上海交通大学第二学期英语讲义详解答案Key to Exercise Three.docx

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1、上海交通大学第二学期英语讲义详解答案Key to Exercise ThreeKey to Exercise Three Section 1. Compound Dictation People leading their own alternative lives are at the crossroads between technology and imagination. It sounds like science (1) fiction but as Lindsay Davis reports these people have taken a head first (2) plu

2、nge 投入;跳进 vi. 突然地下降;投入;陷入;跳进 vt. 使陷入;使投入;使插入) into virtual reality. (adj. 计 虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的 Last year a man named SaL9000 married the love of his life in a (3) ceremony that was streamed live on line. 在互联网上直播。Stream泛指流媒体技术。流媒体实际指的是一种新的媒体传送方式,而非一种新的媒体,是指采用流式传输的方式在Internet播放的媒体格式。 The 27-year-old groom

3、lives in Tokyo, and this is his bride, Nene. She lives inside Nintendo DS video game. Yes, Sal paid real money to marry a virtual woman, but he is not alone. Well, (4) technically he is not. All of the on-line environment is kind of a stage for people to live out (5) alternative lives and stories. W

4、elcome to WeeWorld. Millions offer up their credit cards to create their own avatar in WeeWorld or explore, (6) interact and travel in the virtual world: Second life. An (7) estimated 100 million people, thats more than 1% of the population of the entire world, roll up their sleeves and don their fa

5、rming (8) gear (n. 齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置 vi. 适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作 vt. 开动;搭上齿轮;使适合;使准备好) to manage virtual farms just like this one. There is no more reality in the dollar than there is in a virtual island, than there is in the color of a car. Value is what society makes of it. But according to the researchers at Le

6、eds University in England, (9) living out活在中 fantasies on line互联网幻想 1/can take a toll on 对有害 a persons well being 人的身心健康.1/ People with a high level of dependence from the Internet show have much higher risk of depression. But for some, the fantasy world offers something reality doesnt. What if you

7、live in a small town and youre a girl and you dont have the just so body type. You get ostracized.被排斥在外 ostracize vt. 放逐;排斥;按贝壳流放法放逐. You get marginalized被边缘化. (10) I am not ready to blame 0.5/ that person for trying to have a society and environment 1/ where she can actually get accepted.0.5/ Which

8、 brings us back to Sal9000, he says his avatar wife is better than any human relationship. (11) She doesnt get angry of 0.5/ his late and he doesnt have to talk about his feelings. 1/ Again its all about perceived value.0.5/ Lindsay Davis, ABC News. Section 2 Note-taking Script: Im going to describe

9、 a memory technique called the journey method. It combines the link system and peg methods in a way that makes a very powerful tool for remembering long lists or quite complex information. The key to the journey method is to think of a route路线 that you know very well. It could be your route to work,

10、 or to a relatives house. Then you need to think of the important places, the landmarks 地标 along this route. Examples of landmarks are doors, traffic lights, buildings you pass on the journey, etc. At this stage its a good idea to write the landmarks down on a piece of paper in the order they occur

11、on the route. This makes sure that you have the route and landmarks very clear in your head. Now you are ready to remember your first list. Well start with a simple example. You are using your route to the supermarket as the journey, and you have to remember a shopping list. The first three items on

12、 your list are coffee, milk and tomatoes. The first three landmarks on your journey are the front door, your garden and your car. You visualize形象化 hurriedly drinking a cup of coffee as you open the front door. You go outside and see it has been raining milk, and there is a big puddle of milk in your

13、 garden. Then you get to your car, and the roof is covered with tomatoes. You continue this way, making each image as memorable as possible. Once you have mastered this method, you will find that it is a very flexible灵活的 memory tool. You can have several different journeys, which can be used in eith

14、er direction. You can also add events and landmarks to a route to accommodate调整适应 longer lists of information, and for short lists you can just use part of a route. Section 3. Short Answer Questions: In English the color green is associated with 1) jealousy, which is sometimes jokingly called the gr

15、een-eyed monster. But its no joke when jealousy takes over your life. Researchers are only starting to understand how jealousy can go wrong in the human brain. Mild jealousy is a normal, healthy emotion; its part of what makes us sick. Who hasnt experienced sibling兄弟姐妹 rivalry竞争,对抗 or felt left out

16、when their partner spends time with other people? Feeling jealous 2) helps us value our loved ones and protect our important relationships. But for a small number of us, extreme jealousy can lead to obsessive behavior强迫行为 like stalking纠缠行为. It can also cause depression, destroy relationships and eve

17、n kill morbidly病态地 3) jealous people can become violent or suicidal. Now researchers in Italy believe theyve found the area of the brain responsible for obsessive jealousy, which is called Othellos syndrome, named after the Shakespeare character who kills his wife because of jealousy. The ventromedi

18、al prefrontal cortex is just above the forehead. This is the part of the brain which 4) processes emotions, including thinking about those we love. But crucially, we use this part of the brain to predict scenarios情景,场景 of losing our loved ones, and thinking about how we would feel if that happened.

