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1、hurt的用法精讲 今天给大家带来hurt的用法,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。受伤的:hurt的用法精讲That old saying,how you always hurt the one you love? Well,it works both ways.Fight Club俗话说,人们总会伤害 他所爱的人,其实人们也会爱上他所伤害的人。搏击俱乐部一、下面我们来看看hurt有几种含义adj.1.受伤的 injured physicallyIf you dont conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt.如果不遵守交

2、通法规,则可能受伤。2.(心灵等)受到伤害的 upset and offended by sth that sb has said or doneJohn offered an embarrassed, almost hurt expression.约翰的脸上现出一种窘迫以及几乎是自尊心受到伤害的表情。3.受损的 damagedThe local agricultural econmy was hurt by the severe storms last spring.去年春天猛烈的风暴使当地的农业经济严重受损。n.1.(精神上的)创伤 U,C a feeling of unhappiness

3、 because sb has been unkind or unfair to youThe experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt.这段经历给我心灵上留下了严重的创伤。2.(肉体上的)伤;痛 U,C a bodily injury or woundOuch! That hurt even worse!哎唷!这一次更痛了!v.1.使受伤 T to cause physical pain to sb / yourself; to injure sb / yourselfHe was seriously hurt when one of th

4、e lions clawed his back.其中一只狮子抓他的后背,使他严重受伤。2.使心疼;使疼痛 T to feel painful mentallyIt doesnt hurt any more.它不再疼了。3.疼痛 I to feel painfulIt must have hurt like hell.一定是疼痛难忍。4.伤.的感情;使(感情)受到伤害 T be hurting (informal) to feel unhappy or upsetI dont want to hurt your feelings.我不愿意伤你的感情。5.损害,危害 T to have a bad

5、 effect on sb / sthThe ill-balanced, illcooked, hastily eaten food hurt physical fitness.食物分配不平衡,烹饪不到家,吃得匆忙,损害了身体的健康。二、词义辨析:以下单词都能表示“伤害”的意思hurt, injure, wound, harm, damage, disable这些动词均有“损害,伤害”之意。hurt普通用词,较口语化,侧重指给有生命的东西造成机体上或精神、感情上的或轻或重的伤害。injure较hurt正式,多用于有生命的事物。既可指伤害别人的事物。即可指伤害别人的健康、外貌、自尊心、名誉等,又

6、可指使别人受伤或东西受损,同时含有受伤害部分至少暂时丧失功能的意味。wound专指对身体的重伤,尤指在战斗中受的伤,强调外部创伤;也可指精神方面的伤害。harm主要用于有生命的东西,语气略强于injure,指引起严重的痛苦和损伤;有时也用于抽象事物,指造成任何不良后果。damage通常指对无生命物体的损害,并有降低其价值,破坏其功能等的后果。disable强调使伤残。三、最后,做个小测试吧I didnt want to _ his feelings.我并没有想伤害他的感情。Accent,Noise,Sound,Voice的区别accent,noise,sound,voice这组词都可表示“声音

7、”。其区别是:sound的含义较广,指任何可以听到的声音;nose通常指令人不快的、混杂的或有害的噪音”;Voice着重指人的说话或唱歌的声音;accent则多指某人说话的口音”。例如:Sound travels at 1100 feet per second. 声音的传播速度是每秒钟1100英尺。Their washing machine makes a terrible noise。他们的洗衣机发出种令人讨厌的噪音。We could hear voices in the neat roon,我们能听见隔壁房间里的说话声He speaks English with a strong Germ

8、an accent。他说英语带有浓重的德国口音。测试:用 sound, voIce, noise或 accent填空1.Mrs Li speaks with a precise northern _at the precise moment.The _is harsh to the ear.答案: 1.accent noiseABLE和CAPABLE的区别able和capable这两个词都可表示“有能力的”。其区别是:abe侧重于做事的能力”,指超过一般水平的能力;capable侧重于适应性的“能力”,指满足于一般要求的能力。例如He is an able man who you can fa

9、ll back on.他是个能千的人,你可以依靠他What they want to know is whether he is capable of holding thatimportant post.他们想知道的是他是否有能力保住那一重要职位abe只用于褒义;而 capable既可用于褒义,也可用于贬义。例如:He is the ablest man I knou.他是我所认识的最有才干的人Let me introduce a capable doctor to your parents.让我来把这位能干的医生介绍给你的父母。The scandal is capable of the b

10、asest tricks,这个坏蛋什么卑鄙的勾当都干的出来able只用于有生命的入或动物;而 capable既可用于有生命的人或动物,也可用于无生命的事物。例如There are many able students in our institute。我们学校有许多有才能的学生。A PART OF和PART OF的区别Glass, which breaks at a blow, is, nevertheless, capable of with-standing great pressure。玻璃尽管一击就碎,但却能承受很大a part of和part of这两个短语的共同意思是“一部分”。其

11、区别是1、part of强调某物是一个整体不可分割的一部分,可以是一半,也可以是一半以上,还可以是一半以下;a part of仅指整体一半以下的一小部分“或指“一小股”的事物,相当于 a small part of。例如:The greater part of the valley aoas flooded. 大部分山谷被淹没。A part of the books have arrived. 一小部分书已经运到了。2、在用于小说时,part of笼统指其中一部分,而 a part of则有一个章节的意味。例如:He read part of the novel. 他读过这部小说的部分内容He

12、 has only read a part of the novel.他只读过这部小说中的一个章节的内容。测试:用part of或 a part of填空:Once your business becomes international, flying constantly will be_ your life.Only_his story is true.答案: part of a part of的压力。able后接动词不定式;而 capable接“of+动名词”。例如:Owls are able to see in the dark。猫头鹰能在黑暗中看见东西The company was

13、not capable of handling such a large order.公司没有能力处理这样一大宗订货。测试:用able或 capable填空:1、 Most children are_ to walk before they are able to talk.2、 Joan is _of leadership.答案: able capableSLEEPY,ASLEEP,SLEEP的区别sleepy, asleep,sleep这三个词都有睡的意思,但你知道怎么区分它们吗?52yufa带你一起学习一下:sleepy 指人“困倦的或瞌睡的”状态,作表语时,意为“困倦;想睡觉”,作定语时,意为“瞌睡的;寂静的”。She always feels sleepy in class because she stays up late.因为熬夜,她上课总感到困倦。asleep是表语形容词,意为“睡着的”,常用于短语fall asleep,意为“睡着”。Dont wake them up. Theyre asleep. 别吵醒他们,他们睡着了。sleep是动词或名词,意为“睡觉;睡眠”。He didnt sleep well before the exam.考试前他没睡好。hurt的用法精讲(文库搜索)


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