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1、keep的用法和辨析 你知道keep的用法吗?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。词汇精选:keep的用法和辨析一、详细释义:n.生活费,生活必需品 U例句:Its time you got a job and started paying for your keep!你该找份工作, 负担自己的生活费了!【史】要塞;堡垒中最强固的部分,城堡主楼 Cv.(使)保持,处于 I,T例句:My mother still keeps young.我母亲还不见老。例句:You must keep calm in an emergency.在紧急关头要保持镇静。继续,重复(做某事)I例句:The

2、 baby kept crying.婴儿一直哭。例句:The machine kept running.机器一直运转。使耽搁,使延误 T例句:Ill only keep you for a few minutes.我只耽误你几分钟。保有,留着,不退还 T例句:That news will keep.那个消息留待以后再宣布。例句:You may keep it as a souvenir if you like.如果你愿意,就把它留下来作纪念品。(为某人)保留,留下 T例句:The library will keep the book for you till the weekend.图书馆将为

3、你把这本书保留到周末。例句:Please keep this for me until I come back.请为我保管此物,直到我回来。放,存放,贮存(在某处)T例句:I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests.我总保存些好酒用来招待不速之客。经营,开设,管理(商店或餐馆)T例句:They keep a shop.他们经营一家商店。例句:That shop keeps everything you will need.那家店铺出售你所需要的各种东西。抚养;饲养 T例句:He needs more money to keep h

4、is wife and children.他需要更多的钱养活妻子儿女。例句:They kept a big dog to guard the house.他们养了一条大狗守门。(询问或谈论某人的健康)健康状况如何 I例句:How are you keeping?你最近还好吧?(食物)保持不坏 I例句:Youd better finish the ice cream, it wont keep.你最好把冰淇淋吃完,这东西放不得。例句:Will this food keep?这食品能放得住吗?履行;遵守;保守(秘密)T例句:His promise was faithfully kept.他忠实地履

5、行自己的诺言。记下,记录,记载(日记、帐目等)T例句:She often keeps a diary.她常记日记。例句:Keep a record of the books that are borrowed from the library.把从图书馆借来的书作个记录。保护,使免受 T例句:Some paint will keep the wood from damage by water.涂些油漆可使木头免受水的侵蚀。例句:Only pride kept her from bursting into tears.只是由于自尊心她才没有大哭起来。(足球、曲棍球、板球等)守门、把守球门 T整理

6、,料理 T例句:Housewives usually cook meals and keep the house tidy.家庭主妇一般做饭烧菜和整理家务。雇用 T例句:Were you able to keep both the gardeners on?当时你能雇用那两名园丁吗?例句:Many people nowadays keep servants about the house.现在,不少人在家里雇用仆人。庆祝;守(宗教节日等)T例句:She will keep her birthday in a special way.她将以某种特殊方式庆祝生日。例句:Most people ke

7、ep Christmas at home.大多数人在家过圣诞节。【口】居住,逗留 T例句:They kept the child indoors.他们把小孩留在室内。二、词义辨析:keep,retain,reserve,preserve,conserve,withhold这些动词均有“保持,保存”之意。 keep最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。 retain指继续保持。 reserve正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。 preserve主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。 conserve一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。 withhold指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。三、词

8、义辨析:have,hold,own,possess,keep,enjoy这些动词均有“有,具有,持有”之意。 have最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。 hold指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。 own不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。 possess较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。 keep指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。 enjoy指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。四、相关短语:keep an eye

9、on监视,注视,照看,照料keep apart把分开keep away避开,不使靠近keep back留在后面,不前进;阻止;隐瞒;留下keep down1. 隐蔽;隐伏;卧倒;蹲下 2. keep sb down 压制(或限制、控制)某人 keep sth dowm 1. 使保持在低水平;抑制某事物增长 2. 不使(胃中食物)吐出;不呕吐keep goingv. 1.继续(运转、谈话);维持keep in抑制;隐瞒,隐藏;把关在里面,不出去keep offv. 1.(使)不接近;挡住 2.(雨、雪等)没有下 3.避开某一话题 4.禁食keep onv.继续,穿着.不脱keep ones di

10、stancev.保持疏远keep ones eyes open注意,留心,警惕keep ones eyes peeled注意,留心,警惕一、参考例句:Keep quiet!保持安静。Keep a journal.写日记。Prices keep on increasing.价格在不断地上涨。Toddlers keep tumbling over.学步的儿童老是摔跤。They keep a shop.他们经营一家商店。Please keep within hearing.请保持在听得见的距离内。Keep me posted.请经常向我通报情况。Will this food keep?这食品能放得住

11、吗?Keep things professional.请保持专业。Keep the door closed.让门关着吧。动词keep与make的用法总结!一,Keep 用法总结:keep是一个很活跃的动词,它的用法很多,(一)、用作及物动词1. 意为保存;保留;保持;保守。Could you keep these letters for me, please? 你能替我保存这些信吗?Ill keep a seat for you.我给你留个座位。It can help to keep vegetables, fruit and meat for a long time in hot summe

12、r. 在炎热的夏天,它有助于蔬菜、水果和肉类长时间保鲜。Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗?2. 意为照顾;养活等。She kept her sister for a week while her sister was ill.她妹妹有病时,她照看她了一个星期。I have a family to keep.我得养活一家人。3. 意为留下;不必还。You can keep the pen if you like it.你要是喜欢就把钢笔留下吧。Keep the change.不用找零钱了。4. 意为遵守;维护。Everyone must keep the rules.