19、Obsessively jealous people spend too much time dwelling on 细想 these scenarios. For them, losing their relationship starts to seem like the end of the world. Worryingly, the researchers believe that, in some people, 5)this process may become a habit, and jealousy becomes hardwired in the brain. They

20、want to investigate medicines which could help treat people suffering from this devastating condition. ADJ If an ability, approach, or type of activity is hardwired into the brain, it is a basic one and cannot be changed. (能力、方法、活动类型等)基本固定的 Section 4 Listening & Translation 1. Anyone whos been marri

21、ed knows that arguing with your spouse comes with the territory. Those heady, romantic days of courtship have given way to arguing about doing the dishes and taking out the garbage. But, as any marriage counselor will tell you, at least some fighting is a healthy part of a relationship. According to

22、 a study done by researchers at Ohio State University/, though, marital stress has its downside负面,即disadvantage as well. According to the study, the stress that a married couple experiences/ during a typical argument/ can slow the bodys power/ to heal wounds by up to two days. 据研究,一对夫妇/在一个典型的争吵中所经受的

23、压力/,可以抑制身体的力量/导致伤口愈合延缓两天以上。/ 2. Some diseases are contagiouslike colds, flu, and chicken pox. But what about loneliness? Loneliness may not be a disease, at least not in the same way that chicken pox is. But loneliness can be contagious. How so? The same way that many emotions can be infectious. Bei

24、ng around someone whos really happy can put you in a good mood. While hanging around someone whos depressed can be, well, depressing./The same goes for loneliness. /According to one study, the average person feels lonely/ about forty-eight days per year./ Having a lonely friend adds around seventeen

25、 extra days of lonely feelings. 同样的道理,人的许多情绪都是可以传染的。/在一个快乐的人旁边可以让你心情愉快;/然而在一个失落的人旁边会让你感到沮丧。寂寞也是这样的。/一项调查表明,人在一年当中感到孤独的平均时间是48天。/若是有个寂寞的朋友,孤独感会增加17天左右。/ 注:尽量做到把句子听完整,在理解基础上翻译;过程中速记几个关键词,如48, 17+ 即可。 3. England still has a system which its had, really, since the Second World War. Where theoretically e

26、very patient in England is registered with one family doctor, almost always near where they live. If theyre ever sick, if any of the family are sick, they go directly, initially to the family doctor, unless its an emergency, who most cases, I think 80% of cases he can sort out by himself. 如果他们生病了,如果

27、家里任何人病了,/他们首先会直接去看家庭医生/,除非是紧急情况,/在大多数情况下,家庭医生可以解决80%的病症。/ 注:该划线部分较为简单易懂,注意几个关键词 initially, if, unless, sort out 4. The presidents radio and Internet address follows his Thursday speech near Wall Street in New York, in which he argued for new laws to protect consumers and hold financial firms account

28、able. Mr. Obama says it is necessary to end taxpayer bailouts(救助, bail out 安全度过) of private companies and make financial deals more transparent. “That is how we will restore重建,重塑 trust and confidence in our markets. That is how we will help to put an end to the cycles of boom and bust(繁荣到萧条) that we

29、 have seen. And that is how, after two very difficult years, we will not only revive 重振the economy, but help to rebuild重建 it stronger than ever before.” 奥巴马总统每周电台和网络讲话之前,周四,在纽约华尔街附近发表讲话时辩称需要新的法律来保护消费者,使金融公司更有责任感。奥巴马表示,必须终止纳税人对私有公司的救助,应该使金融交易更加透明,这是非常必要的。“只有这样我们才能在市场上重建信任和信心。只有这样我们才能终止我们所见到的经济萧条和繁荣的循

30、环。只有这样,经过艰苦的两年之后,我们的经济才能重生,才能比以往任何时候都更加强大。” 5. Wintry conditions killed at least nine people in Poland over the last week. Meanwhile, heavy rain and melting snow have cause flooding in parts of Croatia and Bosnia. Europeans are taking precautions to survive the cold snap. The German government has urged residents to/ stock up on food and medicines. /Britain is cutting down on its industrial gas use/ to save supplies. 德国*已经敦促居民/ 储备食物和药品/。英国已经关闭工业用天然气/,以节约供应。


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