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1、三年级英语情景剧文档三年级英语情景剧 人物:四个小朋友A,B,C,D 场景:B,C,D三个小朋友到A家里玩,看到墙上挂着有趣的家庭的照片,然后他们想一起去动物园玩,可是A找不到自己的帽子了,BCD帮他找,接着她们去了动物园,看到了很多动物。 BC在路上和D见面打招呼.BC:Hello,人名。D:Hello,Lets go to Mikes home.BCD:Let go.(走两步) B,C,D:做敲门状Hello,Mike。 A:Hello,Welcome to my home. Come in, please! B:看到墙上的照片Wow,how beautiful! A:This is a

2、picture of my family. C:指着照片说Whos that woman? A: Shes my mother. Shes from China. D:Your mother is beautiful. A:Thank you. I love my mother. She is very nice. D:Whos that man?Is he your father? A:Yes, hes my father. C:Where is he from? A: Hes from Canada. He uses a fork and knife . B:But your mother

3、 uses chopsticks. C,D:How funny! C: Whos this boy? Is he your brother? A:Yes, hes my brother. B,C,D:Cool! B:Is she your sisiter? 1 A:Yes,she is. she is 6 years old. BCD: She is so cute! You have a happy family. A:Sure.I love my father(四人一起唱歌曲) A:Home some fruit. B:Thank you!I like grapes. C:Sorry,I

4、dont like grapes.Can you have some bananas? A:Sure,here you are.Do you like oranges? D人名 D:Yes,I do.Thank you. BCD:Hmmmm,yummy! 唱:An apple a day. A:Lets go to the zoo. BCD:OK,Lets go. B:Wow,what a big zoo. C:Look at the giraffe.It so tall. D:It has a long neck. A:Come here ,please. Look at the monkey. BC:Oh, No, Its gorilla. D:It has a fat body. Its black. The monkey is brown.It has a thin body. A:I know.Silly me. Its funny. 一起唱At the zoo. D:抬手看看表Its 11:00. Lets go home. ABC:OK,Bye D:See you! 四人一起鞠躬说Thats all.Thank you! 2


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