13、 人人必须遵守规章制度。The teacher is keeping order in class.老师正在课堂上维持秩序。5. 意为售;卖。The shop keeps everything you need.那家商店里出售的东西应有尽有。He keeps everything you will drink.他出售你想喝的各种饮料。6. 意为记(日记、帐等)。She keeps a diary every day.她坚持每天记日记。He keeps exact accounts of the money he spends and a diary of the events of his h

14、olidays.他详细地记载他所花的钱数和假期中所发生的事情。7. 意为使保持某种(状态、位置或动作等)。这时要在keep的宾语后接补足语,构成复合宾语。其中宾语补足语通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词和过去分词等充当。We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.(形容词)我们应保持教室整洁干净。Youd better keep the child away from the fire.(副词)你最好让孩子离火远一点。The bad weather keeps us inside the house.(介词短语)坏天气使我们不能出门。Dont k

15、eep me waiting for long.(现在分词)别让我等太久。The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.(过去分词)班上其他同学都闭着眼睛。(二)、用作连系动词构成系表结构:keep+表语,意为保持,继续(处于某种状态)。其中表语可用形容词、副词、介词短语等充当。You must look after yourself and keep healthy.(形容词)你必须照顾好自己,保持身体健康。Keep off the grass.(副词)请勿践踏草地。Traffic in Britain keeps to the

16、 left.(介词短语)英国的交通是靠左边行驶的。注意:一般情况下,keep后接形容词较为多见。She knew she must keep calm.她知道她必须保持镇静。Please keep silent in class.课堂上请保持安静。(三)、与介词或副词搭配,构成动词短语1.keep away意为(使)离开;(使)不接近,其后常接介词from。Would you keep your dog away from my boy, please? 请把狗拉得离我孩子远点好吗?Keep everybody away from the accident.人人远离事故!2.keep back

17、意为阻止;留在后面。She sat down quietly, but she couldnt keepback her tears.她静静地坐下来,却忍不住流下了眼泪。3.keep together意为在一起;动作协调。Keep together, please.请聚在一起。The eight men kept together during the boat race as though they were one.赛船时,这8个人动作协调,好像一个人似的。4.keep up意为持续;使不低落。The noise kept up all night.噪音整夜持续着。To keep your

18、 strength up, eat well and getenough sleep.为了保持力气,要吃好、睡足。5.keep up with意为跟上;和来往。Im trying my best to keep up with the others in class.我正在设法赶上班里的其他人。Do you still keep up with Tom? 你和汤姆还有联系吗? mind意为把记在心里。The teacher asked us to keep these sentences in mind.老师要我们把这些句子记在心里。二,make的固定搭配:(1) “make

19、+名词 / 代词+形容词或形容词短语”意为“使某人 / 某事”。如:We must make the rivers clean. 我们必须净化河水。The good news made us happy. 这个好消息使我们高兴。We will make our country more and more beautiful. 我们将会使我们的国家越来越美丽。(2) “make+名词 / 代词+省略to的动词不定式”意为“让某人做某事”。如:My parents often make me do some housework. 我父母常让我做一些家务活。They made us laugh. 他

20、们让我们大笑起来。Our teacher make us feel more confident. 我们的老师使我们更加自信。但要注意:此结构在被动语态中,原不带to的动词不定式要变成带to的动词不定式。如:She must be made to comply with the rules.必须让她遵守规则。(3) “make+名词 / 代词+介词短语或名词短语”意为“使某人 / 某物(成为)”。如:We made him monitor.我们让他当我们的班长。We made him captain of our football team.我们推选他作我们足球队队长。(4) “make+名词

21、 / 代词+过去分词短语”表示“使某人 / 某物被”。如:The strange noise made us frightened.奇怪的声音使我们感到恐惧。The good news made us excited.这个好消息使我们兴奋。Can you make yourself understood in English?你能用英语把自己的意思表达清楚吗?(5) “make+it+时间”意为“时间约定在”。如:Lets make it half past two.让我们把时间定在2:30吧。When shall we meet this afternoon?我们今天下午什么时候见面?Wel

22、l, lets make it four oclock. 四点吧。一个KEEP,居然有十几种用法?!然而你只会寥寥几种1. 留下I told the taxi driver to keep the change.我让的士司机不用找零钱了。2. 保管Please keep my suitcase while I leave for a ticket.我去买票时请替我保管一下手提箱。3. 存放You can keep your clothes in the drawer.你可以把衣服放在抽屉里。4. 维护He keeps his car in good condition.他把车保养得很好。5.

23、记载Do you keep a diary?你有写日记的习惯吗?6. 保守Can you keep a secret?你能帮我保守秘密吗?7. 继续Its a long jouney, but we have to keep going.前路漫漫,但我们要继续前行。8. (路线、方向)保持住Traffic in China keeps to the right.在中国车辆靠右侧行驶。9.(食物)持久不坏The food will keep if you put it in the freezer.把食物放在冰箱才不会坏。10. 防止You must keep the little boy fr

24、om hurting himself.你一定要提防那小男孩伤了自己。11. 照顾She kept her sisters children for a week while she was ill.在她姐姐生病的一周时间里她替姐姐照看孩子。12. 交往He is able to keep with his classmates well.他与他的同学交往很融洽。13. 喂养,饲养They keep cattle on their farm.他们在农场上养牛。14. 管理、经营His mother came to keep the shop for him.他妈妈来帮他管理店面。keep的用法和辨析(文库搜索)


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