a slight cut on the finger with a knife.她的手指被刀切了一个轻微的口子。2.削减 CBig cuts have been made in the prices of medicine.药品的价格已大幅度下降。3.式样;剪裁 UI dont like the cut of his new suit.我不喜欢他这套西装的样式。4.切片

3、CThis is a good lean cut of beef.这是一块上等的牛肉。5.削球 CHe took a cut at the ball but missed.他削球削了个空。v.1.切,割 I,THe cut his face while shaving.他刮胡子时把脸刮破了。2.裁剪 I,TThe tailor cuts with her left hand.这个裁缝用左手裁剪。3.削减 TYou must cut down on sugar to lose weight.你必须少吃糖以减轻体重。4.缩短;剪切;删剪 TThis scene was cut from the f

4、ilm.这场戏在电影里被删掉了。5.停止 TWhy dont you cut out all this nonsense?难道你还不停止所有这些无聊的事?二、词义辨析:还有哪些词表示“切砍”的含义?chop, cut, hack这些动词均有“切、砍”之意。chop指用刀斧连续猛力砍某物,以便砍断、切碎。cut普通用词,使用广泛。指用带刃工具的切、割、砍等的行动。hack指粗暴地乱剪、乱砍、乱劈。三、你知道cut和哪些词更搭吗?crew cutn. 平头 参考例句: My hairs gotten a little too long. I want a crew cut. 我的头发长得太长了。我

5、想剪个小平头。cut across抄近路穿过,对直通过cut awayv.切掉,砍掉,逃走cut backv. 修剪,削减,急忙返回,倒叙cut cornersv. 抄近路 【俗语】偷工减料四,你学会cut的用法了吗?来做个测试吧!The doctor taped up the _ in his hand.医生用绷带包扎了他手上的伤口。关于cut的几种地道用法cut cornerscut it out!cut corners The developer was fined and strongly condemned to cut corners in building the house.A

6、s a young man, you shouldnt always think about how to cut corners in life.My company laid off a lot of employees because of the economic recession, I was given the responsibility not only for production and sales, but also for finance as well.No matter how hard I tried to cut corners, theres still n

7、ot enough time for me to finish my work.cut it out!1.I dont want to hear any of your explanation, just cut it out!2.The kids were fighting and I told them to cut it out.3.Hey, the most beautiful girl I have ever known.Oh, come on, cut it out, just tell me how much you need!4.Dont kill me! Please! I

8、am really short for money these days,just give me a few days, and I promise I will get you what you want.Cut it out! Give me the money now so that I can save a bullet.cut out forcut someone some slackcut to the chasecut out forIm sure hed make a good teacher,he seems to be cut out for the job.My Mom

9、 wanted me to be an musician,but I just wasnt cut out for it .I think they are cut out for each other.cut someone some slackI am sorry, but I didnt realize this is a one way street, could you please cut me some slack, officer?Jim is often late for work these days, but the boss decided to cut him som

10、e slack, because he just went through a divorce.cut to the chaseWhy dont we just cut to the chase, we dont have time to waste.I know your products are of good quality, now lets cut to thechase, what kind of discount can you offer me?中考词汇详解:cut的短语用法1. cut sb sth 为某人切某物。如:Cut me some pineapple.给我切几片菠萝

11、吧。He cut me a slice of bread.他为我切了一块面包。注:该句型也可转换为:Cut some pineapple for me.He cut a slice of bread for me.2. cut sth into sth 把某物切成某物。如:First cut the meat into small pieces.先把肉切成小块。He cut the apple into halves.他把它切成了两半。注:若指分为两半,可说成 cut sth into halves 或 cut sth in half。3. cut down 砍倒。如:They cut dow

12、n the big tree.他们把这棵大树砍倒了。削减,压缩,缩减。如:Expenses ought to be cut down in every way.应该在一切方面减少开支。Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words.你最好能把这篇*压到两千字左右。4. cut in 插入,插话。如:Dont cut in when others are talking.别人说话时别插话。He kept cutting in on our conversation.我们谈话时他老是插话。注:cut in on sth 有时可说成 cut

13、 into sth, 如上面第二句也可说成:He kept cutting into our conversation.插队,超车。如:He cut in at the head of the line.他在队伍的前面插队。The car overtook me and then cut in on me.那辆小车超了我的车,然后插在我前面。5. cut off 切断,隔断,断绝。如:We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。The flood cut the villagers

14、off from the rest of the world.洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。英语语法:短语cut down, cut off的用法45. cut down缩减用法:cut down还在“裁剪衣物”的意思,且cut down可用于被动语态。例句:The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses. (20XX年6月四级)爱德华一家应该削减他们的花销。语法点:“定冠词+姓氏的复数形式”,一般表示一家人。The Edwards是主语, should cut down是谓语, on their living expenses是状语。

15、46. cut off缩减用法:cut off还有“中断,阻断”的意思。例句:The roots of crops are cut off. (20XX年12月六级)庄稼的根被切断了。47. deal in经营,买卖用法:deal in后接名词或者动名词,注意区分与deal with的区别,deal with表示“处理”。例句:The newstore on the Fifth Avenue only deals in womens clothes.第五大街上那家新开的商店只经营女装。48. decide on选定,决定用法:decide on表示“对做出了决定”,其后一般接表示事物的名词。例

16、句:They had a discussion with their parents before deciding on the wedding date.他们在决定婚期之前与双方父母进行了商讨。20191114作业形容词短语:develop into发展成为例句:It takes a long time for small companies to develop into big ones.英语语法:短语cut away, cut out的用法181.cut away切下用法:cut away通常是指切除不想要或者是不必要的部分,away也可以用off或者down代替。例句:He can

17、 cut away the apple peel in one minute.他能在一分钟内把苹果皮去掉。结构分析:He是主语, can cutaway 是谓语,the apple peel 是宾语(the和apple是前置定语),in one minute是时间状语。182.cut out切除,删掉,天生适合用法:cut out也可以表示“裁剪,天生适合”,其后一般接表示物的名词。例句:Im just not cut out to be scientist. (20XX年12月六级)我天生就不适合当一名科学家。183.cut up切碎用法:cut up也可以表示“受伤,难过,不守规矩,抨击,

18、严重毁坏”。例句:She cut up the meat according to the recipe.她按照菜谱先把肉切碎了。184.die away减弱,消失用法:die away在句中通常用作独立的谓语成分,不接宾语。例句:The heartbeat of pregnant women is slowly dying away.孕妇的心跳声在慢慢减弱。20191227作业动词短语:die down逐渐变弱,逐渐降低用法:die down侧重指情绪等抽象事物的消失,与die away的区别是die away侧重指具体的声音,光线等的消失。例句:With the consolation of her friends, her anger graduallydied down.cut的用法和辨析(文库搜索)


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